Speckles: The Tarbosaurus
Speckles: The Tarbosaurus
| 26 January 2012 (USA)
Speckles: The Tarbosaurus Trailers

The story is set 70 million years ago, when dinosaurs ruled the Korean Peninsula the same way they ruled the rest of the earth. Spotty is a curious and playful Tarbosaurus child, and along with his mother and siblings, he lives happily in the forest. One day the cunning One-eye, an older Tyrannosaur looking for a new home, attacks Spotty’s herd and separates Spotty from his family. Alone, he befriends another lost girl Tarbosaur who becomes his friend and constant companion for two decades and the mother of his own children. But Spotty’s troubles with One-eye are not over, and revenge, death, fear, and sadness are all in Spotty’s future―as is happiness and hope.

Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Kyle Schaff As a dinosaur enthusiast, I can comfortably call this movie the Citizen Kane of dinosaur movies. With dynamic characters and a riveting story that seamlessly tied in adult themes (love, death, and revenge) to a children's movie, I can safely call this movie a future classic. Every frame and line of dialogue is pure 24k GOLD. The one-line zingers keeps the audience on the edge of their seat for the entire movie. One of the best movies OF ALL TIME. The movie can be thoroughly enjoyed by a viewing by yourself or with a group of friends. 11/10 would recommend, can't wait for the sequel coming this summer! I will certainly have a showing of this in my college's dinosaur club.
hauntedmyst The animation in this movie is outstanding. Sadly, that is the end of what's good about it. It's told from the point of view of Speckles, the youngest dinosaur in the pack and that is the main problem. They put a tremendous amount of work into creating a incredible graphics, a photo realistic world to depict the violent life of the dinosaurs and then used a anthropomorphized child's voice with horrible dialog that sounds like its from a PBS kids show as the main narration. Imagine watching Jurassic Park with Fifel the Mouse narrating the movie for the first third of the film and you get the picture. Eventually, the voice get older as Speckles get older but the dialog gets no better and the story becomes ridiculous (including showing a Tarbosaurus (similar to a Tyrannosaurus) cliff dive into the ocean). While it's not a documentary, it would have been better served with adult documentary like narration. That change alone would have made this movie more watchable. No narration would have been better and made this movie much more watchable.
satomic Many people will be wondering why I gave this movie a 6/10, many critics are giving this harsh reviews, which this movie doesn't deserve, so I'm here to share to you why I thought this movie was both entertaining, action packed and upsetting at the same time.This move takes place in 80 million year old South Korea, this is were we meet our protagonist Speckles, This is my first complaint why is our hero named Speckles, this shows laziness or even stupidity in the character design and this name is not very intimidating as it is a ferocious meat eating Tarbosaurus, which is a relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, this brought it down a point. Why couldn't they name the dinosaur differently, here are some names you can give him, Lunar scar, moon-fire, Half-moon, are just to name a few.Another complaint I have in this movie, is in both the Narrators, they are boring and uninteresting and the child narrator gets annoying at times, the main narrators voice when the protagonist is an sub adult and so forth is not intimidating, why couldn't they get a deeper narrator voice for the adult part, why not James Earl Jones, that would have been more appropriate for at least the adult segment, so this again brings it down a pointThe final two complaints I have of this movie is that they kill off Blue eyes (Speckles mate) and Incorrect data of the dinosaurs, the second one brings down more points than the first but here is why I did not like them killing Blue eyes, she was a main character, she was Speckles friend for over 20 or so years and his mate and finally she gets her corpse abandoned by Speckles so as to be disgraced by Raptors was the final indignity to this character, half a point off.The second issue takes away the final 1.5 points away, most of the dinosaurs and creatures were not in their proper time lines, for example Velociraptors appear ed 75 million years ago, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Tarbosaurus around 70 million years ago and so forth. another issue is that the dinosaurs were also not in their proper geographical setting, most of the dinosaurs were from North America, Torosaurus, Tyrannosaurus and so forth, even the Asian dinosaurs weren't found in South Korea, Tarbosaurus lived in Northern Mongolia when it lived on planet Earth.I can live with this even though I am a Dino Freak and know more information than most, my reasoning the Disney Movie Dinosaur. This Movie had certain in-corrections, most Hadrosaurs, Raptors, Ceratopsians and Ornithomimosaurs all lived in the Northern Hemisphere, Iguanodontids and Abelisaurs like Carnotaurus lived in the southern Hemisphere and most of the animals in that film lived in different times as well as this films. So why is this film getting hammered for this and not Dinosaur Another thing about the dinosaurs is the looks, especially on the Raptors, is incorrect and foolish, the Raptors look like punk rejects from the 90's what the hell is with that, but how did the other elements of this movie hold up lets find out The Movie had great CGI, and sound effects, the Visuals were astounding and even the eruption scene was done spectacularly and there is two points already, the story was mediocre but great for a movie like this and it has some great character development, especially later in the film, this brought the movie up to 4 points. I have read crap about this movie before hand it is not accurate to what it is portraying, that is true to some point, but yet again these reviewers overlooked a fine detail, that this is a "Movie" and not a documentary, Dinosaur did the same thing and reviewers aren't slamming that down its throat like in this "Movie".The thing that brings this movie up to six is the Characters and the Antagonist One Eye, the characters in this film are fleshed out pretty well and add on to the fight scene between One Eye and Speckles, for example when Speckles family dies due to One Eye starting a stampede to rid himself of his rival and even killing his own mother while he watch gives a sense of remorse to this young Tarbosaurus and builds the suspension to the fight later, even though he fights and even beats One Eye earlier in the film. But know lets go to one eye, and ow my God he is bad ass and ruthless, shown by his killing of Speckles family, he shows his bad ass style a few times in this film the first for me is when he climbs out of the sink hole, the second when he tries to rape Blue eyes or mate whichever you prefer so he can take her away from speckles and finally the underwater fight scene.This is also where I have read crap lately, that the hunting used by One Eye, the boulder to trap an Ankylosaur tail, was to intelligent for this dinosaur, and I would agree if this was a documentary, this is a film and films are not always meant to make sense, even to a well known fact, Dinosaur did it to Alidar the main protagonist and the leaders of the herd of Herbivore dinosaurs which were known to be less intelligent to Therapod or carnivorous dinosaurs period, with a few exceptions.Time to finish off here, this is only opinion based and you can either love this movie of hate it, it is great for the whole family and it gives you some facts about the dinosaurs it is portraying, but for the sake of this movie a remake needs to be made and in this remake make sure Blue Eyes doesn't die, but to Dino fans, new comers to the Dinosaur genre and to people with an open mind I recommend this film
Blueghost It's hard for me to review this movie as it's allegedly a sort of quasi- children's film with some very harsh elements of prehistoric life shown. As such the film has this kind of odd intent of wanting to show how competitive life was during the age of dinosaurs, but at the same time inject a kind of family friendly children's fair to the whole thing.So it is that we see Pangea as seen through the eyes of Speckles, the Tarbosaurus, a breed of Tyrannosaur, as he and his family struggle to survive the the very unforgiving environment of the late Cretaceous period, where supersized hyper-predators hunt and prey off of equally gigantic sauropods. We are spared the bloodshed, but not the hunt and the bite.And this is kind of the odd thing about this movie; all the violence is there, but not the explicit element that makes violence so abhorrent; shedding blood. Which, for a children's film, is a good thing, but one is hard pressed to gauge the violence as the actual attacks and bites are shown, as well as dinosaurs (friendly, non-friendly, and hapless prey) are shown dying, attacking, or being attacked.That's kind of the duel edged nature of a movie like this. The film makers put in the presence of a family, even a romance and the rebuilding of a family to give the film a kind of life that we mere humans can relate to, but the reality of the dinosaur era was that the "monsters" often so referred to by scientists, were, in reality, truly monsters. They were predators that knew only one thing; they needed to kill to eat. when you go to a museum and see the skeletons of creatures of epochs long since gone, we tend to marvel at them from a distance and then put them out of our minds. But if you really thought about those times, and what the behaviors of the creatures that lived back then would have been like, it should make your shiver a little. There was no more violent time to be alive than to be a dinosaur in the mix of a predator prey relationship.So the film is successful in presenting an honest look at dinosaur lives, and doesn't pull too many punches to deliver us a children's tale. The film is, on its own level, a resounding success. But I wonder if it was wise to make such a film in the first place, one where we see dinosaurs killing other dinosaurs. Then again I thin of all the Westerns I saw as a child, and all of the gunfights and all of the actors and stunt-men who played people getting shot in those movies and TV shows, and I think perhaps I'm worrying too much about this film.All in all it's a decent watch. I'm still out to lunch on deciding whether I'd let any of my children watch it. So I guess my best advice to any parent reading this review is to watch the movie yourself first, and then decide whether you think your young one can handle the action in the film.Then again, remember, hey are dinosaurs, creatures that lived a long time ago, and are thankfully gone (mostly anyway).Give it shot, and see what you think.Overall a decent movie.