Sons of the Sea
Sons of the Sea
| 23 December 1939 (USA)
Sons of the Sea Trailers

The head of Dartmouth Training College has been murdered, and his successor, Captain Hyde, suspects that he himself may have been the intended target. He enlists the help of his own son Philip, a reluctant cadet at the college, to help him confirm his suspicions about planned enemy action... but meanwhile, there is a Secret Service agent staying at the college observatory, the foreign-born professor of astronomy is behaving strangely, and Naval Intelligence disclaim any knowledge of what is going on...

Nonureva Really Surprised!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
cynthiahost I just recently received the VHS version of this picture form nostalgia family video.Although the transfer is analog and not very sharp, it is a Good broad cast print.It looks like early Eastman color.Its a medium budget film and an early anti Nazi intrigue film. The word Nazi is never used cause at that time they didn't want to start a war yet. The plot is that the captain of Darmouth naval college has been murdered. The murder was intended for the head of the college, by played Leslie Banks, because he knew of the torpedo, in the bay. He gets aid from his son who wants to quit the military and go into business with with a friend an alleged astronomer visits this college then claims he's a an agent. This was the first and only feature in a early single strip color process called ,Dufeycoulor, which used tiny micro color lenses , rather than dye emolution,. Now this was a probably restored print using Eastman color process. Its hard no notice any grainy look since its printed un sharply on tape. but i bet you if projected on screen the grain would be more noticeable.It was used only for one feature because of the war needs to salvage film stock. Joan bridge,who was a Technicolor associate adviser, was an associate adviser for Dufycolour. My guess ,also, Technicolor, of england, might have bought them out too too
Chris Gaskin Sons of the Sea was screened recently on BBC2 and I was pleased I taped it. This is a rare early British colour movie from 1939.The Captain of the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth is murdered and and his replacement fears he was the intended target. With the help of his son who is at the college, he tries to find out what exactly happened. Also, there is an agent from the Secret Service staying at the college and the professor at the local observatory isn't acting normal either. Strange goings on...This movie was filmed on location at the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth and as a regular holidaymaker in this area at Paignton, I have visited several of the locations filmed in this, including Dartmouth and Kingswear. The railway scenes were shot on what is now the preserved Paignton and Dartmouth Railway. Not a lot has changed since 1939.The cast includes Leslie Banks, Kay Walsh, Cecil Parker and Nigel Stock. Good parts from all.Sons of the Sea is worth a look at if you get the chance. Very enjoyable.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
Marlburian I'm writing this (my first contribution to IMDb) after as long weekend in the locale where the film was shot. Can't say that I recognised Plymouth in the film, nor Brixham (as one or two others claim to have done)but several other settings were familiar, not least the little tower (now sadly dilapidated) where the commander embarks in the boat. The modern telephone directory lists two "Tradesmen's Arms" pubs locally (an inn of than name featured as a backdrop) but I didn't have a chance to check these out.I thought the plot creaked terribly and some of the acting was poor. It wasn't too clear whether the film was set in the war or in peacetime, but I've found out that production was announced in July 1939, with the premiere held the following March, so I guess that the plot was tweaked a bit as production continued, with the patriotic closing shots contributing to some flag-waving. When the enemy spy is finally unveiled he seemed very cheerful considering he would be facing the death penalty
ubercommando An early British colour movie from the 1930's (the only others that spring to mind are The Divorce of Lady X and The Four Feathers) but sadly not as enjoyable as the other two. As has been mentioned, this showcases the Dufaycolour film process and it does good give results; making the 1930's colourful without overpowering the viewer with garish colours (compare with other early Technicolour movies). The shots of lovely Devon countryside are a bonus as well: As a recent visitor to Devon, I was amazed to recognise Dartmouth, Slapton and Brixham in this movie, all of which seems little changed to this day.The plot is plodding and so so. The direction stilted and stiff and the acting is, at times, woeful but this is all balanced by a intriguing look, in colour, of an era long gone.