Sleepless Night
Sleepless Night
NR | 11 May 2012 (USA)

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Vincent, a police officer, and his partner Manuel steal a large amount of cocaine from José Marciano, a ruthless crime lord who is quick to seek revenge, endangering Vincent's life, career and family.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Kruppe EEL I was surprised not to see more reviews for this film so thought I would add my own short one. The film is set in a nightclub, albeit quite an unrealistic one with people bopping to Queen one moment then hardcore techno the next. The action scenes dominate the film and the one set in the kitchens is really superb, a masterpiece in fact. Other than that the films is very watchable albeit quite daft as in real life the club would have been emptied quite quickly with all the violence going on. Also it seems more like a big hotel complex than a night club with the kitchens, casino etc.The lead actor is very charismatic and makes the film so you keep watching despite the silly and unrealistic parts, like the bad guy cop getting his head smashed in and falling off a balcony down a flight of steps then being OK 15 minutes later. Enjoy, I did!
OJT The latter years I've gotten more and more impressed with French action movies. At least those I've come too see here in Norway, and that's quite a few. I would go so far as saying that the French are now the leading action flick makers, and by far has passed both the Americans and the Brits. The French movies I've seen recently is full of action, we'll played and has a great touch of realism, which very often is not the case with the films coming out of Hollywood.This film, "Sleepless night", is about to be remade in Hollywood I understand, and there's really no wonder why. This is action from start to finish, and the best action I've seen since "Headhunters". It's tight, exciting, down right dirty action, and still very realistically told. It's a drug heist gone wrong, exploding into a nightmare. Many of there has been with corrupt cops, which is a great genre in itself amongst these films. I guess it's a great premise that you don't know who you can trust, or rather, like in this. You know who you can't trust. Anyone!We meet a divorced cop getting into trouble after a rather bad decision. He is seen after committing a theft of a load of drugs. As a direct following if this, his beloved teenage son is kidnapped by the gangster missing their drugs. This starts off a nightmare which you really shouldn't miss!A roller coaster of bad decisions and bad people. Filmed in dirty raw, grainy film, stressed music, with hand-held camera, which I've rarely seen more well done. Not annoying, just realistically adding to the nerve of the story. A treat of a film which sucks you up right from the start. I'll keep checking out French action movies!
FilmPulse Sleepless Night, the new French action film written and directed by Frédéric Jardin, combines all the visceral action of a film like Die Hard, with the suspense and urgency of 24. While the film itself doesn't stray too far from the standard action formula, it still manages to take us on fun ride over the course of one crazy night.Shot almost entirely in what appears to be the largest, most labyrinthine night club in the world, Sleepless Night follows Vincent, a cop who ends up on the wrong side of the law, as he attempts to make things right, and save his kidnapped son. Caught between the gangsters that have his child, and the police that are chasing him down, Vincent needs to make his way through the crowded night club and get himself and his son to safety.Although this is not an entirely original concept, the execution of the story is expertly done. Within the first minute of the film, we're thrown into the action, which sets the tone for the rest of the movie. It's fast paced and at times frantic, but does let us catch our breath from time to time. The fact that it also takes place over the course of one night, in one centralized location, also adds to the suspenseful nature of the film. Although the club seems to be enormous, with many back hallways and side rooms, it's also very crowded and feels claustrophobic at times, which helps accentuate the frenzy, along with the ever present thumping of the club's music.Having the entire film take place in this club is an interesting idea, however there are several questions of logic and common sense that are raised. Mainly, the fact that there are numerous gun fights throughout the film, and no one seems to be frightened or call the police. There are also several fights that take place in very public areas, and yet everyone seems to just ignore the fact that men are being killed around them. Personally, if I'm at a club and I hear gunshots, I'm out of there, I don't care if they just started playing that Queen song I love.Logistical problems aside, this is still a fun movie to watch. The fight scenes are very realistic looking and feel very brutal. Instead of going with meticulously choreographed punches and kicks, Jardin decided to go with a more simple approach. The men who are fighting look like there's a purpose to every punch. They are doing it out of necessity, not because it looks flashy. Vincent does everything within his power to fend off his attackers and get to his son. He uses the environment to his advantage, grabbing at anything and everything that will stop the people trying to kill him.Sleepless Night does a lot of borrowing from Die Hard, but still manages to stand on it's own as a top notch action film. With an engaging story, and some excellent fight scenes, this is an easy recommendation for any action fan. It's also been recently announced that this film will be getting an American remake, so it's certainly worth checking out before we ruin it with our own version.Adam
chrichtonsworld This basically sums the whole plot.Now I must admit that I was expecting a father raising hell to rescue his son.In stead they go for a more realistic approach.Well,most of the time.And show a father that is desperate but limited in his actions because of the setting and is thinking about the aftermath.He is trying hard to avoid bloodshed. At times he managed to stay cool when others would have gone ballistic.But then there were moments he lost his cool.This was one of the strong points and at the same time a weak one. The actions of the main character (Tomer Sisly) are a bit uneven to say the least.I found it strange that Tomer remained so calm at times when just seconds before he lost it.Somebody so pumped with adrenalin would feel energized and keep on going.There are some scenes probably there to show the desperation.But to me they were ineffective and slowed the pace down when it needed to kick into high gear.Still we do feel for Tomer Sisly who is in this due to his own actions.But also because of an eager female cop who directly made a bad situation worse.Here is a character who decided to show initiative and then for the most time isn't capable of a simple coherent thought.Not once does she believe what Tomer says to her.At the same time she accepts every word from her superior even when the guy is clearly an ass.It helps to enhance the drama and the plot but I dislike it when within hours a character shows flat or contradicting behaviour.Most characters are a bit one dimensional which is a shame.Since a little depth to them would have increased the tension.One of the villains (Marciano played by Serge Riaboukine) who is very nasty but seems practical and at times even reasonable.But because of the one dimension he remains a cartoon like villain. Even when it is clear that the actor could easily make the character more interesting.On the other hand the focus here does lie on the desperation of a father and adding depth to other characters could have distracted us from that.In the end it does not matter much since Nuit Blance for the most part is a very effective action thriller that will keep you entertained throughout.