| 16 July 2010 (USA)
Skeletons Trailers

In writer-director Nick Whitfield's black indie comedy, a pair of "exorcists" (Ed Gaughan and Andrew Buckley) with the power to rid people of their secrets agree to help a woman (Paprika Steen) whose daughter (Tuppence Middleton) is mute -- and whose husband is missing. Jason Isaacs co-stars as the mysterious Colonel, who seems to be calling the shots from the sidelines of the duo's shadowy enterprise.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
kjruk Finally a modern film that isn't Hollywood and isn't by the numbers or tickboxes. Nobody is killed, no car chases, just two eccentrics with special powers helping people to get rid of their bad memories or skeletons in the cupboard, modern exorcists with humour instead of horror.The two actors are perfect for these two odd and squabbling characters. Two mates that look out for each other but also argue and get on each others nerves sometimes.It's perfectly watchable and enjoyable at all levels, though normally I can't stand that wailing type music which is overused in a lot of films and irrelevant it seems to me. Whereas the Eastern European music was a perfect fit.The only shortcoming I would say is that not enough is explained in the beginning about what they do or the retro equipment they use. Not everybody knows a lot about cleaning bad spirits and older traditional viewers will be a bit lost. The "boss" is kind of shoe-horned into the plot - again without much explanation or background context. We just have to fill in the gaps ourselves.Also the pairing at the end is not a very likely outcome though it is a logical conclusion to the previous events.Whatsisname's review is right - this would make a really good TV series.
mw8421 I was really surprised upon watching this film on the BBC. It was intriguing and highly worth a view. The casting was great, and considering the low budget, the filming was superb and really drew me in. The suspense really builds up in the film and so you really don't know what to expect as the film progresses. I loved the rapport between the two male leads. I think it is one of the best British films I have seen in years. It is a shame that it didn't reach a wider audience, although I guess the humour wouldn't be to everyone's taste. I'm going to recommend it to all my friends to check out. I hope the writer/director makes some more films.
adamk-2 This beautifully unique and idiosyncratic film reminded me of a low-budget Brit version of "Inception", dispensing with the grandiose score, the overblown special effects, the derivative gun fights and car chases and the constant exposition to just strip it down to two guys in suits with briefcases walking around the British countryside and dealing with the same themes of dreams, memory, loyalty and loss. Totally original, it makes no concessions, doesn't explain anything (not, for instance, grinding to a halt every 20 minutes to explain/contradict the plot like, you know, some other film I could mention). You just have to go with it, accept its bizarre internal logic and not over-think things. Nonetheless, one of the most memorable and intriguing films I've seen for a while, with a great cast. Standout for me was Paprika Steen who I thought was SENSATIONAL: earthy, mature and downright sexy. It's a damning indictment of the entertainment industry that she's not better know. Mind you, I could say the same of this film. Be brave: give it a go and surrender to its skewed and surreal charms, because it has charm and imagination a-plenty.
melqart I came across this totally by accident and was very surprised there hadn't been more of a buzz about this great film. Best film I have seen for a long time and it must be one of the best ever British films. Creates a weirdly familiar alternative universe which we accept despite ourselves. Very original. Proof that you don't need a big budget or star names to create an interesting, amusing and very successful film. This deserves to be seen by a large audience. It isn't fast paced but the lack of exposition keeps it rolling along nicely. The acting is excellent and for a first time director this is amazingly well imagined and put together. I'm looking forward to the director's next effort.