The Butcher Boy
The Butcher Boy
R | 03 April 1998 (USA)
The Butcher Boy Trailers

Francie and Joe live the usual playful, fantasy filled childhoods of normal boys. However, with a violent, alcoholic father and a manic depressive, suicidal mother the pressure on Francie to grow up are immense. When Francie's world turns to madness, he tries to counter it with further insanity, with dire consequences.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
billcr12 Neil Jordan co-wrote and directed this hilarious Irish film. A boy growing up in the early 1960's is surrounded by a drunken father, a crazy mother and an assortment of oddballs. With the background of the Cold War, using actual clips of JFK's warning of a nuclear apocalypse, the people of a small Irish village pray to the Virgin Mary for salvation. Meanwhile, the kid has a personal battle with a Mrs. Nugent, who makes his life miserable. Sinead O'Connor appears to him as Our Lady. The story is a rollicking ride with no apologies to its' sometimes sacrilegious world view. As a retired Catholic, I was not offended. Just sit back and be prepared to laugh your ass off.
EVOL666 I'm glad I finally got around to checking out THE BUTCHER BOY - it's one of those sort of films that I've been keeping my eye on for a while, but never managed to pick it up. It turned out to be another strange, cult-like gem that was well worth waiting for.Francie is a troubled kid growing up in working class Ireland in a household where his mother is nuts and his father's a drunk. His one true friend, Joe is all Francie really has, until fate (and Francie's penchant for trouble-making) separate the boys. The rest of the film chronicles Francie's sometimes hilarious, sometimes touching, sometimes disturbing descent into his own madness...A strange films that will run you through the range of emotions - THE BUTCHER BOY is an original film that's hard to compare to any other. I guess I would say it somewhat reminded me of BAD BOY BUBBY (not in "content" - more in how it "effected" me) as like BBB - THE BUTCHER BOY has parts that are funny, witty, dark, sad, disturbing, heartfelt, and much more - all in one film, without feeling like it's being taken overboard. Another BIG plus - is that oftentimes I'm annoyed by child-leads in films - but Francie's character (and actually all the child actors for that matter) were spot-on in this film. My ONLY real gripe is that many of the characters have such a strong Irish accent that I couldn't tell what the hell they were saying half the time - but that's not their fault, I just found it a bit distracting. A truly strange treasure that I highly suggest checking out...9/10
NEtlingit Know anything about mental illness? Related to someone with Unipolar BP or is schizo-affective? Brady speaks to Mary, is unambiguous in sexuality, rides horrendous stress at home and paranoidly blames his troubles on a neighborhood lady. In all his madness and tragedy he still is as entertaining as the moment you meet him. As always the book is a better read but cannot be translated straight onto film. See and read both. A fast ride through childhood hell with a jolly oblivious tour guide. As Brady and his life unwinds you'll miss subtle clues to what's going on and you'll watch again just to catch it all and to take in his manic energy.
CTzen I don't understand how this movie is so unknown by most of the people.Simply put, this is an amazing film. Eamonn Owens' performance is just unbelievable.There are some serious and sensitives themes in this movie (murder, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, child abuse, religion) however it's not a disturbing movie (it has its moments though). The reason for the lack of disturbance in this film is because we're seeing everything from the perspective of a little boy.The Butcher Boy is, for sure, one of the best dark comedies/dramas that I've seen. Highly recommendable.