Six-Gun Gold
Six-Gun Gold
| 08 August 1941 (USA)
Six-Gun Gold Trailers

Three cowboys find that a U.S. Marshal relative is an impostor.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
dougdoepke Rather complex Holt western, with a couple of twists so stay closely tuned. Our trio of heroes are out to find Holt's missing brother and in the process bust up a crooked ring headquartered in town. Whitley, White and Holt make a good RKO version of the Three Mesquiteers—Holt, the hero; Whitley, the tunesmith; and White, comedy relief. In fact, I wish Whitley and the Six-Bar Cowboys had more country tunes. They make a really good musical group. Nothing special here—some good hard riding, flying fists, and fast shooting though nobody much drops as a result. Bad aiming, I guess. Too bad Lassie's first TV mom, Jan Clayton, hasn't much to do except stand around and look pretty, while Fern Emmett makes a personable spinster. Scenery doesn't count for much here. Looks like location was done around the Mormon Rocks northeast of LA. Anyway, it's a decent if unexceptional matinée oater. And, oh yes, I'm keeping my female cat in the house from now on.
classicsoncall A runaway stagecoach opens the story, so Don Cardigan (Tim Holt), Smokey (Ray Whitley), and Whopper (Lee 'Lasses White) interrupt their trip to Placer City momentarily to save Jenny Blanchard (Fern Emmett) from almost certain disaster. In these early Tim Holt Westerns, the cowboy star has an unusually uncanny resemblance to another contemporary, Roy Rogers. So much so that it made me wonder if they ever appeared in a picture together; they could have portrayed brothers without a problem.Perennial baddie LeRoy Mason is the main villain in this outing. His character Reynolds is introduced in the story as the Marshal of Placer City, but Don Cardigan immediately knew he couldn't be - the Marshal was supposed to be Cardigan's brother! Well this points the good guys toward smoking out the heavies led by Reynolds who have been robbing gold from the local stagecoach runs. You know, when I saw those bulky, heavy bags that were supposed to contain all that gold dust, I couldn't imagine that the local miners could have come up with it all, but it looked good for the story.This picture had something I hadn't seen before in a Western. With the good guys holed up in a cabin, the baddies set a wagon loaded with hay on fire and send it crashing into their cabin! Fortunately the locals were rounded up in time to lend a hand to put the outlaw gang away, as Don found brother Brad (Lane Chandler) safe and sound.Tim Holt's sidekicks are put to good use in the story with Whopper providing the comic element and Smokey lending his voice to a few tunes along the way, including the title song about mid-way through. There's a scene right after the stagecoach save where Whopper literally lets Jenny's cat out of the bag, leading to a closing shot of Emma leading her brood of 'striped' kittens out of their home. Notwithstanding a cat's inability to mate with a skunk, it allows Whopper to close the picture exclaiming "Ain't nature grand!"
bkoganbing Trying to go the 3 Mesquiteers, Rangebusters, Rough Riders route in his B westerns at RKO Tim Holt is given two sidekicks in Six Gun Gold, Lee White and Ray Whitley who contributed a song or two.Tim's in the vicinity to visit his brother who's the new US Marshal in the area, but he finds that instead of Lane Chandler he finds perennial western heavy LeRoy Mason masquerading as the marshal. Later on Holt and his companions make the acquaintance of Eddy Waller and daughter Jan Clayton who have a mining claim and along with other miners are systematically being robbed.The news that the marshal ain't who he says he is answers a few questions, but in this 57 minute B western a lot of good plot turns are present, far more than you'll see in a typical shoot 'em up.Tim Holt B westerns are usually pretty good and this one is no exception, in fact I think it's one of his best. Don't let the short running fool you.
revdrcac Tim Holt was one of the most dependable of the B-western stars. His films always featured action, humor and suspense in a finely paced film. This early film entry is no exception. From the solid opening through the climactic shootout, fans will not be disappointed.While the team of Tim Holt and Chito Martin were second to none, Ray Whitley was great in the Holt films he appeared in. His music and comic relief helped take this film to a higher level. Tim Holt , as always, was the believable, determined hero ..... he makes you believe he means business with those six-guns! Watch closely for several intriguing plot twists--- this one will keep you on your toes. This is a darn good western, worth viewing again and again !