The Last Drop
The Last Drop
R | 13 April 2006 (USA)
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Different factions in WWII-era Holland race to find a stash of Nazi gold.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
L P 'The Last Drop' ('TLD', 2006) boasts a decent cast with generally spot-on acting in mostly stereotypical roles. 'TLD' depicts a smaller 'what if' scenario loosely based upon historical events of the failed Operation Market Garden from 'A Bridge Too Far' (1977) that inevitably bring comparisons to 'Kelly's Heroes' (1970), 'The Train' (1964), or even an episode or two from 'Hogan's Heroes' (1965-70) & 'Allo Allo' (1984-91). Not a large battle epic, instead 'TLD' is a film that focuses on the personal dynamics of small groups (both allied & axis) & at times attempts to depict the realities/horrors of war with an awkward blend of humor, action, adventure, & drama that is light on suspense. 'TLD' is based upon an intriguing premise with a decent script supported with a plot & characters that lack serious development. Ultimately, the overall production suffers slightly from a mildly distracting soundtrack & some cookie-cutter character acting that produce a 'Call of Duty: The Movie' aesthetic. The biggest detractors of 'Kelly's Heroes' have been noting some similar faults in that film since 1970. Suspend disbelief & lofty expectations & 'TLD' becomes an entertaining heist/war film. Recommended mostly for die-hard fans of the Heist/WWII genre, Billy Zane, Sean Pertwee & Steve Speirs fans, & less so for the curious WWII genre viewer. Action/adventure film lovers will likely be slightly disappointed. For similar themes consider: 'Operation Amsterdam' (1959); 'Three Kings' (1999); 'Soldier of Orange' (1977); 'Castle Keep' (1969); & 'Saints and Soldiers' (2004). Also consider: 'Two Men Went to War' (2002); 'A Woman at War' (1991); 'The Shop on Main Street' (1965); 'Uprising' (2001); 'Mission to Death' (1966); 'Guns of Navarone' (1961); 'Dambusters' (1955); 'Straight into Darkness' (2005); '13 Rue Madeleine' (1947); 'Back Door to Hell' (1964); 'Bitter Victory' (1958); 'Sahara' (2005); 'The Fallen' (2004); 'Army of Shadows' (1969); 'Resistance' (2003); & 'March or Die' (1977).
wille66 This was like a bad, bad dime novel come to the big screen. What utter crap. It's obvious they did not use a military consultant, or if they did, the producers were taken for a long ride, because there was next to nothing accurate about the portrayal of things military. The inaccuracy list is far too long to go through, but just looking at the American paras, they weren't wearing jump gear, the 101st lt. colonel had a leather flight jacket and a class A officer's cap? Almost to a man the Americans are armed with Thompson submachine guns? The rock music only adds to the schlockiness of this movie, I'm surprised there wasn't a chase scene on skateboards or bmx motorbikes. I think the producers were trying to emulate "Kelly's Heroes" but fell so far short, it's pathetic.
Jonathan Reid Turned it of 3/4 of the way through as the plot was lame and it goes nowhere fast. Some well known actors in there but the plot line was so drawn out it was boring and the greatest actors couldn't save it! The film had a lack of direction and a so-so script to boot. The stunts were OK but the images they portrayed were totally unbelievable. For instance 2 German officers broke through a US checkpoint and got away, then they were targetted by air in a small Jeep which was subsequently bombed from above, not once but twice and this was in a heavily wooded area! You find yourself often thinking AS IF! Wouldn't recommend it, it turned out to be cheesy, lame and totally boring.
reaper1-2 This film was nothing short of dreadful. In all respects. The acting, the score, the CGI, the setting. The only positive thing I find, is the idea. It is a great idea to hash on, especially if you include the German point of view. But all the rest is just terrible. Especially when a German fighter ( that looked an awful lot like an American P-47) chased them across a field. After having seen that hero-moment, I would have thought that the medic would have done something more useful at the flying boat. The less said about Michael Madsen's role the better. Only the bit at the end in the museum made me smile slightly. For the rest, I thought it a complete waste of time.Please do not pay more than a quid or two, or €2,50 or $4 on this title. It is only to show how a film should not be made.