Silent Fall
Silent Fall
R | 28 October 1994 (USA)
Silent Fall Trailers

When an autistic boy witnesses his parents' double murder, controversial therapist Dr. Jake Rainer seeks to probe the child's mind in order to solve the case.

Wordiezett So much average
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
bopdog This movie is not good. But the cast is so good, and so compelling, that the movie is a bit more watchable than it really is. That is, Richard Dreyfuss and Liv Tyler have such charisma, general movie sympathy-vibes, and magnetism that even though they are in a bad movie, it is not totally excruciating to see them on the screen.The movie is one of those thriller jobs where supposedly "real" psychological conditions of some of the characters play a role. As with many movies employing such a theatrical device, the glib Movie-Land behaviors exhibited by the supposed 7 year-old autistic child in the film don't resemble genuine kids afflicted with genuine disabilities so much as the behaviors resemble cartoonish soap-opera conveniences. Viewers could be reminded of Ed Norton's brilliant performance in "The Score," where the actor portrays a character who fakes mental retardation, and then flips back and forth between the fake put-on afflicted behaviors and the real criminal's behaviors throughout the film as part of the film's narrative development. Something about Norton's great work there somehow highlighted most other Movie-Land characters with mental problems as a cheapo Hollywood trick, used as a melodramatic gag when real inspiration has fled. Anyway--- the kid here was annoyingly corny as he did what can only be described as a "stand up" imitation of of a cliche.Overall, great folks in a horrible movie. It happens sometimes. Forgive Dreyfuss and forgive Tyler--- they did go on to do better and much more real roles later on. I gave this a 3 out of 10, because of those two actors and their inherent screen presence. Otherwise, this turkey deserved the lowest possible rating.
gridoon This interesting psychological drama has a compelling first half, thanks to a solid cast (although Linda Hamilton and John Lithgow are wasted in worthless supporting roles) and handsome production. But the explanations become cliched in the second half, and the movie chooses the most predictable resolution available. It's such an obvious finale that (Warning:SPOILER) two of the characters discuss it and consider it in the first five minutes, so we, the viewers, expect something MUCH more unexpected and bizarre to happen at the end. This has its satisfying moments as a low-key drama (and Liv Tyler is astonishingly beautiful), but falls short as a whodunit. (**)
pluto-11 I usually do not take the time to comment on a bad film, but not only do I think this piece is a lame movie which is a waste of time and money - I also regard it as a slap in the face of people afflicted with autism and their families. This film seems to say that autism is something that a little therapy can cure. This is not an example of artistic license: it is an insult to the thousands of sufferers and their families. That bit of folderol aside, the film is still dreadful. The acting is ludicrous and the plot contrived. As for the acting, Liv Tyler can be excused as this was her first attempt and she has improved over time. As for Richard Dreyfuss, he is an intelligent person and has shown fine acting talent in his other works... perhaps at some point he realized how awful this picture was (not to mention ludicrous) and could not put a full measure into the part? Or maybe he needed the cash?
Cynder I had many doubts about viewing this film after all the negative reviews that it was given. But I was intrigued by the story line and I did not want this movie to end. I found it to be filled with suspense, and it sure kept me guessing. And it was a delight to see newcomer Liv Tyler do a great job.I would recommend this film, but then everyone is entitled to their opinion.