PG-13 | 29 July 2009 (USA)
Adam Trailers

Adam, a lonely man with Asperger's Syndrome, develops a relationship with his upstairs neighbor, Beth.

Micitype Pretty Good
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kirpianuscus I admit: as admirer of Hugh Dancy, I am far to be objective. but, honestly, "Adam" is a great film. provocative, delicate, complex story. a friendship real special. a profound vulnerable character who gives to public the map of a special universe of mind. a courageous girl. and the patience, perseverance, bravery to discover, understand and accept the other. this is all. at the first sigh. because it is not a story about an Asperger syndrome case. it is not one of the many dramatic love stories. it is a smart film. about its viewers more than about its characters. a film about passion, refuges, fear, insecure, about social links and about the need to be part of the other . so simple. but this detail does it real, real special.
Melissa I recorded this movie on TV and watched it only weeks later. At first I thought: "all right ,yet another Hollywood movie trying to tackle a "problem" winding up in some corny love drama." Here's where I was wrong...When I first met the character Adam (Hugh Dancy),who's struggling with the Asperger syndrome, I figured he would act according to the stereotype: weird, not sociable and what not.Well, he did but also did much more than that. Once again: I'm glad I was wrong.As the movie progresses and Adam meets his new neighbor Beth (Rose Byrne),they actually develop a relationship. But a relationship is never easy and clearly Max Mayer understands that. They both deal with real life issues like the loss of a loved one or getting fired. On top of that Beth deals with the Asperger of Adam too. It is realistic and romantic at the same time and carries you away for 99 min. of another view on what, until today, remains a taboo.Summarized: I really enjoyed this movie and Hugh Dancy did a marvelous job at putting down this character as believable as possible. Rose Byrne deserves all the credit as well. Together they did a hell of a job and clearly worked as a team. I recommend this movie for pretty much everyone. It doesn't matter if you're looking because it's about autism or because you like romantic movies. This movie will make you watch until the end.I promise.
studioAT I bought 'Adam' on a bit of a whim really. I didn't really know any of the actors involved or much about Aspergers itself so I went into it without any preconceptions.What follows is a strange mix of Drama and Romantic Comedy with the relationship between the two leads being both complex and at times heartwarming. I think the DVD sleeve makes it out to be more of a fluffy Rom-com than what it actually is and the mental illness side is as much a part of it as the lighter moments.I know some people have been negative about the ending but for me it is an ultimately hopeful one that breaks the conventions that we are normally used to in films these days. This isn't a film you can easily put into a genre category but if you stick with it, it is a charming film.
Jackson Booth-Millard I found out about this film through someone, and I was very keen to see it as I knew I may relate to the leading title character, having Aspergers Syndrome myself, and it had a good rating as well. Basically beautiful teacher Beth Buchwald (28 Weeks Later's Rose Byrne) has recently broken up from a boyfriend, and she is moving into a new apartment to work, and hoping to become an author of children's books. She is living next door to good looking but odd neighbour Adam Raki (Ella Enchanted's Hugh Dancy), who has recently had his father die, and what makes him unique, besides being very skilled in electrical engineering and astronomy, is that he lives with Aspergers Syndrome, a form of Autism. The disability he lives with means that he is not completely knowledgeable in all social interaction, he cannot understand sarcasm or irony, he cannot always empathise, and he finds it difficult to communicate and escape into certain situations, so he is very shy and keeps himself to himself. He does however allow Beth to enter his world, and she is fascinated with his innocence, and at the same time she brings with her some family difficulties, such as her accountant father Marty (Sex, Lies, and Videotape's Peter Gallagher) being falsely accused for a crime in court. Adam is devastated to lose his job as an electrical engineer, and he is forced to apply for many jobs that he knows his skills could be used for, and this means that he would have to learn skills and tips for a successful interview. These two situations with Adam and Beth bring them together, obviously there are the tense moments because of his lack of understanding in subjects outside of his comfort zone and world, but they can't help having feelings for each other. A year later, after they have broken up, Adam has got a dream job for himself as an astronomer in an observatory, and explaining facts to the people visiting he has become much more social, while Beth sends him her new children's book to him, inspired by their relationship, whether they get back together is a question. Also starring Carrie's Amy Irving as Rebecca Buchwald, The Silence of the Lambs' Frankie Faison as Harlan, Mark Linn-Baker as Sam Klieber, Haviland Morris as Lyra and Adam LeFevre as Mr. Wardlow. Dancy gives a very convincing performance as the socially disabled man with a difficulty for understand all things, but a good heart, and Byrne is also good as his love interest who can't help but find him a sweet man, and together they make a nice couple. It is a simple story of geek falls for the girl next door, it may seem a little cheesy in small moments, but it definitely convinces you with the difficult relationship, and you do wonder if they genuinely have feelings, or are together because they depend on each other, a likable romantic drama. Worth watching!