The Box
The Box
PG-13 | 04 November 2009 (USA)
The Box Trailers

Norma and Arthur Lewis, a suburban couple with a young child, receive a simple wooden box as a gift, which bears fatal and irrevocable consequences. A mysterious stranger delivers the message that the box promises to bestow upon its owner $1 million with the press of a button. However pressing this button will simultaneously cause the death of another human being somewhere in the world; someone they don't know. With just 24 hours to have the box in their possession, Norma and Arthur find themselves in the cross-hairs of a startling moral dilemma and must face the true nature of their humanity.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
milesgiles1-198-356339 I had to watch DD several times before deciding it wasn't remotely as clever as it obviously thinks it is. With this, I only had to watch it once. You could write reams just on the plot holes. Since everyone knows the concept, I'll just give the one that stands out for me..what happens when all the murders, accidents, suicides etc end up in court, and everyone has the same story of the button in the box? Where does that leave the whole alien/government conspiracy malarkey? This is an example of what happens when you try and throw endless religious allegories at the wall, hoping something will stick.
chris-473-146576 The opening 10 minutes are great. I thought this was going to be a really interesting psychological thriller. It quickly descends into farce, and has undoubtedly the worst plot I've ever seen from a movie. So bad, I recommend you actually watch it. You won't believe your eyes.
susan-317 I love Cameron Diaz and really like James Marsden. But this movie was just wacky. All these weird situations and people which made it very hard to follow - there didn't seem to be any logic.If there is any message to be taken away from this film, I would suggest that it is: Don't do bad stuff.In addition, do not waste your time sitting through this film.
hackirk The Box is the only movie I have ever walked out of a movie theater during. I ended up watching and finishing it a few months later, and I regretted it. The ending did not at all match up to even the genre I was expecting for the ending. The trailer showed an entirely different movie than what I watched, and I was not pleased with the new plot lines and completely unexpected direction of the movie (not in a good way). I feel like the ending did not match the first half of the movie.