Shark Hunter
Shark Hunter
PG | 01 October 2001 (USA)
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The Megalodon shark. A prehistoric killing machine 60 feet long, flashing 200 pounds of teeth and weighing over 20 tons. It's the deadliest predator the world has ever seen. The scientists say it's been extinct for more than 10,000 years. The scientists are wrong. In the darkness of the deep, an underwater research station has been viciously destroyed. Now a tough team of daring divers led by Spencer Northcutt [Antonio Sabato Jr. "Melrose Place"] is taking an experimental sub to war. It's killer instinct vs. sophisticated technology, deadly jaws vs. harpoon-tipped torpedoes, mega-shark vs. modern man is a thrilling extreme deep sea fight to the death.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
TheLittleSongbird Compared to other shark/creature movies I've seen over the past few weeks, Shark Hunter is surprisingly not bad. It is nothing great though, with an awful script which is full of stilted and cheesy lines, parts where editing lacks focus, sluggish pacing, a hammy performance from Antonio Sabbato and a story which while good in concept and having some decent moments is overly-silly. However, the underwater sequences are surprisingly well-shot with CGI that is not as cheap as it could have been, scenes that actually do have more suspense and tension and less predictability such as the ending the shark is adequately menacing(already an improvement on the sharks from the SyFy creature movies and the last two Jaws sequels) and Grand L.Bush is decent and likable.Overall, not a great movie, but watchable especially compared to what it could have been. 5/10 Bethany Cox
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain A film that ends the way events like this probably would. Unfortunately, only a movie this low-budget, could afford to do so. The film has such a dry and lifeless look to it. Mostly because of the almost single setting. Submarine bases aren't that interesting with all their greys and blacks. In terms of effects the darkness helps out a lot. We usually get a silhouetted shark and just a section of its face lit up. This emphasizes the sheer scale of the shark, even if we don't get to appreciate it in all its menace. The movie also started off rather cleverly, with old home movies. This is probably the best way to build emotional connections with such a lackluster cast. It helps that they weren't talking. It's all down hill from there. Hokey dialog, boring and pompous "WE'RE SCIENTISTS DAMNIT!" speeches, emotionless relationships, and sheer boredom all follow. Much better films out there, with its biggest crime being, it just wasn't bad enough.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Now out of all the shark movies I've seen, this one takes the cake! The plot of the movie was good, but the excitement factor sort of took a nosedive afterwards. Antonio Sobato, Jr. does an excellent role as a son who seeks the shark who killed his father. A megaldon is one of the biggest sharks of all and the most dangerous one as well. The view of the shark was indeed scary in some angles, but the effects were a blur, and the scenes were a little weak in some places. With the mini-sub's weapons there, that would take out a whole school of sharks there. It was great that the son would get the exact revenge on that monstrosity, although it would indeed cost him his life as well. Like they say revenge has it's price, but was it worth it? That answer could go on and on, and this movie was a major letdown. The beginning was fine, and at the end, it went like the Titanic. 1 OUT OF 5 STARS!
chief8888 this is one of the worst movies ever There is a scene where they are supposed to be underwater and they are literally walking on land and they added bubbles! The shark is boring and is just this big slow computer generated silly thing. Antonio Sabato is horrible, I mean even worse than normal. How does this guy work? The directing is the worst and there is nothing redeemable in the entire films. I love shark movies and this one just disappoints. I've seen this studios movies before and everything they do has some star on their way down doing bad work. I'd rather see an unknown actor who cares about making a good story.
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