Shark Exorcist
Shark Exorcist
| 14 August 2015 (USA)
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A demonic nun unleashes HOLY HELL when she summons the devil to possess a MAN-EATING SHARK!!

Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Morgan Tom in the past long ago, i took a recording class in middle school and every "short film" that was made was more comprehensible than this. disregarding the quality, there's literally no story or plot in this movie. it's not even a movie. if you're buying it, you're buying it for the cover. more effort was put into the cover on the case for the movie than the actual movie, by far, as it's actually sort of not terrible, kind of. this piece of garbage was probably filmed in less than three hours. if any of the actors got paid, they're geniuses, because this took absolutely no effort or labor from them, except for the man who ran for five minutes of the movie without any cuts. he was literally just running for five minutes straight. why? i don't know. nothing in the movie is explained or clear in the slightest. the effects are horrendous. acting? horrendous. the individual shots? horrendous. i'd rather watch birdemic, and that's really saying a lot.
John Naylor I was not expecting much from this. The title says it all. I did hope it would contain some humour or charm though. It fails on those counts and it fails as a movie too.The plot would struggle to fill up ten minutes of screen time if the director had not put in a lot of long lingering shots. I accept that a lot of men like looking at a woman in a bikini but that scene seemed to go on for an hour. The CGI shark is poorly done and as the budget did not allow it to interact with any character it just never did feel like a threat.The acting was poor in places and over-dramatic. The music was often distracting and spoiled at least one scene. Certain scenes seemed to have no relevance to the plot (such as it was) too. If you are a fan of bad movies then go ahead and watch this. You will probably be disappointed. I know I was.
azura-16866 So OK if you like shark films then this film will be a film you might like. It is just like it has been filmed at home and some of the scenes are just silly and so unrealistic. It is almost so bad it is funny and more like a comedy then a film. The shark is also so bad it's funny you don't see the shark attack anyone it just cuts to the shark then to the person who is covered in very bad fake blood it looks like tomato sauce. The acting I thought was bad as well and again like they were acting out a school play and not a movie will not be watching this film again. It is a bit like a really rubbish jaws meets final destination so yes I would not see this film again
Leofwine_draca SHARK EXORCIST is another bandwagon-jumping monster flick. It seems B-movie film-makers these days have realised that anything involving a shark sells well, so you get films about robot sharks, giant sharks, ghost sharks, you name it. The premise for this one is quite literally JAWS meets THE EXORCIST, but if you're looking for a genuine B-movie then you've come to the wrong place.This is a homemade movie, and the most expensive thing about the film is the camera - this admittedly looks great in high definition. It's unfortunate, then, that's there's no real film or story here, just a bunch of scenes involving young women wandering around in bikinis and showing off their tanned bodies. The action plot incidents that make up the story occupy about five minutes of screen time tops and the rest is just padding.There's no nudity or gore, so this really does fail as an exploitation movie. The shark scenes involve just a few snippets of CGI which is neither here nor there. Unsurprisingly the acting from the young female cast is dreadful and quite embarrassing for the viewer to sit through. The nadir of the film is when the characters attend a fairground and wander around for ten minutes doing nothing. And once the credits roll you get not one but two tacked-on scenes of more aimless wandering just to pad out the running time. SHARK EXORCIST is a film that makes SHARKNADO look like CITIZEN KANE.
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