Shadows in the Sun
Shadows in the Sun
NR | 12 May 2005 (USA)
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An aspiring young writer tracks a literary titan suffering from writers block to his refuge in rural Italy and learns about life and love from the irascible genius and his daughters.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
solism Certain films gather a collection of excellent marks such a beautiful cinematography, acting chemistry, simple and beautiful portrait of relationships, and a certain knack to make the film utterly enjoyable, such is the case with "Shadows in The Sun".The true mark of an excellent film is how you feel when you finish viewing it, and how do you fell about seeing it again!, not what the critics think or write about it, so in effect each films has its true value to each individual in itself, a larger acceptance leads to greater reputation, nevertheless to me it's the whole perception to your personal experience. Incidentally, I thought the director did a great job of selecting the sequences, editing was excellent as well, the actors were well within their range, it was so smooth!.To me this film is a "10", don't miss it!
kefinka Some people reviewed this movie as too simple, too predictable. I must admit - I initially decided to watch it only for Joshua Jackson (I also thought it would not be more than 5/10). But I was very surprised. Personally, I love the feeling when you're going to watch a movie you know very little about and don't expect much from and then, halfway through it, you know you've found a little jewel. Not too shiny, not too loud, just a simple, elegant masterpiece. This is how I felt watching this film. Yes, it's a bit predictable but that doesn't change the fact that thoughts in the script are beautiful and universally true, the acting is easy and unforced and the scenery is breathtaking. The time passes very slowly and you get the feeling you're on vacation in Tuscany along with he characters, just sitting on a bench or taking a stroll through the fields... If you're a fan of Ridley Scott's Good Year, I'm sure you're going to love this movie as much as I did. Bon voyage!
Burla-khatun well, what can I has been a while since I watched a movie so distasteful it makes you cringe. I was thinking that Harvey Keitel could mean quality, but i guess i was mistaken (the acting was OK though, its the plot and the dialogues that are the killers). The latter sounded like they were intended for the 5 year olds, some supposedly genial and beautiful phrases seemed to have been extracted from really cheap and cheesy novels. I also expected to see some beautiful Italian sceneries like in "Under the Tuscan sun" - well, there are some, but definitely not enough to substitute for the lack of everything else. So, in a nutshell, if you want to see a beautiful movie - don't watch it, if you want to hear witty conversations - don't watch it, if you are in for a romantic story - there's hardly any. I really can't think of a reason why anyone would enjoy watching this film because its a complete time waster.
gradyharp Tuscany is like a magnet for sentimental Americans: the landscape, the people, the appreciation of life emanates from the sunscapes and offers a paradise to world-weary viewers. And so it is that Tuscany is the true star of this little romantic film. Yet writer/director Brad Mirman clearly knows how to script and move a story that, while predictable, still carries us along with wonderful characters from a fine cast.Jeremy (Joshua Jackson) works for a publishing house in New York and is sent to Tuscany to coerce famous novelist Weldon Parish (Harvey Keitel) into ending his 20-year moratorium and write a new, 'bound to be best seller' novel. Parish has not written since he lost his beloved wife, becoming instead a rascal who spends his days basking in the lazy sun with his best friends the priest Father Moretti (Giancarlo Giannini), hotelier Gustavo (Armando Pucci) and his squeeze Amalia (Valeria Cavalli). He lives with his daughter Isabella (Claire Forlani) and is visited often by his other daughters Dinnie (Silvia De Santis) and Maura (Bianca Guaccero), each of whom hopes that their father will return to writing. Upon Jeremy's arrival he finds that everyone in the village is protective of Parish and when he finally meets the silent author, he discovers a man who loathes editors, publishers, press, and anyone else who wants him to start writing again. Gradually Jeremy and Parish begin to break down barriers: Jeremy admits that he longs to be a writer but fears failure and Parish admits that his silence at the typewriter is due to a similar fear. Jeremy falls in love with Isabella, becomes a part of Parish's drinking trio, undergoes some lessons in life .... and the ending is obvious from the start! Harvey Keitel gives a moving performance as the gritty but passionate writer, Joshua Jackson makes Jeremy a believably transitioned man, and the supporting cast is consistently excellent. It really doesn't matter that we know from the beginning just how things will turn out: it is the getting there that is the pleasure of this light but touching film. The only significant problems are in the editing: there appear to be stops and starts as though this were made for television with places for commercials. But other than that this is a film that only asks that we relax, nod recognition, and enjoy the theme of the importance of honesty and the quality of life available if we follow our dreams. Grady Harp
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