Servants of Twilight
Servants of Twilight
R | 01 May 1991 (USA)
Servants of Twilight Trailers

Based on the novel by Dean R. Koontz, this action packed thriller features Bruce Greenwood as a private detective hired to protect a little boy from a fanatical religious cult that believe he is the antichrist fortold in the book of Revelations.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
BA_Harrison Given horror author Dean R. Koontz's incredible success, I'm baffled at just how few of his many novels have been adapted for the screen (especially considering the popularity of the horror/thriller genre as a whole). Servants of Twilight proves that, in the right hands, Koontz's work can be almost as compelling to watch as it is to read.Bruce Greenwood stars as Charlie Harrison, a tough private eye hired by single mother Christine Scavello (Belinda Bauer) to protect her son Joey (Jarrett Lennon) from a fanatical religious cult who believe the boy to be the AntiChrist. A game of cat and mouse ensues, with Charlie, Christine and Joey unable to trust anyone, danger lurking around every corner.Even though his budgetary limitations are obvious in the picture and sound quality, and the lack of any real stars, director Jeffery Obrow manages to wring quite a lot of tension out of Koontz's economical tale. The film might be a simple series of fight or flight encounters with the cultists, saddled with a predictable ending, but there is no shortage of excitement to be had along the way. A more appealing child actor (Lennon bears a striking resemblance to Dobby the house elf) and some gore (decapitated dog?) would have been welcome, but even as it stands Servants of Twilight is a more than serviceable chiller.
Petie3-2 Read the book; watched the movie. The changed ending moved the category from psychological drama to horror by changing the character of the boy, but that was probably intentional. Production values were poor, sound and music likewise below par. This could have been another Indiana Jones with some more effort and money. Strongly suggest a remake; the story is good enough. I give it a 5/10 for entertainment value.
staisil2 This movie was not scary, but it was good. It was sometimes suspenseful, and it surprised you along the way. It looked like a cheap knock off of 'The Omen," but it was different. The ending was surprising, and this movie gets a 7 out of 10.
Krinda I thought the kid, Joey Scavello (Jarrett Lennon) was adorable! He was so natural, and it was hard to believe what would happen at the end; surely he's not like that in REAL life, right? Anyway, he helped make this believable, I think. I thought the mother was really dry, and not believable as his mother, or ANYONE'S mother. I also think the movie didn't hold up to Koontz's book whatsoever, which is too bad -- it felt very much as if a whole bunch of editing had been done much, much later and that it ended up HAVING to be a flashback movie instead of the way it was probably originally done.