The Thirteenth Tale
The Thirteenth Tale
| 30 December 2013 (USA)
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Biographer Margaret Lea travels to the isolated rural mansion of the famous writer Vida Winter, who asks her to write her biography. Although initially she is reluctant, as Vida is known for constantly distorting the facts of her life, Margaret soon becomes fascinated with the story of a dark childhood, a disturbing tale that leads her to finally confront the traumas of her own past.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
plutus1947 It seems lately that every time I turn on my TV I see either David Tennant or Olivia Colman. I am certainly not complaining though.If you watch The Thirteenth Tale you will certainly need your wits about you to follow this wonderfully written plot with all it's many twists and turns.I doubt you will be able to fully fathom it out until virtually the final scenes.Olivia Colman who played Margaret Lea was her usual impeccable self and Vanessa Redgrave (Vida Winter) never puts in anything less than a perfect performance.I feel a special mention must be made about Madeleine Power who played both parts as young Adeline and young Emmeline, Her performances were immaculate and I am sure we will see a lot more of her.SPOILER BEGINS I am not going to give too much away about this TV Movie because you will have to work it out for yourself, but the story begins with Margaret, a professional biographer being engaged by Vida to write her autobiography. Vida is dying of pancreatic cancer.SPOILER ENDS I have given this production a 10 rating because I feel it rates alongside the tremendous whodunit Broadchurch', which incidentally also starred Olivia Colman.If you have the patience to sit down and watch The Thirteenth Tale uninterrupted I am sure you will not regret it.I would be interested to know how long it takes you to work it out. In my case I solved it just before the full facts were revealed.Just a little piece of useless information. Both Vanessa Redgrave and Olivia Colman were born on the same date, 30th January, but of course in different years.
paul2001sw-1 'The Thirteenth Tale', a new BBC drama, tells the story of madness in an upper class family. There's a twist in the tale, but finding a way to convey it critically maims the dramatic structure: the story is told, entirely in hindsight, in a way that kills engagement, promoting the mundane story of the telling into the foreground over the potentially more interesting story that's actually being told. One can also note that this is the sort of tale where, however neglected or crazy its young protagonists are supposed to be, they never fail to look anything but ravishing. I found it psychologically unconvincing and essentially dull.
robert-temple-1 This moody and mysterious drama based upon a novel by Diane Setterfield (who looks very like Olivia Colman), brilliantly adapted by Christopher Hampton, was shown on December 30, 2013, and was a real success. The direction, acting, cinematography, art direction, and every aspect of the production were splendid. As always happens when Vanessa Redgrave is involved in something, we are all mesmerised by her every look, especially those when she stares into the void and remembers things. In this film, she spends her entire time lying down because she is dying of pancreatic cancer. Despite that, she dominates the action and it is impossible not to fall under her spell. And when did anybody not fall under her spell? The intensity, the dreaminess, the abstract gazes into the beyond (as if she could see something which we cannot see, which is of course always really the case) are all there. And the person who has to counterbalance all this is Olivia Colman, also superb as usual, this time as an introverted and somewhat sulky woman with her own unresolved issues. Redgrave plays a famous popular novelist, and author of a best-selling book called THIRTEEN TALES, which notoriously only contained 12 tales. So everybody has always wanted to know what was the 13th tale which she suppressed and never told. As death approaches, she feels compelled to tell that tale at last, which is the true story of her early life. Redgrave lives in a huge ornate country house full of rare books and beautiful objects. She summons Olivia Colman, a younger and little-known writer, to stay with her and for a very handsome fee to become her biographer. Colman is doubtful and on the verge of being hostile and resentful. She always dresses like someone going camping in the woods and clearly carries the burden of some deep wound. Will she too reveal her own 13th tale? Thus the two women progress with their mutual revelations, all of which are desperately disturbing and infinitely sad. Not for a moment are we bored, as the story unfolds in such a dramatic manner, with many flashbacks. The director James Kent has done a magnificent job of making all of this work. Colman asks Redgrave, suspiciously, why she chose her to write her biography, and Redgrave mysteriously says it is not because of Colman's biography of the Brontes, which she 'would not dream of reading', but because of an article she once wrote about twins. This unsettles Colman, who drops the subject. Colman tells Redgrave that she, Redgrave, has always lied about herself and has told numerous versions of her life, all of which appear to be untrue. Having written under the name of Vilda Winter, a pseudonym, no one has ever known her real name, so Colman demands to be told it. Redgrave says her real name is Adeline March and that she grew up in a large country house 'about five miles from here" on the Yorkshire moors, called Angelfield. She said it burnt down when she was 17. It is what happened between her birth and the age of 17 that is then shockingly revealed, layer upon layer upon layer. It is all so very gripping and strange that we are on the edges of our seats as we watch the tale unfold in all its Gothic complexity. It involves incest, madness, impersonation, and murder. Even in 'telling the truth', Redgrave is not really doing so, because a further layer of the real truth emerges towards the end of the film. But the first version of the truth is that Redgrave was a twin, with an identical twin sister named Emmeline, who died long ago. In the flashbacks, we see the red-haired twins as children, both apparently played by the same child actress, Madeleine Power, who is extremely talented and acts very passionately. They loll around the huge house entirely unsupervised and uneducated, their parents being the brother and sister who live incestuously in the house but rarely come out of their bedroom except to look increasingly demented and exhausted from constant sex (well played by Emily Beecham and Michael Jibson). A mysterious murder takes place in the house, which is blamed on the mother, who is then taken away permanently to an insane asylum. The true murderer is revealed later. Then we move forward in time and the twins are 17. These both appear to be played by the actress Sophie Turner, though the IMDb cast list says she only plays Adeline. I confess myself at a loss to figure out the casting here. Whether Power plays one, two, or three girls (yes, we eventually learn that there are three rather than two), I cannot say, but whatever is the answer, she is extremely good at it and has the correct eerie but beautiful look, especially when she, like Redgrave, gazes into space. Then we discover that Emmeline is really still alive but is also dying, and Colman sees her digging frantically in the earth with her bare hands saying: 'Dead go underground.' Her face is heavily scarred from the fire at the old house. Meanwhile Colman explores the ruined house nearby, half destroyed by the old fire (an amazing true location, wonder where it was), and meets a strange man who sleeps in the ruin sometimes. Later she discovers who he is and why he is there. Things get 'mysteriouser and mysteriouser' as the saying goes. As the real truth comes out about the twins, Colman becomes emotional and bursts into tears and tells her own story, how she feels guilty for having indirectly caused the accidental death of her own twin. Redgrave drolly tells her: 'Feeling guilty doesn't do anybody any good,' but holds her as she sobs. I don't wish to ruin things by telling more of the bizarre tale, but it is surprising, hair-raising and highly melodramatic. This is a really gripping and excellent film.
michael-penn777 AN adaptation of the bestselling Gothic novel The Thirteenth Tale which was filmed in North Yorkshire is being screened tonight.Scenes for the production, adapted for the small screen by Oscar-winning screenwriter Christopher Hampton and starring Vanessa Redgrave and Olivia Colman, were filmed at Duncombe Park in the summer.The story follows ageing novelist Vida Winter (Redgrave), who enlists a young writer to finally tell the story of her life including her mysterious childhood spent in Angelfield House, which burned to the ground when she was a teenager.Superb location. I wish there were more films like this.Highly recommended viewing.10 out of 10