PG-13 | 10 July 2015 (USA)
Self/less Trailers

An extremely wealthy elderly man dying from cancer undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness to the body of a healthy young man but everything may not be as good as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body's origins and the secret organization that will kill to keep its secrets.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
konporer All logic or reality is thrown out of the window when a widow and child have the hope of getting their husband back, a ruthless tycoon self made millionaire suddenly changed to this typical hollywood hero and decidedly to go the unreasonable and totally illogical way of murdering at least 30+ people to save one man, who himself already made the choice to die?,, ??? LOL? Though of course based on how the movie led to he general audience to invest their emotions in, it's totally justified, yeah, it might be true also if it's for some random low IQ military brute misguided by pules of emotions, or a husband that places his wife and daughter above anything else like the owner of the original body is, but this new millionaire? for what? There's even this hilarious scene that made me cringe literally to endless, when the protagonist is murdering everybody in this, probabaly the lab where the biggest and highest scientific biological achievement ever in human history is done, a mechanic came up raising his hand saying "im just the mechanic", and our protagonists "mercifully" let him go... LOL? so how about the guards? isn't he just some hired gun? if every human life is equal that you're willing to sacrifice this greatest human biological achievement and its top scientists for one USA marine, how about you spare the equal life of other merely hired guns, guards, anyone else after you nullified their resistance or taking their guns?Not even to mention the philosophical debate and potential of depth wasted in this brainless story, if you're satisfied with another hollywood brainless one man murdering everyone just in another kind of random settings, oh but he's on the right side saving this other random guy/helpless mom or daughter you cared more because of the 5 min of time the movied forced you to remember their names thus emotions invested in, you've found the right one to watch, but why even this one, the fighting and car chasings are short and average at best,, just like the whole movie is. An average time waster.
Miracles Happen The fear of death is one of the primordial fears of humans and for some, it is the most frightening. This movie deals with the reality of life: it doesn't last forever! I totally enjoyed the profundity of this movie and Ben Kingsley's interpretation of the main character is impeccable. Finally a real science fiction movie and not the usual action story packed with impressive CGI. If you, like me, enjoy true science fiction movies, this is a must watch!
taxiservice When I read the summary of what this film was about I wasn't too sure this was going to be either my cup of tea, so to speak, or amount to much... how wrong I was! You might think Ryan Reynolds wan't the best choice for the main role of this film.... I disagree - he pulled it off in fine style. There are a few actors who mainly play comedic roles who are actually pretty damn good actors, wasted a lot of the time in the roles in which they end up and Ryan Reynolds is one of those. In the films in which he has played more solid roles, in the main, he has made some very watchable stuff. Sadly, there isn't enough of it... anyway, on to this film in particular.The story-line is certainly one I haven't come across before and as a film buff, I have seen a lot of films, so that is a plus! Matthew Goode was brilliantly creepy as the baddie and did a great job of his role as always. (Why does the baddie always have to be English in American made films? Rather a stereotype! One star off for this, sorry.) The equally wonderful Victor Garber and Ben Kingsley hammed up the business mogul role to a T - love them both. I haven't come across Natalie Martinez much, but she was solid, too as the forlorn wife/widow/mother and Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen will surely be one to look out for in the future if her performance in this film is anything to go by. The film moved at a nice pace with plenty of twists to keep you on your seat. It wasn't predictable and you were never quite sure of the end result until you found it out. I like films like that - so many are predictable and you just sit there waiting for the inevitable end scene... it just depends on how long the film is as to how many interim scenes you get beforehand - I am sure you know what I mean! There was plenty of action in this film to satisfy fans who love that stuff. BUT, what was particularly appealing to me was that it made me think... and quite hard, too. There were some tough moral concepts in this film to get your head around and the solutions not at all clear cut. What would you do if put in such a situation? Hmmm... So, all in all, I would recommend this film as a really good watch, but probably not after you've had a few pints or similar, as you won't get it beyond a certain level of mental fuzziness. Very definitely, this is an underrated film and I sincerely hope that it is one that becomes cult viewing in a few years, because it deserves to be.
Kareneo This film was great! The perfect blend of tension/action/thriller/science fiction and romance! How is it that some of these excellent films remain relatively unknown? The casting and the performances are actually perfect, not always common in film, and the story never wastes your time on boring-ness, superfluous crapola or violence that serves no expositional purpose. Soundtrack is awesome, sets and locations are gorgeous, and the little kid? Wow! Where did they find her? I loved every beat of this film, including the soundtrack. Well done to all involved. (o: