Approaching the Unknown
Approaching the Unknown
R | 03 June 2016 (USA)
Approaching the Unknown Trailers

Captain William Stanaforth is on a one-way solo mission to take the first steps in colonising Mars. Like all pioneers throughout history, Stanaforth will face insurmountable odds and life and death decisions as he rockets bravely through space.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
messie-54717 It tries to be philosophical, but falls short with unoriginal ideas and an overly melancholic monologue throughout the movie.It tries to showcase intense emotional and existential themes as seen well done in "Moon", but fails to achieve this between bad writing, bad directing and on some parts really bad acting. (I'm looking at you Luke Wilson)Lastly.. It tries to base the whole premise on a scientific breakthrough, yet none of the actual elements of science seem at all plausible or sane in the context of a mission to mars.I mean, disregarding the heaps of uninformative science-lingo, the fact that they are sending one man, alone, with what seems to be a basically unverified method of producing water, letting him work on it IN FLIGHT, and expecting him to (once again, ALONE!) start a Martian colony... is just a maddeningly non-scientific way of doing it.And what's the deal with his name... Stanaforth?! That's where you tried to be original?!
blu-b One of my biggest regrets in life is that I didn't read the reviews until after having watched it. Besides the hard to ignore tech goofs, there is no story whatsoever. Literally nothing happens. And I mean nothing. From beginning to end the plot is flat.Don't watch this if you prefer an intriguing storyline. Or any story for that. Also don't watch it if you have any knowledge of space, basic survival or plain common sense.
wendy161 Mark Strong-you're the bomb. This is definitely more like a zen parable than a space movie! Know what you're in for and you will be able to enjoy the experience..I agree that it is closer to 'Solaris' or 'Moon' (also great) than 2001/Space Odyssey. I think it was brave to make this movie because it will not necessarily live up to the expectations of the average audience-unless they're aware of what they're in for! A journey inward awaits.
barryjaylevine Whatever moments of logic were in this film could not save me from a fate worse than boredom. Drop a few hints of "just maybe there's a purpose to this whole thing" and, like the sci-fi sucker that I am, I stuck with it until the end...and felt betrayed.I did not notice that the film was written -and- directed by the same individual, Mark Elijah Rosenberg. My experience has been that, most of the time, such a production is more of the writer/director playing with himself than accomplishing anything productive or having value (except, perhaps, in his own mind).Mark Elijah Rosenberg - remember that name. That will allow you to avoid making the mistake I did and watching anything of his ever again. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll go back to doing something measuring drapes.