Robot Jox
Robot Jox
PG | 21 November 1990 (USA)
Robot Jox Trailers

50 years after a nuclear war, the two superpowers handle territorial disputes in a different way. Each fields a giant robot to fight one-on-one battles in official matches, each piloted by a man inside, known as robot jockeys or jox. The contest for possession of Alaska will be fought by two of the best. The conscientious Achilles fights for the Americans. Opposing him is a Russian, Alexander.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Scott LeBrun In a post-WWIII future, all wars have been outlawed. The major superpowers have now devised an amusing way of settling differences: putting daring pilots inside massive bipedal robots, which then fight each other in rural settings. In this case, two superpowers clash over control of Alaska. Our hero is Achilles (Gary Graham of 'Alien Nation'), and his rival is the maniacal Alexander the Russian (Paul Koslo, "The Omega Man"). Scientists have also created what are known as "test tube babies", people genetically engineered from birth to be robo-warriors. One of these is Athena (Anne-Marie Johnson, 'In the Heat of the Night'), a challenger to Achilles's throne.While admittedly a minor item on the resume of celebrated director Stuart Gordon ("Re- Animator"), "Robot Jox" is lightly engaging sci-fi entertainment. On occasion, there are flashes of skin, and bits of gore, but it's mostly harmless PG rated stuff. It's nowhere near the brilliance of some of the directors' H.P. Lovecraft adaptations, but it's not exactly trying to be. Enhanced by typically impressive David Allen stop motion effects, it provides a nice diversion for any person eager to see giant robots doing battle. Production design, lighting, costumes, and music are all well done on a low budget. Gordon begins the movie with a bang, and ends it with a similarly rousing big confrontation between Achilles and Alexander.Gordon appreciably finds acting roles for some of his old hands, like Robert Sampson, Jeffrey Combs, Ian Patrick Williams, and his wife Carolyn, although some of them really don't have a lot to do. Michael Alldredge ("The Incredible Melting Man") is good fun as a dude named Tex Conway. "Karate Kid II" villain Danny Kamekona, Hilary Mason ("Don't Look Now"), prolific voice over artist Jason Marsden, and Thyme Lewis ('Days of Our Lives') co-star.This decently paced escapism kills time for an agreeable and painless 85 minutes.Followed by "Robot Wars".Six out of 10.
merklekranz Take a trip down memory lane without the now overused C.G.I. The stop motion robots may seem crude, but their crunching and bashing is more believable than the cartoon-like computer generated images. Think of "Robot Jox" as sort of a cross between professional wrestling, and "Rockem Sockem Robots". The idea of settling wars with giant robot battles is a good one, and the rivalry between genetically engineered fighters and normal men is interesting. There is even an attempt at character development, as relates to the major combatants. So what you get is a sci-fi storyline that works, along with the battle visuals, which are totally acceptable for what they are. - MERK
Boba_Fett1138 This movie features a quite ridicules concept of a post WW III apocalyptic world in which wars are being outlawed (yeah right, like that will work) and instead nations let huge robots battle each other to settle disputes and to win land from each other, in stadiums with a crowd and referees and all of that. Nevertheless, because of its quite ridicules concept it also is a really pleasant movie to watch. The movie surely brings some good B-movie entertainment.Yes it's ridicules but it's also quite awesome at the same time. Seeing 2 huge robots battle each other with all kinds of different weapons and gadgets is an awesome sight and something that always speaks to the imagination of basically every guy.It's of course a big B-movie with its story and characters and all but it really isn't a bad looking movie. It's special effects, miniatures and its stop-motion effects are all quite good looking, with the exception of a couple of sequences. At least it's all better than your average "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers", like you would perhaps normally expect from a movie like this.Too bad that the action is sort of being limited. Surely from a movie with such a concept some more fireworks was to be expected. Of course this is mostly due to its quite limited budget of around ten million dollars. Nevertheless it was enough to cause the bankruptcy of its production company. Because of this it also took several years for the movie to be completed and released. When released it also wasn't a great box office success. Nevertheless a sequel got made several years later, called "Robot Wars".It isn't the best written story but its all interesting enough to hold your interest. Of course the movie is quite formulaic, which also makes it predictable but that is also sort of part of its B-movie charm. The story got written by director Stuart Gordon, who also is responsible for the similar genre movies "Fortress" and "Space Truckers", as well as the cult horror classic "Re-Animator". He currently is working on a new Re-Animator movie, called at this moment "House of Re-Animator", which he is attached to, to write and direct.It of course also doesn't feature the best actors. Most actors involved with this movie mostly played and still play in television series and not really any big blockbuster productions. Nevertheless this movie really doesn't feature the worst acting you'll ever see in a genre movie such as this one. I especially liked Paul Koslo, who goes deliciously over-the-top as the movie its very stereotypical Russian villain, with his insane, often random, laugh.Quite enjoyable for what it is.6/10
whattorso They're called Robot Jox ? why ? why would you name a movie Robot Jox ? I understand the connection with JOX and JOCKS (possibly) but what's even worse is that the movie centers around maybe two or three people who control these mechanized warrior-bots in order to keep Alaska an American state ? who the hell thought of this ? OK, OK, it's post WWIII and war has been outlawed, but come on ! ALASKA ???? Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of good things about Alaska...but don't you think that California, or New York might have been a better state to fight for ? Either that, or the winner of the ROBOT BATTLES could have won control over the totality of the North-American Continent ? This movie seems to have premiered at a bad time, especially when America was becoming sick of Robotech and Voltron in the 1980s. Maybe that's why the studio went bankrupt on it. . .I honestly think this movie could trigger a bi-polar disorder in anyone who decides to watch it. Although the special effects were limited at the time the movie was made, it doesn't make up for how insignificant they make the situations and the characters seem. There is literally nothing to stimulate the viewer whatsoever in this film and I think that carries on into the emotions of the audience greatly. . .meaning that movies like this are usually on in the background when someone commits suicide in their house. . .in front of the TV. Whether or not the movie causes people to to put an end to their existence is not proved, but it appears to be highly suspect.I swear, the movie is devoid of stimuli. . .I sincerely hope someone edits out all the robot battles and replaces them with muted scenes of angry rottweilers.I've actually heard that the movie itself in VHS/DVD format smells like festering haunches. . .really ! It may be the only film EVER in physical form to give off an odor similar to stew meat. That's the real Sci-Fi feel of this movie, not that it has stimulating content, but rather, it has a stench of unknown origin that may baffle even the most modern scientist.If you've seen this film within the last three years, I'm guessing you're still scraping the the pizza rolls out of your favorite tank-top. Lay off the pizza rolls, lay off the movie.