Teenage Caveman
Teenage Caveman
| 03 April 2002 (USA)
Teenage Caveman Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
trashgang If I say Larry Clark directed this then you should know by now that it would be a controversial flick. And when I am saying that Tiffany Limos is playing in it then you know that it will contain nudity. Larry is best known for Ken Park, his most popular flick due the fact that a kid goes lickety-split with his friend's mother. Teenage caveman was made the same year as Ken Park but was made for television.But if you see the cover of Ken Park then you know what you will have but seeing the cover of Teenage Caveman you think you will have a creature feature. Wrong. It contains a lot of nudity and has a bit of horror in it. To see the horror be sure to have the full uncut because otherwise you will miss the decapitation and other bloody shots. You can see that the bloody scene's were taken from a VHS and edited back in again, it's a whole other quality.The actors in this sexploitation are mostly unknown except for Andrew Keegan and Tara Subkoff. The others had their 15 minutes of fame around 2002 and most of them stopped being in the business around 2005-2006. One of the actors (Richard Hillman) even died in 2009. It is really a cheesy flick because the 'monster' only appears in the last 10 minutes. But it all looks so ridiculous. The nudity is so gratuitous and all girls do show their wobbling juggs and they are all the real stuff, no fake tits here! The whole story is just a drivel, but naturally if you liked Ken Park and want to see another Larry Clark then you surely must watch it.Gore 2/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 1/5
cheflounder77 For those of you who thought this was a good movie, you should be ashamed of yourselves. The movie started off laughable with some Edward Fulong wanna-be (The kid with the starter mustache) talking about boobs and then they meet up with Vincent and the Asian Chick and then it becomes Kids-esquire when all these Teenagers get naked in a hot tub. The movie progresses along with drug use and sex, then the ending comes with the main character dressing up like Gene Simmons asking for all the children. This piece of cinematic garbage should be classified as the WORST MOVIE EVER! The main bad guy, Vincent, was so flipping unbelievable bad he should be shot. The Asian chick, i think her name was Juila, has no emotion, but when she gets mad she throws a temper tantrum that would make a 2 year old stop and wonder why they were throwing one in the first place. Larry Clark should, if he isn't already, be on some list that watches him as I think he is a pedophile. If someone says, hey lets watch Teenage Caveman, you need to kick your friend in the junk, throw him out the door, and then never call him again. This abomination cost me 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back. I died a little inside and this movie made me even stupider. The future does suck, and it is because of this movie.
dhaz Okay, so the film isn't great, but who cares? I honestly prefer this to something like star wars, which has the same lack of content except that your expected to take it seriously. In fact, I like this film quite a bitThe sex scenes go a little overboard, but I appreciate it more for the fact that it reminds me of going to high school as an adolescent, from the perspective of Neil...sometimes you're the super-cool guy going to parties, drinking, sleeping with girls, other times you're heartbroken by the person you care most about, and sometimes you're the mutant freakthat and any movie with a soundtrack including the misfits is good by me
willywants Minor spoilers. Loosely based on the 1958 Roger Corman barring the same name, this disaster takes place In a post-apocalyptic future, where a group of teens leave their clan and find a young couple who take them in. Everything is fine at first, until people begin mutating or dying. What is this strange couple hiding? Yikes, this film was painful to sit through. The acting was decent enough, there were some nice, unexpected gore scenes (exploding bodies, heads ripped off, and more!), the film looked great visually (striking cinematography), and the creature/make-up effects were quite cool (They were done by Stan Winston studios though so that's a given). However, the dialogue is banal and the film doesn't feel as much like a horror movie as it does a sleazy excuse to show unnecessary male and female nudity. A real shame, because had the script been reworked and had the producers hired a different director, this could have been a worthwhile effort. As it stands, it's a piece of crap. 1/10.