PG-13 | 16 September 2011 (USA)
Restless Trailers

Two outsiders, both shaped by the circumstances that have brought them together, forge a deep and lasting love.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Irishchatter I found this film alright like Im not gonna say its the best because it was weird and uncomfortable at the same time. Henry Hopper's character Enoch Brae likes to crash into peoples funerals who he rarely knows and it seems like he is an antisocial person. It was rude of him to back away from Mia Wasikowska's character Annabelle, she is just so like a friend that anyone could have! Then when the pair of them became a couple (finally!), they had arguments that I didn't understand the reasons why they happened to fall out but they did.It was sad to find out that Annabelle had a few months to live because of cancer and Enoch will be soon losing her. Although, in the end, I felt they didn't make a big deal of Annabelles death. No one was even crying or wearing black clothes which was really odd and disappointing. It just doesn't make any sense! I would suggest anyone watching this movie to be prepared for disappointment and weirdness!
JeffersonCody The type of film my good friend the Professor calls a "necromance". A touching, but never sentimental little love story produced by, among others, Ron Howard and his daughter Bryce Dallas Howard, "Restless" is beautifully costumed, designed and photographed (Harris Savides), and gently, expertly steered by Gus Van Sant. Set in Portland - which feels like a character in this film. Nice score by Danny Elfman too.Love and loss loom large in the story of Enoch Brae (Henry - son of Dennis - Hopper), a lonely teenager haunted not only by the death of his parents in a car crash, but also that they were buried while he was in a coma. So he never had closure. He lives with Mabel (Jane Adams: his bedraggled but caring Aunt who bemoans the fact that Enoch calls him Mabel rather than Auntie) and no longer attends school after being expelled for beating up someone who dissed his deceased parents. So he spends his days attending the funerals of strangers and chatting with his imaginary friend Hiroshi (Ryo Kase) - the ghost of a WWII Kamikaze pilot.One day he meets a beautiful, free spirited young girl named Annabel Cotton (Mia Wasikowska) at a funeral. She loves birds and the great outdoors, the two become friends and fall in love while sharing their secrets. Annebel, however, is dying of cancer and has only a few short months to live."Restless" probably won't work for everyone, but it charmed and moved me and it it is still floating gently around in my head a week after watching it. Jane Adams' straggly hairstyle is worth the price of admission alone, and the marvelous Mia Wasikowska (whose wonderful offbeat outfits are a credit to Oscar nominated costume designer Danny Glicker) is terrific as Annabel. Ms Wasikowska is rapidly becoming one of my favorite young actresses.Ron Howard is one of the most successful mainstream directors in America and the lovely Bryce Dallas Howard is, after appearing with distinction in "Hereafter", " 50/50" and the box office hits "The Help" and "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" - a successful young actress on the cusp of major stardom, yet they find the time to make a small, relatively low budget ($8 million) non commercial film like this happen. Kudos to them.
tieman64 "Restless" finds Henry Hopper playing Enoch, a teenager who has recently lost his parents in an accident. Enoch thus finds himself caught deep in an existential rut. He visits funerals, dresses in dour clothes, is obsessed with death, resolves to give up on life, views everything as being intrinsically "meaningless" and routinely converses with an imaginary Japanese kamikaze pilot. Other morose totems litter the film: dangerous train lines, graveyards, corpses, hospitals, Halloween nights, ghosts, games of battleship, funeral parlours, diseases etc. The film is preoccupied with death.Things get contrived when Enoch meets Annabel, played by a young Mia Wasikowska. Annabel has cancer, is about to die, is fond of wings, birds, flight and Darwin, and is upbeat and grateful despite her imminent annihilation. She, of course, teachers Enoch to love himself, life and be eternally grateful for "whatever few moments he is granted". Both characters wear Euro-chic and look like they've stepped out of a 1960s Godard movie.The film is essentially a shameless rip-off of Hal Ashby's "Harold and Maude" - and the countless "oh my God my lover is dying of cancer" romantic weepies it inspired – only more formulaic, less smart and less touching. But it was directed by Gus Van Sant, a gentle soul, who manages to lend the film some kind of credibility. You sense that Van Sant understands these people, identifies with them, and you can feel him trying to skirt over the film's more contrived moments.Van Sant's career tends to alternate between sappy Hollywood dramas and micro-budget, minimalist pictures ("Elephant", "Last Days", "Paranoid Park"). "Restless" merges both approaches; a kind of sappy minimalism.7.5/10 – Van Sant did this stuff better with "Last Days".
Hairul Fariz Just like the tragic characters in the story, I went into the movie with such hope only to realize that the story is as dead as Annabel would soon be.It's a story about a boy, struggling to come to terms with his parent's recent death. Enter the sprightly girl who saves him from getting caught for crashing a stranger's funeral. Predictably, the two fall in love and a seemingly endless montage of young love ensues. Calling the whole love affair sweet would be an understatement that even diabetics would balk at. The story holds no surprising twists- although with each scene involving Hiroshi, you'll find yourself constantly re-drawing the lines separating reality and psychosis and then realizing you just don't care enough to bother anymore- and with no real revelations. They even fail to give any sort of insight into the realities of cancer. Cancer doesn't give you leave to frolic in endless wonderment of the world around you and it certainly doesn't put you in the mood for Halloween and a midnight snack after, it leaves you hunched over the toilet retching your insides out and reaching for morphine while people watch over you and tell you how amazingly strong you are. This movie is just a slap in the face for anyone who has cancer or knows someone with cancer. Rather than creating hope for those unfortunate enough to live with the curse of cancer, it makes them feel terrible by grinding this improbable romance in their faces.To top it all off, the protagonist comes off as a whiny, pre-pubescent little brat who is at best unlikable and at worst completely intolerable. More than once I caught myself cringing at his delivery until at last I gave up and walked away for a much needed break from his incongruous grinning and rock-throwing. (Also, the make-out sessions were simply uncomfortable to watch; which in fairness is only half his fault.)The only saving grace to this whole movie is the superb acting of Mia and how beautifully her grace and dignity was captured on-screen. Unfortunately, none of that is enough justification to watch this pointless and disastrous portrayal of the final moments of a girl waiting for her end.