To Have and Have Not
To Have and Have Not
NR | 20 January 1945 (USA)
To Have and Have Not Trailers

A Martinique charter boat skipper gets mixed up with the underground French resistance operatives during WWII.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Dalbert Pringle You know, it sure seemed to me that with every woman Bogart's character encountered in this film, he snidely reduced them all to being (and I quote) "just another screwy dame".Not only that - But, I'd also say this film banked way-way too heavily on the wisecracking, sexual chemistry that was supposed to transpire between the likes of Bogart's and Bacall's characters. Yet, I found, time and again, that their contrived meetings and demented dialogue ("You know how to whistle, don't you?") fizzled out into total absurdity about 90% of the time.Clearly a product of its time (1945) - This decidedly flimsy-scripted picture may have delighted movie-goers of yesteryear to pieces - But, now, 60 years later, it repeatedly fell short of its apparent potential.And, speaking about actress, Lauren Bacall - Not only was she completely unconvincing in her part (just wait till you catch the scene where her character breaks out into tears) - But her repeated use of a sly smirk got real tiresome, real fast. (Hey! I won't even get into the ridiculously over-sized shoulder pads on her outfits which put those of a pro-football player's to shame)
SnoopyStyle It's the island of Martinique in the summer of 1940 just after the fall of France. American captain Harry 'Steve' Morgan (Humphrey Bogart) operates a small fishing boat for tourists. He's reluctant to take on risky jobs for the resistance. Marie 'Slim' Browning (Lauren Bacall) is new to the island and a pickpocket. When his client gets shot before paying him, he loses all his money to the new Vichy cops while Slim gets slapped around. He decides to help the resistance.Newcomer Lauren Bacall was just 19 when this was shot. And soon after she will be married to her co-star Humphrey Bogart. Nobody has a cooler look than Bacall. She's made to be in the movies. She makes this 'Casablanca' copy more than just a copy. It has a more noirous ultra-cool look mostly due to Bacall highlighted by the line "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve. You just put your lips together and blow".The story isn't quite as good as 'Casablanca'. I prefer that more than this movie. This still moves along fine although it doesn't flow as well. The last third of the movie after the boat ride isn't quite as compelling.
Tony Keith This film is nothing more than a quickie commercial vehicle for the main actors, using a borrowed plot. Bogie was a sure bet at the box office, and Bacall was promoted by her discoverer, Howard Hawks.It's a cheap remake of Casablanca, but ends up more like Jack Benny's "To Be Or Not To Be". In this one, the Greenstreet and Lorre characters were played by cheap doubles.Casablanca was a minor gem, where you really identified with all the characters and which left you feeling inspired about life, as you left the theatre.Don't get me wrong, it is also highly watchable just for the intriguing personalities of the star leads, but you end up as a voyeur contemplating more about their talents, careers, and private life, than you do about the borrowed plot. The rest of the cast were poorly developed and eminently forgettable stereotypes, as were the sets, especially, as another reviewer has pointed out, The Bar, supposedly an exotic locale, reeking of foreign intrigue, but it looks more lake a studio canteen at lunchtime.I give it 6 out of 10 for it's two stars.It's movies like this that makes Casablance so great.
AaronCapenBanner Howard Hawks directed this WWII intrigue that stars Humphrey Bogart as expatriate American Harry Morgan, who owns a boat-for-hire service on the island of Martinique with his alcoholic partner Eddie(played by Walter Brennan). Since the outbreak of WWII, business has been poor, and after a big customer fails to pay, Harry is forced to give up his neutrality and transport a French resistance member to safety. Lauren Bacall plays Marie 'Slim' Browning, a nightclub singer that Harry develops a romance with, and also wants him to help the resistance, though this does get them in trouble with the Nazis... Famous for the first pairing of future husband & wife Bogart & Bacall, film is so similar to "Casablanca" that it feels like a remake! Still, this isn't bad, with some memorable lines.