Rats: Night of Terror
Rats: Night of Terror
NR | 21 February 1986 (USA)
Rats: Night of Terror Trailers

One hundred years after a nuclear war has devastated the planet, society has been reborn into two factions; the underground society and the scavangers above in the wastelands. A group of scavangers on bikes come across a town infested with flesh eating rats, and soon the gore is spilling everywhere.

Wordiezett So much average
Lawbolisted Powerful
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Leofwine_draca Bruno Mattei. What a guy. Single-handedly responsible for most of the appalling trash to come out of the gutters of Italy's cinematic export, he here lovingly crafts a totally boring, ridiculous, and inept addition to the post-apocalypse genre which takes the usual band of roving bikers, badly-dressed females, and souped-up vehicles and plonks them right into a run-down industrial setting. Unfortunately for our 'heroes', they aren't alone, and soon start getting picked off one by one by some killer rats. The rest of the film consists of them running around the same three locations, setting fire to each other, whilst the special effects guys create some cheap but nasty gore effects for the horror crowd to delight in. Whilst not as incredibly bad (and thus entertaining) as his ZOMBIE CREEPING FLESH, RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR should still be seen by Mattei buffs as a typical example of the director's insane output.The film is as badly dubbed as any to come out of Italy and the script is even more stupid than usual. Imagine somebody setting a film in the years A.B. (After the Bomb) and then clapping themselves on the back for their cleverness. Plus we get more stupid character names – I swear there's a guy named Video, a black girl named Chocolate, and still somebody else called Lucifer. A typical scene in the movie involves a couple having sex in front of the rest of the group. They're asked to leave and split up after a fight. The guy gets into her sleeping bag, which is invaded by rats, and then she's eaten. The guy, drunk, falls into a pit, is smothered in rats and dies. Things like this happen throughout the drawn-out running time with little interest to hold the viewer.I kept trying to spot some redeeming aspect of this film but I couldn't. The idea of rats as a menace is a pretty unnerving one, but as Mattei and friends didn't have the money for effects they ended up using real rats. Shining a torch on a rat in a bid to make it look threatening just doesn't work and these are an even poorer menace than the dressed-up dogs in THE RATS because when required to attack full-force they just run off in different directions. The various rat attacks seemingly involve pouring a load of unfortunate rats on top of the screaming victim, repeated ad infinitum. Being a rodent lover some scenes are distasteful but at least there's nothing as bad as the (real) rat burning in THE HUNCHBACK OF THE MORGUE. The gore effects are plentiful but cheap and shoddy, the highlight being when a rat bursts out of a guy's back like in DEMONS. However Sergio Stivaletti isn't to hand for the effects so instead they just inflate the guy's leather jacket which is pretty dumb – but funny.The dubbing is very bad and there isn't any action to speak of. Everything happens in the dark at night so you can't really see what's happening very clearly, although perhaps this is a blessing. The acting is appalling and there are no likable characters to sympathise with at all. One thing I did like about the film is the simply ludicrous twist ending which has to be one of the most unintentionally funniest out there – unforgettable once you've seen it and definitely worth waiting for. RATS: NIGHT OF TERROR is another toothless menace from mother Italy, a harmless and disappointing exercise in thrills and fear made watchable by sheer incompetence all round. Bad movie buffs should have a field day. Bruno Mattei, take a bow.
GL84 Hundreds of years after a nuclear war has ravaged the planet, a biker gang happens upon an abandoned building out in the countryside that's under attack by giant rats and forcing them to put up a fight against the creatures to survive.This is no doubt an incredibly cheesy film, and it reveals in it. From the outlandish dialog that is simply laugh-out-loud to the bad retro- futuristic clothing and post-apocalyptic setting along with the general premise itself, this is one cheesy film. That alone gives it its most powerful plus, as by keeping it light and fun, the edge is taken out and the incredibly goofy tone can be appreciated. The pacing is also a pleasant surprise, as it starts out fast and doesn't really slow down all that much as the gang arrives at the house within the first five minutes and the first attack comes shortly after that. From there on, it's non-stop and does an excellent job of keeping the interest on the screen either through its intense action scenes or the cheese on display as both never fail to entertain. The attacks themselves are quite nice and brutal, and result in some nice scenes down in the basement during the examination of the harvesting conditions on the site, the battle in the bar that features scores of creatures approaching them as well as the numerous scenes where the rats fall from the ceiling or the walls and overwhelm the victims which are some of the most suspenseful attacks being full of spectacle and action. The other sequences in here are just as action-packed, including some flame-thrower use and some grenade attacks, coupled with some bashing and running around, move the film along with the action make it a fully action-packed film. That, though, highlights the fact that this one does manage to feature enough suspense to counterbalance the cheese that it really comes off even better than the initial impression, with sleeping bag death being a prime example as it's enormously cheesy and provides the movie with some gore as well as scenes of the group noticeably trying to get away while down in the basement and must maneuver through a swarm mere inches away or the highlight piece of them trying to force their way into their hideout against the oncoming swarm as the others debate the merits of letting them in or not. These are much better than expected, and along with the cheesy gore and bloody deaths provide this with plenty of positives against the few, non-detrimental flaws. The film's biggest turnoff is the fact that at times this is pretty much a series of rip-offs and imitations from elsewhere, and while the premise is exactly like several other films thrown together there's enough remnants present to give that feel. The second half is exactly like any number of zombie films, the opening evokes many different post-nuclear war road films, and the final five minutes is pretty much like every virus-containment film around and doesn't do much to hide itself under these influences. The other big problem is that the film really doesn't make too much sense, as the explanations are so vague and out-there that it's hard to really get a sense of what's going on. Other than the cheese not being for everyone, this isn't all that bad.Rated UR/R: Graphic Violence, Language, Full Male and Female Nudity, a sex scene and graphic violence against real animals.
Scott LeBrun As cheesy, cruddy Italian post-apocalypse cinema goes, "Rats: Night of Terror" is constantly amusing and certainly NOT ever boring. It has enough uproarious moments to make it quite an acceptable diversion, and some brilliant lines (ex. "I'm gonna warm their whiskers!"). The story (credited to director Bruno Mattei) deals with a roving gang that comes upon an abandoned complex where they get inundated with rats that are more voracious, aggressive, and intelligent than normal. In order to ensure their own survival, they determine to make it an unsafe world for the rodent population. Good fun all the way for its decently paced 97 minutes, it seems to suggest that the best way to survive a post-apocalypse future is to go underground. Luigi Ceccarelli's electronic score is a hoot to listen to, just like much of the dialogue. The dubbing and vocal performances, as is often the case for this sort of thing, are just hysterical, with the on screen performers gamely going with the flow of this material. It's extremely cool to note that leading actor Ottaviano Dell'Acqua, billed as Richard Raymond for English language prints, is the man behind the infamous "worm eye" zombie from Lucio Fulci's "Zombi 2". Besides Dell'Acqua, people will also recognize Geretta Geretta (billed as Janna Ryann) from Lamberto Bava's "Demoni". The funniest performance comes from Henry Luciani as Duke, what with his facial expressions. Wonderful gags include a rat emerging from a victim's mouth. The overall mood and feel of "Rats: Night of Terror" is a great study in decay and despair, and pretty much everybody in this cast of characters is fair game for a hideous demise. And the movie rewards all viewers who stick it out to the end with a priceless final revelation they won't soon forget. Don't listen to the naysayers...at least give this goofy bit of Euro escapism a chance. It may be of the endearingly bad kind of experience, but for this viewer it wasn't so bad it was good. It was so bad it was a RIOT. Eight out of 10.
peter-bruck Well, preparing to actually watch this movie (I'm not implying you should) you need to cope with the fact that rockers can survive a nuclear war, but can easily be killed by a dozen of mice (in the movie they're called billions of rats). The rockers are looking for a laboratory, where a cure for their nuclear war based sickness is to be found. Only problem; the "laboratory" (in fact it's a quite common apartment)is inhabited by pets, deadly pets. In the next 80 minutes, the rats kill one after another just by crawling over the rockers flawless bodies or by playing cruel tricks on them, just like MacCauley Culkin in Home alone. Also, in the "end" of the "movie" there's a quite "surprising" "turn". You won't believe your eyes because it's so shocking and horrifying, the human eye isn't capable to watch.