R | 18 February 2013 (USA)
Axed Trailers

A strict father loosens up enough to let his children take a day off school for a trip to the countryside. But things turn darker when the family realize he is planning to make it their last outing ever.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
aliceryan818 I recently had great fortune to watch 'Axed' at a local film festival. This psychological thriller was greatly received and I can see why. I am so pleased to have finally seen a film in recent years that I did NOT know the ending to. The genuine twists and turns kept me intrigued throughout the film, the Homage to classical horror films is clear and well done. The relationship between the unhinged father and his children is superbly acted (ignoring some over acting from the lead actor at times), I would highly recommend watching more from this particular cast. It was not the gore fest I was expected, the director, quite rightly, left a lot to your own imagination, which in my experience makes the film much scarier.The DOP should be highly congratulated on their skills in presenting this film so well, despite some shots that felt as though they should have been lightened; the use of natural light was cleverly done.I even found out afterwards that some of this film used C.G.I. and green screen to enhance some shots, which was fabulous, as it was done in such a way that people were completely unaware, which is more than I can say for most low budget horror films being reviewed recently.The only thing I would say is that It almost needed to be longer to build the father's mental break down to make it more intense in the cottage scenes when he finally snaps. Despite some of the sound quality being poor in parts and minimal continuity errors I would highly recommend watching this as a good example of how a good low budget film can be made.
MattyGibbs This is a small UK horror that is way better than the 3.4 rating it currently has on IMDb. It is a disturbing and creepy film with a wonderfully sinister and maniacal performance by Jonathan Hansler as the deranged father. He is backed up by good performances from the rest of the surprisingly good cast. There is barely a dull moment as Dad goes on the rampage. You never quite know where the story will go and it is refreshing to see a horror film that isn't predictable. There are scenes of real tension throughout and plenty of blood for those that like that kind of thing. I really enjoyed this film and I am really surprised it has such bad reviews. Yes it isn't perfect or ground breaking but for a small film it punches well above it's weight. Recommended if you like slightly quirky UK horror.
pyroboi-451-118228 I'd read reviews about this film and was intrigued by the conflicting opinions so I had to watch it and find out for myself, being English I love films with a British feel to them. I was majorly disappointed.The plot is thin, the acting is...OK, the character flaws are too many to mention, the filming is mediocre, the script is completely benign.Firstly the plot is intriguing and potentially a good basis for a psychological thriller and drama. This is completely wiped away by the sheer lack of believability of some of the events as the film unfolds.After his first kill, no-one tries to get away or get help. This continues throughout the film, and it's annoying to the point of being ridiculous. No human being would sit and watch someone murdering their mother and then go and sit down for dinner. RIDICULOUS.Furthermore, an iron gardening fork through the foot/ankle and he takes it out and walks (with a bit of a limp), carrying an axe with arm that's connected directly to the chest muscles he got stabbed 3 times in just minutes before.He harps on about this big project going according to plan, to kill everyone and himself by 6am, and then has a monologue about how he wants to see his daughter get married. Before stabbing her.And the stereotypical gay son/abusive father dynamic could have been utilized so much more in this. It was pretty much just an abusive bloke with a wimpy son by the end. They had multiple chances to kill him, but didn't. Didn't even taunt him or get angry with him. They also had MANY chances to flee. And in what looked to be about 15 acres of forest, they finally run away, and daddy finds them in about 5 seconds flat.Utter drivel. The gore wasn't even realistic or satisfyingly gruesome. Neither was the ending. Oh, and *SPOILER ALERT* one last thing. Four pills (count them) in the bowl, he takes five out one at a time and pops them.Only genuine reason for following this all the way through to the end was to see Christopher Rithin put on a good performance.Complete waste of time. Don't bother with it.
lucybaily12 My boyfriend and I saw this film at the Bram Stoker Film Festival. We're both geeks and love low budget horror and we're always looking for something fun to watch. I found it a fun little ride with a good mix of scary and funny moments nothing to deep but a good salute to other horror films. Strong performances from the father played by (Jonathan Hansler) and the daughter (Nicola Posener) and loved the scene with the boyfriend(Brandon Francis). I think it's well worth a watch.Lucy