Rage of the Yeti
Rage of the Yeti
R | 12 November 2011 (USA)
Rage of the Yeti Trailers

A team of treasure hunters in the Arctic are attacked by ferocious snow beasts. Before long, the adventure is no longer about finding riches - it’s about getting down the mountain alive.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
TheBlueHairedLawyer I watched Rage of the Yeti last night and found it really boring. All it was was a bunch of people standing around in the snow waving pretend guns around, along with a "yeti" made from the worst CGI I've ever seen. The soundtrack was dull and and the acting wasn't bad but some of the actors just didn't look right for the roles they were in. It was obvious that the movie wasn't even filmed in Canada; the actors were extremely under-dressed for the type of weather Northern Canada gets. Rage of the Yeti is a movie I'll probably never watch again, it was so boring that I'll be really surprised if it doesn't just fade away from TV in the next year or so.
Michael Kamm This movie is steaming pile of Yeti dung. The computer generated Yeti are hilarious. They look so fake that I laughed through every attack. The acting is even worse. None of these folks seem to be too upset as each of their friends get gobbled up by the Yeti. They wander off one at a time in a state complete stupidity. Flat dialog and poor effects add to the laughs. I actually enjoyed this film because it was so silly. If you have nothing better to do and are looking for some completely mindless entertainment then you'll find this to be a really funny funny movie. The female characters are all pretty cute so at least it has that going for it.
GL84 Upon arriving at an Arctic research station looking for the reason for the previous' crews disappearance, a team of hunters find the few survivors claiming a legendary creature is responsible and try to stop them from getting loose in order to get away from the base alive.This one was overall pretty enjoyable. One of the better features is it's rather interesting take on a Sasquatch film, as this one decides to incorporate a little-known aspect of the legend about the Chinese variation being to live in the snow allowing this one to really play around with some new environments. The ability to blend into the snow and during the heavy storm going on at the same time makes these pretty threatening creature since this one has them popping out whenever they're not expected, which is definitely a great plus here and makes the film a lot more exciting. There's also some rather fun action scenes later on that that are plenty enjoyable, and the blood and gore are what's to be expected in a Sci-Fi Channel film. The main problem with this one, as mentioned earlier it's a Sci-Fi Channel film so expect the usual level of CGI, is that despite being billed as a Sasquatch film and mentioned within the dialog of the creatures' true identity, the decision to remove the humanoid basis and turn them into more like mutated polar boars is a curious one, as they move and act like so rather than of the more human-like variations that should've populated the film. Otherwise, this one was pretty enjoyable.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
boo288 My wife and I had a great time with this movie. We knew ahead it was a SyFy special, so we had popcorn and notepad in hand. Here's some interesting facts we learned by simply watching "Rage of the Yeti:"1) Yeti's explode when you shoot them (2) Yeti's don't look part man, but they are partly invisible (3) Four people can be in a vehicle without seatbelts, get rammed by a giant Yeti, roll multiple times down a hill, and come out without a scratch (4) Yeti's get even grouchier if you catch one and put it in a helicopter (a big safety issue for helicopter pilots!)(5) Hundreds of people are killed by the Yeti's (and they have major weapons), but two main stars can hit one with a hatchet and stab it ....result...dead Yeti(5) You can be in "the Arctic" with as much cold weather clothing as I wear during winter in the deep south. You too can learn all these fascinating facts by watching this movie. We had more fun watching and writing down all the ridiculous things that happened.I would love to read YOUR new movie facts. Just remember....You have to watch this movie.