Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins
Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins
PG | 13 September 2009 (USA)
Scooby-Doo! The Mystery Begins Trailers

Unjustly accused of staging a spooky practical joke complete with ghosts, Daphne, Velma, Fred and Shaggy are suspended from Coolsville High. To clear their names, they team up to solve the supernatural mystery…and head straight into nonstop laughs and adventure.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
joshuadrake-91275 After SCOOBY-DOO 2: MONSTERS UNLEASHED, a third SCOOBY-DOO sequel was announced for a release date. However, after the release of SCOOBY-DOO 2, Warner Bros. felt that the film should have made money, so the production of SCOOBY-DOO 3 was cancelled.However, after a five-year absence from the big screen, Scooby-Doo and the gang would return in a prequel to the first two films, titled SCOOBY-DOO: THE MYSTERY BEGINS, released in 2009 and it is a direct to video sequel.The film is a prequel showing how Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Velma and Scooby-Doo became Mystery, Inc, how they met and the events of their very first case.The story is okay and the first two SCOOBY-DOO films were kid-friendly, so this film is a little dark and still kid-friendly. The film is directed by Brian Levant and he done a really great job. The script is written by whoever the writer was for this film.You already know the characters, so I will say that the cast was cool and amazing in these roles, but I wish that the original cast would come back and do this film. I have to say, these four actors, playing the four teens are amazing and Frank Welker does the voice of Scooby- Doo.The music is scored by Oscar-nominee David Newman, who previously scored the other two films and Lorena Gale, who died during production of this film plays the Librarian and she did a really good job.Overall, SCOOBY-DOO: THE MYSTERY BEGINS is not the worst prequel, but I definitely enjoyed it and it was spectacular to see their first case on screen.10/10 - THIS IS ONE MOVIE THAT IS A GREAT PREQUEL TO THE FIRST TWO SCOOBY-DOO FILMS IN THE "Scooby-Doo" MOVIE FRANCHISE.
Josh Anderson My brother & I probably watched every episode of the original Hannah Barbara Scooby Doo cartoons in the 80's and so I am very leery of all these newer versions that keep popping up. There was a certain feel in those originals that will never be reproduced and perhaps Scooby is best left in the 70's. I was pretty let down by the Freddie Prince Jr. movies which tried to update Scooby (like a lot of CGI updates, Alvin & the Chipmunks, Smurfs, Garfield, Transformers, etc.)with modern lingo & culture which for some reason means crudeness, krass jokes and even sexual innuendos. This movie was better in that sense, but is annoying when they stray from the original (Freddie is blond, ghosts are ALWAYS people in masks, etc.) And since we're making a "realistic" version, why is Scooby CGI? Why not just use a real Great Dane? Nick Palatas, though doing a decent impression of Casey Kacem's "Shaggy" voice comes across annoying and contrived after a while. Maybe I'm a purist...maybe I'm a grouch, but I kind of wish people would leave the old cartoons alone.
Robert I got this DVD with the feeling that the acting would be bad, the actors would be horrible, the mystery would suck, the way they tie things in would be dumb, or there would be too many awkward scenes.Nope. For the most part, this met my expectations! They were very well done for young kids. The mystery was classic, and believe me, I was well into the mystery at the end. When I found out it was the 'stamp collector', I was shocked.I loved how they slowly tied things in, making sure they did it correctly.I'll admit I thought scooby's owner may have 'done it' near the end.What I didn't like was the lack of scooby power in the end of the movie. Yes, they did things exactly the way you'd think they would, but because this is cartoon network, it's going to suck a bit.But not too bad!
CromeRose I think I read one comment that started with "If you're a fan of the cartoon series, watch the first two movies but ignore this" or something to that affect. Well, I just want to put in my two cents and give this movie the support it deserves, as I think it was great and am surprised at all the negativity about it. I am a huge fan of the cartoon (always watched it while growing up and still love it now), and in my opinion the first two movies DO NOT capture the cartoon at all and are badly cast, whereas this movie TOTALLY embodies the spirit of the cartoon, and as far as I'm concerned seemed like a live-action episode of the cartoon, or a cartoon episode "come to life" if you will - even the ghosts and villain in a mask were perfect. The casting of each member of the Scooby Gang was perfect, yes, even the Asian Velma (which for some reason seems to bother a lot of folks - come on people, Hayley Kiyoko depicted Velma to a tee!); and one reviewer berated that Fred was a douche-bag jock, but I don't think he came across as that; I believe in the movie that he was supposed to be a high school senior and in my experience none of the jocks were as nice as he came across - they were all total bullies. Someone else griped that Scooby Doo looked so small it seemed like he'd been starved, but they are forgetting that Scooby Doo is supposed to be younger in this movie; possible still a puppy. Anyway, all in all I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would love to see it as a live-action series.