Freaky Faron
Freaky Faron
| 01 January 2006 (USA)
Freaky Faron Trailers

When she was 11, young Faron Hallowell was sent away to a mental institution for shooting and nearly killing a local weatherman--a secret mission she claimed was assigned to her by alien beings. Now, five years later, released and rehabilitated, all she wants is a normal life. But when the events of her dark past return to haunt her, she'll have to use her uncanny abilities once again to protect.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
rsrachels Wow, this movie wasn't what I expected. It does have sci-fi elements, yes, but what you're actually getting is kind of understated film noir in the vein of "Maltese Falcon"...but for kids. It's a pretty cool experiment and to me it really works. Yes, it's talky, but in the way that those classic Bogart mysteries were talky--there's a lot of information in the dialogue and if you pay close attention you can see the mystery unfolding in your head. You have to keep up with Faron. It's nice to see a movie that doesn't lead you by the hand, but rewards you for doing some sleuthing on your own. It's low budget, so the picture quality isn't great, but it makes up for it with some nifty lighting and composition. The atmosphere feels like an 80's kids' movie. It made me remember what it was like to sneak around my neighborhood at night as a kid. If that sounds cool to you, you should check it out! Note to parents: This movie isn't rated, but there's no language, violence, nudity or sexual innuendo.
bhusebye This could contain a spoiler. But I don't see how I could spoil this for anyone. Looking at this movie trying to figure out what the audience is and I believe it is "preteens" and girls at that who are trying to FIND their place in the world. From that perspective it might be a higher rated movie. The acting is okay for a bunch of rugrat but the story line was terrible. Apparently they did not have a huge budget, and the storyline around "The Thing or The game" until they kinda told you what "The Thing" could do was just terrible. And they never show "The Thing" to you so it made it just a tease. Thumbs up the the Faron actress for trying to keep this thing together.
the_bernie Faron Hallowell (Courtney Halverson) is about to be released from a mental institution. It seems that when she was 11 she shot a weatherman (the T.V. type, not political) and nearly killed him. Watching the film we find that she was under the impression that she was fulfilling a part of guardian assistance is subduing rowdy aliens. Of course we all know that is impossible. Now all she wants to do is pursue a normal life and put all that behind her.It appears that the past will not stay the past; the most innocuous actions on the part of kids and authorities are weaving a pattern that we as observers cannot keep up with even with a bevy of clues.I kept looking around corners and just waiting for "teenagers from space." Of course there is always the possibility that it is just freaky Faron. The film ends way too soon and the results cause us us to do a little or our own Introspection.
modelmode Freaky Faron starts off well, or at least it belies it's obviously low budget with an interesting premise behind it's main character. Unfortunately It ends up feeling as though it was written by one of it's young cast members. If that had been the case, I would have thought it an excellent first effort. Alas, no. I can't hate Freaky Faron. It wasn't good, but I can't hate it. The acting was emotionless for the most part (less a fault of the actors and more a fault of the script and direction), but I don't think the premise should be abandoned. With a budget, cast, and some (a lot) of plot development, I really think it might make a great TV series or at least a better movie.