| 02 December 2010 (USA)
Rabies Trailers

A brother and sister who run away from home find sanctuary in a deserted nature reserve. When the sister falls into the trap of a psychopathic killer, the brother sets out on a race against time to find help. In a twist of fate the rescue of the sister becomes inadvertently intertwined with the lives of a group of young tennis players, a ranger and his dog, as well as a team of policemen.

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
thesar-2 It's not just an unlucky day when a hockey-masked killer shows up for work.I usually don't do too much research before seeing movies and following, writing my reviews; I like to go in as cold as possible and have the review all from my experience. But, while looking for something else, I stumbled upon the fact: this was Israel's first horror movie. Wow. First swing and the rookie hit a grand slam.I did know this was a slasher movie going in and the movie sure starts that way. Lately, I've noticed, most (intelligent) filmmakers who want to carry on my favorite horror subgenre: the Slasher and even more specifically, the Slasher-in-the-Woods, have been adding enormous twists and subplots to spice up the decades old formula. This Rabies film has to be taking that fresh start to the extreme max.As stated, this movie starts off with the Slasher-in-the-Woods tropes but quickly evolves into probably more than half a dozen subplots and characters all over the same wooded area and all with their own issues. Really bad issues. It would be one thing just to label each as stereotypical characters and simply state their conflicts and motives, but these two filmmakers, simultaneous directors and writers: Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado, adhere to my favorite movie experience: Show, Don't Tell.I felt each and every person's plight and drive to achieve their goal. I also felt very little innocence here…in any of them. That, within itself, isn't usually a good thing – when there's barely a good character in film to root for, but I still felt for them and wanted, well, for some of them to reach their goals.To state the two movies this truly reminded me of would be too much of a spoiler, but I enormously recommend any horror fan, Slasher-lover or not, to see this. Heck, any movie fan that can tolerate some extreme gore at times due to the overall fantastic storytelling, make-up and acting.***Final thoughts: This is the spoiler-zone, so stop reading if you hate spoilers as much as I do. You've been warned. The two movies I saw here most in my mind was Very Bad Things and definitely, a 100% serious Tucker and Dale vs Evil. If you liked those movies, namely the latter, you'll probably like the dead-serious take on them here.
specialuse117 Fresh, inventive, fast paced - this film was like going on a fun roller coaster. Never a dull moment and you do not know exactly what will happen next. Just when you think it is going to follow a formula the bottom drops out. Never having seen any of these actors before added to the experience. At first it may seem there are too many characters but it all blends together at the end. If feels like the directors took the theme of the old movie "After Hours" and paired it with the comedy of "Shaun of the Dead." Then gave it a Cohen brothers twist. I really enjoyed this film and the previous effort (Big Bad Wolves). There are gory scenes (and I dislike gore) but it did not seem excessive or gratuitous.
DTonyo First of all, I give this movie a rating of 2 stars, because 1 star ratings are reserved for movies like "Manos", where no one knew how to do his/her job. In this movie, you get the feeling that at least the actors and the composer might be able to do well. Unfortunately, all their efforts are in vain because of the terrible direction by Kasheles and Papushado. They had the idea of a slasher movie where the slasher is only a peripheral figure and the real danger lies elsewhere. This might sound original, but at least in this realization it is a complete disaster. The events are not driven by plot or characters, but by incomprehensible actions. For most of the time, we see people stumble through the woods. Occasionally one of the characters gets killed accidentally or deliberately. Almost none of these deaths are related and their co-occurrence is just a big coincidence. The movie ends quite abruptly, leaving the fate of most of the surviving characters in the dark. This is not as dramatic as it sounds, since we never really start to feel for them anyway. Another issue with this movie is the blatant incompatibility between comic and and dramatic scenes. There are several horror movies which manage quite well to incorporate both funny and tragic scenes, but this one should be shown at film schools as an example of how not to do it. The respective moments are very clumsily put together and level each other out. Add to this the wooden and dull dialogues and the unfitting soundtrack (which is actually not bad on its own), and you receive a complete mess as final result. I have read several times that this is the first Israeli horror movie. If it really is: Keep trying! It can only get better from here!
Red-Barracuda First of all it's worth pointing out that the title of this film doesn't really have any bearing on the content. When you hear that this is a film called Rabies set in the woods, you would be forgiven for thinking that it's going to be a Cabin Fever clone. But in truth Rabies is a much more ambitious film than that. It basically has a group of disparate people brought together one day in the woods where a psychopath traps and kills people. However, where the film differs from most of this type is that the maniac is probably the most irrelevant character in the whole film. Instead he is the catalyst for a series of events leading to all the other characters independently committing all manner of violent acts. There's barely a story here and none of the characters are very well-developed but the slightly chaotic narrative is certainly a bit unusual.As far as I'm aware, this is the first horror film from Israel. Maybe even the first in the whole of the Middle East. So I suppose it's quite important in that respect. It's by no means a great film but it isn't especially derivative and it does have some good jump moments and occasionally effective humour. Worth seeing for horror buffs.