Prince Avalanche
Prince Avalanche
R | 09 August 2013 (USA)
Prince Avalanche Trailers

Two highway road workers spend the summer of 1988 away from their city lives. The isolated landscape becomes a place of misadventure as the men find themselves at odds with each other and the women they left behind.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
JohnnyLee1 Rare character-based two-hander. A cinematic Waiting For Godot. Performances were a pleasure to watch especially Emile Hirsch's. Can't say I understood the Lady character but the truck driver (to whose memory the film is dedicated) is a joy.
magnuslhad Alvin and Lance paint lines in the road in the wake of devastating forest fires. Walking through a bizarre landscape of blackened tree trunks, punctuated by the verdant green of the recovering land, the two men bicker and grate on each other before forging some kind of bond. Much of this dialogue-heavy film centres on the men's contrasting approach to relationships. Alvin is dedicated to his partner, sending money and seemingly on the road to give her space. Lance just wants to get laid. Both are dysfunctional in their own way, as Alvin indulges his own wishes and fails to notice his partner needs him by her side. Lance's unreformed misogyny is simply crass and remains problematic even after the credits roll. Along with an equally chauvinistic older truck driver, included ostensibly for comedic value, the female-loathing exchanges become repugnant. In the end, the boys get drunk in clichéd bottle-swigging, slow-motion style, indulge in some wanton vandalism, then decide to go raid a beauty pageant. Some bizarre magic realism is thrown in at the end. Paul Rudd shows another dimension to his acting, and Emile Hirsch does enough with a one-dimensional character, but acting nous cannot save a film that relies too heavily on the evocative setting to compensate for poorly developed characters, tiresome dialogue, and long irrelevant montage sequences. Like the lines drawn when they are drunk, this is an aimless, meandering film, that does not know what it wants to say.
rooprect "Prince Avalanche" is a great cinema experience for just about everyone. It begins as the ultimate road movie (literally, a pair of mismatched Texans spend their summer painting roads) but quickly takes a detour into a world of visual poetry, provocative characterizations and deep introspection. And all the while it manages to maintain a sense of brainless comedy that the storyline & DVD cover might lead us to expect.In spite of its grand visual setting in the majesty & desolation of fire-ravaged Texas, this is a very minimalistic production with just 2 main characters, 2 supporting characters and 10 or 20 miles of desolate Texas roads in the aftermath of the 1987 wildfires (it was actually filmed at the site of the 2012 Batstrop County fire). Being set in the 80s adds to the comedy & charm of this quirky flick. Be prepared to see Paul Rudd sporting a very "Magmum P.I." moustache and white tube socks with those 3 funky colored stripes at the top.There aren't a lot of big gags but instead the humor comes from the low-key bizarre dialogues between our 2 leads, "Alvin" (Paul Rudd) who is the self appointed leader because he's the self-proclaimed smarter of the two, and "Lance" (Emile Hirsch) who isn't the brightest doorknob. The laughs hinge on the weirdness of their discussions much like the hilariously strange banter between John Travolta & Samuel L. Jackson in "Pulp Fiction".In all, "Prince Avalanche" is an excellent show of what the French philosophers might call "La Comedy Humaine" with its poignant look at human nature. And at the same time the movie isn't so heady that it's above an occasional brainless laugh, like having the two fight & chase each other through the forest with axes.I wanted to mention 2 trivial tidbits in case you're interested in stuff like this: (1) The filmmakers note that no animals were harmed, so the occasional scenes of roadkill, fishing and what looked like a small skinned monkey for dinner were apparently props (this is good to know as a lot of indie films slip under the AHA radar and use real animals to save money on special effects), and (2) the excellent performance by supporting actress Joyce Payne (the woman in the ruins) was actually an unscripted addition to the film when they met Joyce, an actual ex-resident, while filming. As you will see, her character becomes pivotal to the story & meaning of the film, reminding us that great moments in cinema do often happen by accident."Prince Avalanche" is rated R which surprised me since there is no nudity, not much profanity and no violence. There are 1 or 2 dialogues about sexual situations which might get a bit racy for the kiddies, but other than that, this is a tame film. I highly recommend it to fans of Jim Jarmusch ("Down By Law", "Coffee & Cigarettes") and Wim Wenders ("Million Dollar Hotel", "Lisbon Story", "Alice in the Cities").
Jay_Jay2664 You hate to give a low review but this just drags on with lame bromance discussions. So far 45 minutes in and it keeps getting worse. The high scores for this flick must be from friends and families. Long boring nature shots and frying of squirrel are the exciting parts. Sun drags to the horizon in sunset...guy walks into stream in swim trunks and boots, sits n water. Closeup of eyeball with hair dangling. Man paints shoes traffic line yellow. Guy gets dear John letter from sister of other man working with him. I' m surprised they didn't share Maxie pads! They get drunk and dump their working tools in the reveine.They want you to leave 10 line. That's five ones longer than the story. Smart boys sleep in tent with kerosene lamp burning, in a closed tent and don't even wake up with a headache.