They Came Together
They Came Together
R | 27 June 2014 (USA)
They Came Together Trailers

A small business owner is about to lose her shop to a major corporate development.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Tore Dahl This is.... surprisingly weak. You have both Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler, and none of them are particularly funny in this movie. That said, Rudd is more like a funny straight man more than most comedians, but he can shine, "slap-a-da-bass" anyone? The jokes in here are pretty dim too, and when Americans try to create surreal humour, they seem to always fail miserably. And then we have a lot of predictable scenes, where you can see the joke coming many, many seconds away. If only they were funny, you could forgive (some) of it. But no. You're much better off watching Parks and Recreation again, where any five minutes of any episode, is much better than this entire movie.
Saarah N A film attempting to mock all romantic comedies, ever made!.Was it good at meeting this aim? I'd say so, it mocked multiple clichés from the clumsy damsel in distress, to the 'afraid of commitment' male lead....For me, the film was quite off putting, hence the three stars, I felt that because it had to include all the stupid clichés-in order to mock them- the film was too predictable. This film was like a bad Shakespeare play- just like him, this film mocked love at first sight, 'the rivalry to love' story, how everything always worked itself out. The unhappy ending surprise, near the end, was a welcome one. A break from all the predictability.As a piece of satire, the film wasn't bad. But because I adore so many romantic comedies, this film was like a slap in the face. A piece which serves to ridicule, and reveal the irony and stupidity behind rom-coms. Everything presented was a sort of reminder that you've seen it all before. Even if the characters were charming. Though, as much as I disliked certain aspects, I do think this was clever- and entertaining, the dialogue was brilliant. Particularly when Joel receives a promotion for the most ridiculous, least inspiring, speech of all time. And he says something along the lines of 'I wasn't expecting that at all'. When, it was more than clear that he would receive it, a play on the idea of everything always working out.While I wouldn't recommend this film to committed rom-com fans, I will recommend to those who call themselves 'anti-romantics'. Though, I'm sure anyone will appreciate most of the humour, but I can't promise you'll laugh all the way through.
Finfrosk86 So, I heard about this movie by chance, I checked out the cover, and it seemed, well, like something I didn't really want to see. But then I heard of it again, on some list over under-appreciated, or underrated movies, and I decided to give it a go.. And wow, this is actually one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. Some of the scenes here are actually some of the funniest I've ever seen. The movie isn't perfect, but it succeeds extremely well in making fun of all sorts of stupid romantic comedy/romantic movie-clichés. Making fun of them in a very dorky way. Very funny. So many stupid smiles, 'thoughtful' faces, silly dialogue and so on. I think some of the reason for this movies low score is probably that people don't get the jokes. Some of the jokes here are super obvious, almost in a spoof-kind-of-way, except they are followed through (like the pole-thing). But other jokes are more hidden, like how they constantly overdo the romantic stuff. And some of the jokes are even more hidden.Really my kind of humor, though. Don't actually think I've laughed this much from any movie, ever.Every actor involved does great, too. I always liked Paul Rudd, and he is his usual self.The way the story is told is also kind of smart. It's the right amount of poking fun at story-telling, and actually being a little clever with it. Well done.Funniest scene? Well, let's say I could tell you about it, but I'd probably have to say that again. That scene was hilarious, man. (you'll get it)
jzakany This is a stupid movie, and I mean it as a compliment. Stupid movies have their place in this world. Sometimes it's great to just laugh. Sometime you don't want to think, you don't want a deep, introspective message, you just need a laugh. This movie nailed it for me.It's a parody of romantic comedies, and it hammers nearly all the clichés. As with this style of movie, the story and plot do not matter. It's all about the jokes, and the writers of this movie did a great job. Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd perfect as the leads. This style of comedy is a great vehicle to showcase Amy's comedic style honed during her stint on Saturday Night Live. Paul Rudd has been a Rom Com lead, and he's also shown he has the knack for stupid movie acting with roles in everything from "40 Year Old Virgin" to "Role Models" to "Anchorman 2". The people that panned this movie must have a pole up their tailpipe. I imagine they're the types that think Sundance Film Festival movies are too mainstream and commercial. Hey, they're allowed to be like that. I'm just glad I'm not one of them. Oh...and once you've watched the movie you'll laugh at the joke I hid in this review.