The Wild Thornberrys Movie
The Wild Thornberrys Movie
PG | 20 December 2002 (USA)
The Wild Thornberrys Movie Trailers

Eliza and Debbie are two sisters who don't always get along. But their relationship is put to the test when Debbie's life is in danger, and Eliza might have to give up her power to talk to animals....

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Python Hyena The Wild Thornberrys Movie (2002): Dir: Cathy Malkasian, Jeff Mcgrath / Voices: Lacey Chabert, Tim Curry, Rupert Everett, Marisa Tomei, Lynn Redgrave: Why are the noses of the father and grandparents the length of the head of other characters? Not only is this question not answered but the film fails to even provide decent animation. Threadbare plot has the Thornberrys posted in Africa where they study and protect wildlife. The hero is a girl who can understand animals but fails in preventing poachers from nabbing a cheetah cub. An unnecessary subplot has her and her chimpanzee companion sent to a boarding school. The second and third act work well enough but the whole issue of magical powers doesn't. Directed by Cathy Malkasian and Jeff McGrath but characters are divided. The young heroine is appealing enough for the target audience but other characters are not so broad. The parents are typical with kind orders to do chores and go to school. The poachers are typical villains who will be brought to justice. There is some decent voice talents by Lacey Chabert, Tim Curry, Rupert Everett, and Marisa Tomei, and despite all this, none of these characters remotely come to life. While there exist a wildlife theme it is largely bypassed for program promotion. The result is a film that isn't half as interesting or entertaining as Animal Planet. Score: 2 ½ / 10
dieterk-473-222610 For some reason or another this movie's reviews here haven't been glowing; this really should change. While not the best animated movie ever, it's certainly the best that Nick has ever offered and possibly the best based on a TV show. It is based on the TV series that focuses on Eliza Thornberry, the girl with the ability to talk to animals, and the rest of her family. This movie gives most of the characters the due attention they deserve (Donnie is thankfully kept to a minimum, though we could've had more Marianne) and keeps them true to themselves. The animation and artwork are also very much like the series's, though upgraded slightly to make the landscapes more beautiful and the animals more realistic. The music (both soundtrack and score) are also very good; I got goosebumps during the cold-open of a cheetah hunting to some traditional savanna chanting. All and all, good so far. Now for the plot: it's actually pretty great. While keeping the whimsy of the series, it explores important messages like family and environmentalism with a rather dark and serious story. Long story short: Eliza feels that she must correct a wrong by saving a cheetah cub that was snatched up by poachers, and in her quest to expose the wrongdoers stumbles upon a truly vile plot that endangers thousands of elephants. Through this she learns that it isn't her powers that make her amazing: it's the fact that she cares enough to do something with them. For a kid's movie, it's pretty good. The major fault in this movie (to me) was the overuse of the so-called "Wedgie Dance". It was funny the first time, but not after that. Still, it's a kid's movie, and they love that kind of stuff. All and all, give this movie a shot. Especially if you like animals.
ApolloBoy109 ...I'm simply too old to be loving stuff like this and yet every day at seven o'clock in the morning, fresh from the shower with a cup of tea in hand I watch EliZa, Darwin, Donnie et. al.Let's get something straight right now -- I'm 42. I love the series, the whole concept behind this young girl who can talk to animals. I love the green perspective the entire show possess. And most of all I love Tim Curry. The amount of creative engery he brings to Nigel blows me away.All of the actors -- especially Lacy and Tom are wonderful. It is the closest thing we have to the adventures of Jules Vern and Haggard. And that's just it -- The Wild Thornberries are Adventure!! And thanks to Nikki for getting the movie for my birthday.
Dillon Naber This is a great film for kids and parents alike. It teaches valuable lessons in a fun, action packed setting. THe people who make these movies and shows about the Thornberrys obviously love nature, and it shows in the quality of the films/shows, and hopefully translates into the viewing audience. THis is not some mindless cartton, but a great example of how education about our natural world can be fun and entertaining.