| 01 September 2010 (USA)
Parked Trailers

Fred Daly returns to Ireland with nowhere to live but his car. Then dope-smoking 21-year-old Cathal parks beside him, and brightens up his lonely world. Encouraged by Cathal, Fred meets attractive music teacher Jules. Growing closer, these three outsiders are set on a course that will change their lives forever.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
The Couchpotatoes I wouldn't call Parked an excellent movie like some others on here but it's a good movie enough to watch once and that's about it. The story is okay but in my eyes it's been told a bit too slow. The homeless guy living in his car because of unfortunate circumstances with a heroin junkie as his neighbor also living in his car. You can have some sympathy for one and a bit lesser for the other. It's interesting to watch them becoming friends with all the differences they have, and to watch them struggle to get their life back on track again. Colm Meaney and Colin Morgan did a good job playing the two main characters. The movie could just have used a bit more tempo and a happier note but it is what it is. Not bad but not excellent.
Hannah Maybury Parked (2010) staring Colm Meaney (Fred Daly) and Colin Morgan (Cathal O'Regan) is a interesting but moving film about two men who never move at all.Fred Daly (Meaney) is a homeless man in his 40's who lives in his car. He has a very simple life and is not that sort of street scum you'd expect. He meets a younger homeless boy; Cathal O'Regan (Morgan) who is more or less definitely that street scum you'd expect. It's an unusual couple who just help each other out in staying alive and don't ask for much. The troubles they come across though; with drugs, women and money, bring them close, but they end up being pulled apart by the exact same things that brought them together.This movie is what I like to call a "montage movie". I love montages because they hold so much more meaning than dialog. Parked is full of it and I think 65% of this beautiful movie is montaging. Hence the title I give it of "montage movie". I think the produces and writers decided to use the least amount of dialog possible so when there is dialog, its brilliant. Colin has the most hilarious lines and Colm's character is so wise. They fit together so well; I love, love, LOVE the chemistry between them. (but not in a gay way) they work so well.Another thing I wanted to touch on is the beautiful filming and camera shots. This is the reason I'm OBSESSED with this film. Far off shots in the distance with a simple ambiance of calming music, composed particularly for this film (MONTAGING!). Ugh its just SO brilliant.The ending is quite sad and I cried but they may be to do with the fact I'm in love with Colin Morgan! It sums it all up pretty well though and there wasn't a moment which I didn't love. This movie is on my list of "things you must see before you die" and I've crossed it off so now you need too also!-hjl
jm-stanley Parked is a small, independent Irish film with a big heart and unexpected emotional punch. The film is a study of humanity, of keeping that humanity, and ultimately, how we need and depend on each other for any life that's worth living.Colm Meaney gives a stand-out, restrained performance as Fred Daly, a man reduced to living in his car when he can find no work and no public aid. He parks his 'abode' in a public beach front parking lot, and he is obviously hanging on by a thread, using the comfort of routine to get him through day after dreary day. Until he finds himself with a neighbor, a young drug addict named Cathal who parks his 'home' in the same lot, and shows Fred how to snatch humor, and even joy, out of a seemingly hopeless existence.What elevates this movie is the direction, the beautiful cinematography, a haunting musical score, but most especially the acting. As I said, Colm Meaney, who couldn't give a bad performance if he tried, is poignantly stolid as a man abandoned and alone, clinging to what little civilization he has left.The real surprise is Colin Morgan, who plays drug addict Cathal. His performance is a wonder. He has taken a mostly unsympathetic character and imbued him with pathos and humanity. His performance shows, by turns, a jittery, sad, friendly, hopeful and ultimately, powerless and heartbreaking youth abandoned by all those who should care.The story of Fred and Cathal and their unlikely friendship is the crux of the movie and told in an organic, decidedly non-Hollywood and non-contrived fashion. It grows naturally and is nurtured with care by the director who lets the story tell itself.A beautiful film, poignant yet hopeful and well worth seeking out.
sangitau2007 It's not just a movie.It's a sad beautiful poem. I still can't get the characters (specially Colin's) out of my mind. The music is excellent ! I still have tears in my eyes whenever I remember Cathal's last moments :( . The only thing that I felt missing in this movie is a bit of details about both the character's past life. This is one of those movies which creates an ever lasting impression in a person's mind.It's heart warming and heart breaking. And one thing is sure Colm Meaney and Colin Morgan has made Fred and Cathal immortal with their strong performances. Hats off to them and also to all those who made this beautiful movie.