P-51 Dragon Fighter
P-51 Dragon Fighter
| 19 August 2014 (USA)
P-51 Dragon Fighter Trailers

As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That's when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ghost_SWE P-51's fighting dragons... It sure sounds like this is going to be one awesome film indeed. It is not though. This is a film you should save for when you are severely hungover. Or better yet, skip altogether. But at the same time, if you are one of those people that enjoy bad film's, this one is a must. It has everything a bad film need. Bad script, bad acting, cheesy story, horrible effects, you name it. If you are looking for realistic dog fighting scenes with the legendary P-51 fighting dragons, you will have to find it somewhere ells. This is not the kind of film that spends time or money on researching historical documents on old WW2 aircraft. This film sounds like it could be a masterpiece, but in the end its pretty much exactly what you expect. A low budget film that might entertain some people.
MartinHafer In recent years, there have been a huge number of films offering strange mash-ups that combine things that really have no reason being combined. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a great example. And, there also have been films with alternate realities—where the rules of the franchise can be changed. The recent Star Trek films clearly fall into this category. While such bizarre reinventions might be entertaining, films like P-51 Dragon Fighter would seem to indicate that these trends have about run their course…and thankfully so.In this bizarre film, dragons, yes dragons have been brought into a WWII film. But it must be an alternate reality also because so much of the history in the film is wrong. P-51s did not serve in North Africa (and if they had, they wouldn't have been the late models you see in the film), V-2 rockets were not launched until well after the North African campaign, black men unfortunately did NOT serve on the front lines with whites and folks would have had different haircuts and no beards—because it was the 1940s, not 2014. But considering there are freaking dragons, I guess bad history isn't exactly a huge problem here.The film begins with a couple soldiers having a punch each other in the face contest to see who is the most manly (I am not kidding about this ridiculously macho scene—it IS in the movie). The film then shows that a cult of weirdo sorceresses and some Nazis are working together to control dragons that they recently discovered. These dragons work for the Germans and sport cool German insignias. They can out-fly the best American planes of the day and look unstoppable. It looks like the Allies are screwed until they assemble a group of about 8 pilots to take on the dragons. Considering that they COULD have had thousands of planes and pilots at their disposal, it IS odd they'd go with these 8 and it's also odd that they were NOT all American pilots but a United Nations sort of group (I guess the film was trying to be politically correct). At the same time these pilots take on the dragons, an equally tiny group of Allied commandos attack the dragon enclave on the ground. Again, they could have sent in 50,000 troops…but that many men mean a much higher budget than this low-budget film would have allowed.So is the film any good? Well, I liked the music….and the CGI was nice.The bottom line is that P-51 is indeed a bad movie—and this should come as no surprise to anyone (except, perhaps, the folks who made the film). It does have some decent production values and might be of interest to the really undemanding and possibly demented film buff. My only worry is that if the film manages to somehow make money that we'll see even weirder mash-ups. What's next—Cavemen with Nukes, Jesus and Gandhi Versus Hitler or perhaps The Obaminator--where we learn that our president is a robot sent from the future to wipe out mankind?!
dreamwalk1986 This, just like Mark Atkins other attempts (generally rip off's of other big movies in order to trick people into buying the DVD, "Jack the giant killer" is his perfect shameless example) is yet another flop in literally every way possible, there is literally no saving grace at all.To cut a long story short, the directing, cinematography, writing and acting is all shocking. I watched it purely out of curiosity and I wish I could have that time if my life back. I am generally a very positive person and find "something" good on most things, but this is just abysmal - needless to say, don't bother.
Bakalite Please don't misunderstand me. This movie is just crap. Wonderfully so. Tarantino, Rodriguez, et al, eat your heart out. This was not an 'A' movie pretending to be a 'B' movie. It is most definitely just a 'B' movie. The best I've seen in at least a decade.I downloaded it simply because I thought it might be an interesting 'B' movie (and no, I wouldn't have paid to see it - I will however try to pay them as a thank you though).You know how it goes, sitting at home alone, family at a jazz festival, me working. Need some non thinking down time.Have no expectations other than badly scripted, badly acted, nonsensical plot, but a wonderful representation of this second tier, cheap genre. Which I kind of expect was the producers point.Just what I was looking for. The best nonsense I've watched in years.