| 29 January 2012 (USA)
Overtime Trailers

Raph and Max only kill bad guys, and only after their boss Sam, a high-powered attorney, has cashed a nice paycheck for getting her sleazy clients off the hook. When Sam sends our heroes on a routine hit, they find themselves caught up in a conspiracy they never imagined. But whatever trouble they've gotten themselves into is nothing compared to the wrath of Raph's wife if he doesn't make it home in time for his son's birthday party. Being a good hit man is tough; being a good dad is killer!

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
HeadlinesExotic Boring
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Leofwine_draca OVERTIME is your typical slacker indie comedy about a couple of hit men out on a routine job who become embroiled in the zombie apocalypse. The film is quite laughable really and not in a good way. It's packed full of influences and references to other movies, but as a film in itself it really doesn't look good. The zombies are laughable and the shaky camera-work more likely to induce a headache than anything else. At times the film pauses for some weird soap opera-style interludes that seem to forget the zombie menace entirely.
Andy Van Scoyoc I lost count of how many times I bypassed this movie on Amazon Prime. I like Al Snow, but the cover of the film on AP, looked so stupid, I couldn't bring myself to watch it. Bored, scrolling completely through every AP zombie movie listed, twice, and coming up with nothing, I decided that this movie couldn't - in any way - possibly be any worse than the rancid garbage I've seen as of late.Glad I finally gave in and watched it. Al Snow and John Wells work very well together...very believable as partners, but John Wells steals the entire film. Glib, hilarious and a complete smart alleck, he's the type of character you love to watch because he makes a film, fun. I know he's done some serious roles and I'd like to see if he can as easily as he makes it seem, move from one personality, to another.Different story line and just genuinely fun.Give it a go. While not the greatest film ever made, you'll be glad you watched it.
Jillybean Daddy First off, I'm a longtime fan of director Matt Niehoff's work. Everything from his projects at SCAD to his current opus allow you into this amazingly talented director's gleefully disturbed mind. I have been into movies since I was old enough to watch the big screen and Overtime truly does bring everything you could want in a film to the table. First off, Snow and Well's on-screen chemistry is incredible. From start to finish they call to memory the Marx Brothers, Oliver and Hardy - you name it! These guys are hilarious. I watched Overtime in a church and was causing God to come by and ask, "why dost thou L.O.L in my house?" The Zaliens are actually creepy and hands off to the whole make-up department for horror effects that rival Savini's. The action is relentless and the bad guys do a great acting job because I was glad to see them die. At least in the movie. The camera work is pretty intense. The slow-mo scenes are awesome and help to make Max and Raphael worthy of a Jack Burton thumbs up. I love the soundtrack featuring blistering guitar work and, when necessary, an eerie score. It really set the mood in each scene, making the whole film an enjoyable ride from start to finish. The plot line is so well played out that I had to keep watching. A little action, a little sci-fi, a little horror, a lot of comedy, and an awesome movie. A Hit-man who is more family-man than assassin, yet saves the world from a Zalien apocalypse all in time to make it home for their kid's birthday? Sound strange? Welcome to the world of Overtime and the first of many of Matt Niehoff's great masterpieces.
Matthew Tyldesley Matt Niehoff & Brian Cunningham's "Overtime" offer a fresh take on the zombie genre: a kick butt movie with action, horror and comedy . There was never a dull moment in this film which starred Al Snow & John Wells was very cohesive and entertaining. Great chemistry between these two. This movie featured a great soundtrack, great acting and beautiful cinematography!!! We will be seeing much more of John Wells in the future as he had much character and charm. Amazing special effects and made right here in Louisville, Kentucky!!!! I highly recommend this action/horror comedy for everyone too see!!!!!! Lastly, the Y-box girls are hotand I want a Y- box!!!!!!!!!