| 06 December 2015 (USA)
Numb Trailers

Husband and wife, Will and Dawn, are in financial crisis after learning the job Will was counting on to salvage their financial future has disappeared in the midst of a market collapse. They set out to drive home on the winter highway back to their city, and in a moment of altruism, pick up siblings Lee and Cheryl, a pair of hitchhikers on their way to start a new life. In the midst of the night they nearly collide with an old man wandering on the snowy highway, hyperthermic and horrifically frostbitten. While searching for his ID they discover a wad of cash, a hand drawn map with GPS coordinates, and a single gold coin inside his coat. Will and Dawn reluctantly go along with Lee’s plan to report him to the police as a John Doe and pocket the money. In an attempt to save their financial struggles, all four venture off into the snowy wilderness in search of the buried gold.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
jakyoung Probably one of the most ridiculous films i have seen in a while.The acting was at best poor ,the plot not well thought out. One of the characters supposedly had a knowledge of the outdoors and yet when faced with freezing to death proceeded to build what looked like 2 snow holes with bare hands and sticks (amazing),and informed his wife to light a candle,yes light a candle in the snow hole not maybe try and start a fire with the wood that was all around ,branches etc could have been used as kindling but no ,no attempt. Very badly thought out and written.
DogFilmCritic I read the plot and i thought this looked interesting, it reminded me of the movie a simple plan but that movie was way more interesting than this.While i watch it i could think of way better movies with the same theme that i could be watching, i don't hate it but nothing got me hooked to it.I mean its not bad but there's nothing there that hasn't been done before in more interesting ways. The characters were boring and forgettable withvery used situations on way they are looking for the gold. Ill give thumbs up to the make up it look pretty good, either than that the movie is flat and its something to watch a Sunday afternoon and i doubt you will remember ever watching it afterwards.Sadly this movie has a lot of "good reviews" or should i say payed reviews making it a thrilling master piece, I dare you to watch it and give it a 10 out of 10
nestegg Really enjoyed this movie on so many levels: I felt the four lead actors were well cast and gave realistic and nuanced performances. The screenplay painted four believable characters struggling within themselves and the elements they had to confront. The BC wilderness setting was captured well by the cinematographer and supported by a fantastic musical score. Jason Goode's direction had wonderful pacing and the movie's story line hooked you into the growing dilemmas each character was experiencing. Finally, the excellent special effects (especially the makeup) made the audience feel like you were there struggling with them. Go see this movie. You'll enjoy the entire experience.
peterlagrand This is a great movie - well done in every way. It has parallels in Milton's writing. The movie is a sort of morality play with complex (and frightening) characters. Watch it to see everyday human pressures creates situations in which people are forced to act out what they believe. The characters also get to a place where they are discovering what they believe as they act it out. The first time I watched it the film felt very dark, the second time I was able to engage with it more. It is the sort of movie that, by the end, I wanted to know more about the characters rather than less—this I take as a good sign. I would love to see the makes of this movie come out with another movie that centers around heat and passion now that they have told the story of cold. I enjoyed this movie a lot, especially the camera work and the direction.