Savage Beach
Savage Beach
R | 01 October 1989 (USA)
Savage Beach Trailers

Donna and Taryn are federal drug enforcement agents based in the Hawaiian isles. Upon the success of a drug bust, they receive a call from Shane Aviation to fly an emergency package of vaccine from Molokai to Knox Island. Unbeknownst to them, Philippine representative Martinez has convinced Captain Andreas to use a reconnaissance satellite to locate a sunken ship laden with gold that the Japanese had pilfered during World War II. Meanwhile, a storm forces Donna and Taryn to land their plane on a remote island which harbors the gold. The hijinks ensue when they are joined by a host of nefarious types who have learned of the gold’s location.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
udar55 Donna (Dona Speir) and Taryn (Hope Marie Carlton) are back! After busting some cocaine dealers (who smuggle their stock in pineapples), our busty federal agent duo find themselves delivering a medical serum to an island for Shane Abilene (Michael J. Shane). Yes, another Abilene! Anyway, a storm causes the plane to mess up and they get way off course before landing on a deserted island. They get company quick though when a group shows up to locate some lost Japanese gold. And, of course, there is also some stranded Japanese World War II vet still living on the island. No sure why, but I enjoyed this much more than previous entry PICASSO TRIGGER (1988). Maybe because it was a bit more focused in the plot department, even though it is convoluted as hell. My mind was also reeling as this was my first "wait, who is this guy again" experience with director Andy Sidaris' roving band of players as Rodrigo Obregon is back for a third time as a new villain. Sidaris also capitalized on the Asian influence and cast James Lew and Al Leong is supporting roles. The end is the best with one of the funniest explanations/flashbacks from the Japanese warrior (who has terrible age make up). Naturally, the film is packed with nudity and Sidaris should get credit for what I believe is the world's most gratuitous airplane changing scene. Sadly, this marked the end of the road for Carlton in Sidaris-land and I'm genuinely sad to see the team of Donna and Taryn break up.
maddogthemad I'm kind of on a Sidaris Marathon this evening. :)This is the archtypical B movie with gratuitous use of scantily clad, and occasionally unclad women, but it's so typical that it could be considered maybe to define the genre. It differs mostly in the actual quality of filming, and actual attractiveness of the women acting from the majority of other B's of its type.It flows very well, so that you never really start to get bored or lulled. For the most part the scenes either make sense to the plot, and move it along or add a different kind of excitement.Still, of course, only fans of typical B movies, like the kind that push the R rating a little further than mainstream tends to allow, would want to watch it. If you're into that, you'll find this film to be a bit better than average.
John Seal A typical entry in the Sidaris filmography, Savage Beach features the usual assortment of well-endowed women, goofy villains, and exotic locations, and is simple minded if occasionally violent fun. The highlight of this one is Michael Mikasa's appearance as a World War II Japanese soldier stranded on a remote island--in order to age him, the makeup department seems to have submerged his head in a bowl of collodion. It's not a pretty sight.
cannibalfreak100 Not a bad film, Im sadly quite a fan of Andy Sidaris so i thought this was Ok. When i say this, I dont mean you wanna go comparing to Citizen Kane or something. But if you like; poor acting (to point where its funny), top heavy women, and script writing of an all together different calliber, then this is for you. The highlight for me (other than the naked beach scene) was the japenese wild mans origin story. Only let down - no Julie Strain!!