Ninja Apocalypse
Ninja Apocalypse
| 05 August 2014 (USA)
Ninja Apocalypse Trailers

Framed for assassinating the Grandmaster, the Lost Ninja Clan must battle their way up an underground nuclear bunker filled with hordes of supernatural enemies, mutants and flesh eating zombies. Trapped a thousand feet below the earth's crust, these ninjas will face hell.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Michael Ledo Years after "the Great War" (Not WWII but that other great war) the world, or at least one community is divided into Ninja Clans with some having magical role playing game powers. The master (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) calls for a conference for the clan to unite against a prospective outside foe. During his speech, he gets Ninja starred in the head. Cage (Christian Oliver) is accused of the crime and he must fight his way out of a 100 levels which include zombies, just because zombies are hot as are girls in leather. The film is too much like a computer game.It is a future which still has running vehicles, but no guns.Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity. Sexy siren women with cleavage in leather.
clarkmick33 This movie takes everything from ninja pop culture and video games and makes a movie out of it....and somehow zombie pop culture got thrown into it all as well.I think the directors were just having one hell of a time trying their best with a tiny budget to make the scenes look cool and not giving a flying f@&k about how the acting was done or who the characters were. The premise was ...ummmmmm...........just strange...I mean yes the earth was blown apart by nuclear war....but why has everyone turned to a feudal Japanese system for survival? Why does no one seem concerned about radiation? Why does no one have guns? Why do some people have super powers like Ryu or Ken on Street Fighter? Why the hell are there American white and black people being ninjas> I hope this movie was made by film students because the acting and dialogue was what I would expect from a bunch of college bums. I suppose we should all just take the movie for what it is.....a Saturday morning cereal crunching, brain numbing, action flick. I think the creators had vision ...........the vision of a 12 year old boy interpretation of what ninjas should be like - a cross between Mortal Kombat, Tekken and Tenchu Stealth Assassin (now there's a cool PlayStation game!!!)
Nobahdee Ulak This starts as a complete ripoff of 'The Warriors' movie and continues as one of the lamest anything 'ninja' related movies in history. Obviously casting Mr. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa San and Ernie Reyes Jr. who clearly never took acting lessons in his entire movie career was not enough to save this theatrical apocalypse.The overall acting is substandard with more WTFs than anything else. Antoinette Kalaj 'Siren' who looks exactly the same as Mortal Kombat's 'Kitana' was pleasing to the eye, until she/they got killed. By the way, she is of Albanian descent and will be co-starring as Natalie Martinez in 'La Migra' movie, I thought she looked Hispanic too.
kosmasp I guess I didn't get the memo, that a re-imagining of The Warriors was on the way. But I did watch it and unfortunately it doesn't hold up. There are other elements mixed in for and you have a certain dignity with Cary Tagawa, who's not only reliable, but also brings gravitas (even underground, yes!).The effects are OK, the fights are also OK, for the budget that this movie had. I guess if this was made in the 80s (yes, like the Warriors, but even by that standard it lacks quite a bit), I might have liked the group mentality and the quirkiness of the movie. Characters are OK too, not much acting and not really any surprises (twist!) ...