New World Disorder
New World Disorder
R | 03 December 1999 (USA)
New World Disorder Trailers

A gang of four eyed crooks led by Kurt Bishop are ripping off top dollar computer chips from a list of factories. The night they hit Dynaphase Systems, two dirty employees are staying late using company resources to develop their own plans for a security microchip worth millions of dollars. Psychopathic Bishop raids the Dynaphase facility and downloads the mainframe before the employees have a chance to completely erase their work from it. When Bishop discovers the value of the stolen, but partially erased information, he sets out after the rest of the chip design, letting nothing stand in his way.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Leofwine_draca With budgets spiralling and realism dwindling, it's a wonder Rutger Hauer stays in the film business. I mean has he actually made a good movie in the last ten years? Not that I can remember at any rate. NEW WORLD DISORDER is a predictable, cliché-ridden, aggravating thriller with silly, over the top and unrealistic action scenes (most of them consist of guys just shooting wildly with machine guns) and cheesy dialogue. Without Hauer it would be a real stinker.I guess it goes without saying that you have to be a fan of the actor to get a kick out of this movie. Recent years have seen Hauer's waistline expand to an alarming degree yet you may find it odd to note that he has EXACTLY the same hairstyle in every single one of his movies. I have a feeling he refuses to cut it. Hauer may not be an A-list star (in fact now he's probably down to a D-list) but he always gives fun performances in his films and this is no different. Mainly he does comic relief as he pretends not to know what computers are (one "hilarious" scene has him trying to plug a mouse in) and he even gets to dance. Check out his bizarre fashions with a different bow-tie every day.With Hauer acting like a buffoon it needs a respected actor to bring back some credibility to the film. Enter Tara Fitzgerald. Tara, what the heck are you doing here? This isn't your kind of thing and you stick out like a sore thumb. Your American accent keeps slipping when you raise your voice and you really are embarrassing yourself. Go back to what you're good at (i.e. hard-edged period dramas or whatever). It's a shame to see this undeniably beautiful actress making a fool of herself to this proportion but that's what money will do.The bad guy is played by Andrew McCarthy. Not to be rude but he's a rubbish villain and totally nonthreatening. The cyber-element of this film quickly becomes tiring too. Once again we are presented with Hollywood's unrealistic view of computers (websites loading at a touch of a button in the 1990s) and lots of pseudo-scientific dialogue which doesn't make much sense. It's all just an excuse for action and shooting anyway so it strikes me as kind of pointless. Maybe it's impossible to make a good action film on this low a budget. I don't know. In the end I was struck by the preposterousness of watching two foreign actors both pretending to be Americans in a film made in Luxembourg. It makes you wonder what the world is coming to.
jose_moscardo I don't understand why the score of this movie is so low. For me it has been a nice surprise, I bought it in a second hand DVD shop because I like Rutger Hauer but without big expectations (Hauer has starred in some good or very good movies but also in many bad ones). However, what I found here is a very entertaining thriller with good performances and some welcome innovations inside its genre and category (yes, series B action).Rutger Hauer is obviously overweight here but still cool and charismatic, Tara Fitzgerald is cute and charming, and Andrew McCarthy plays a good and odious villain. I like the concept of a veteran cop who ignores everything about computers fighting against a group of tech criminals (with the proper help from his younger female colleague) and I like the relation between the two main characters and how it develops. Also I like the touch of comedy and some funny dialogs ("I don't know the difference between a microchip and a potato chip").The movie is well directed, the script is more than average for this kind of product and there are a couple of very good action scenes (I liked specially the one in the nightclub). Also I found the soundtrack cool.I really enjoyed it and I recommend it to fans of Rutger Hauer and very decent series B flicks.
Bectile Rutger Hauer really should get himself a new agent. Last night I was horribly fascinated by his 1997 movie "Bleeders". It was so awful it was like watching a train wreck... I couldn't look away!Then this afternoon "New World Disorder" came on, and it didn't sound too bad.Hauer plays your typical grizzled anti-tech cop. Everything from references to 8-tracks, the beat up old car he drives, to his wardrobe complete with bow tie beats this into your brain throughout the whole movie! Gimme a break! He deserves better. Some of the old Rutger shows through, but generally he plays an old fart and it pained me to watch!The soundtrack music was lame and many of the characters were flat, it played exactly like a "made for TV" movie. The plot was okay, and it barely kept me watching, but it could have been so much better! How disappointing.If you really like Rutger Hauer, as I do, you can get a few moments enjoyment from when he is able to put a little personality into the role, but generally this movie was a predictable waste of time.Rebecca
Hyena In Silicon Valley, programmers develop super defensive program for computers, which impossible break open. However, group hackers-bandits kill the programmers and are tortured to steal a program, but it falls into the hands of detective David Marx, which thinks that computers - the whole only writing type-writers with the screen :-) But when hackers delete all its bank, Marx declares an open a war by "New World Disorder". Splendid film!