R | 08 June 2001 (USA)
Final Trailers

Waking up in a nearly empty room, Bill has strange recollections of his father's death and a car crash, and occasional paranoid delusions. Ann, a psychologist, tries to help him make sense of it all.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
EdDC Actually, there are no spoilers in this note, as there is nothing to spoil.I like movies where they make up what they are going to do as they do it. Sometimes the movie is working well, while other times you wish they would have written something out before turning the camera on. Maybe if they woke the actors up later in the day, the actors could have figured out more of a plot, since obviously the writers went out for a nice lunch somewhere far away from the set, and repeated calls to their cell phones for help were never returned. You never know minute to minute if the movie is ever going to go anywhere, or whether it ever might make sense. A suspense movie in that regard. I especially liked Hope Davis in this movie, as whatever plot development there was happened through her unspoken words. Not necessarily art, just good movie-making, anti-Hollywood.
chuckewe Channel surfing one night, I caught this film somewhere after it started and was drawn in by the premise, which if you have read the included summary, you know involves a man, locked inside an institution, claiming he is from the past. The interplay between the psychologist, wonderfully played by Hope Davis, and the "patient" played by Denis Leary, was very fascinating. Having stepped into the movie after it started, I was swept away by my imagination as to what was really going on. I continued to watch the film for another 20 minutes, still intrigued by the story. How did this man find himself in the institution? I searched my program guide, learned the film was going to be on a later date, and set my dish/recorder. When I watched the film from the beginning, (Warning, a little of the film plot) I realized how he came into the institution, was a mystery, at least to him. I was very impressed with Denis Leary's acting. Having seen him in the Ref which was a comedy, I enjoyed him, later, having watched him in Two If by Sea (terrible film) and The Job (an awful main character made this show difficult to enjoy), I didn't really expect him to show the depth of acting he was able to portray in this film. If you enjoy him on Rescue Me,(some of the finest work on television today, which makes the summer viewing pleasurable) and are now going back to view some of his earlier work, you will not be disappointed in the time you spend engrossed with this film.
Pidgey1 For the most part, I have always loved Denis Leary. He is a funny and obviously talented performer. But now I know what I've been missing. His ability to act to be a character so out of character for him, is substantially shocking. Final is an amazing movie and of course so much of that has to do with Campbell Scott, the quietest most subtle actor/director around. The real problem is that I had not even heard of this movie. How can such a wonderful and complex contribution not have been afforded any or little comment. It is indeed a sparse movie, but only in the sense of the setting. Otherwise, the screen is packed and each scene full of acting and real world questions about reality and our sense of selves. Hope Davis is always phenomenal as well, but look what can be done with a small room and two right on actors. See this movie and appreciate what can be done with a stick and a piece of string.
Alan J. Jacobs I felt as though I should watch it again to figure out plot elements that I really didn't get, hints of things that may or may not have happened. But I didn't, because I just wasn't that interested.I guess that mental hospitals are popular as sites for movies because there must be lots of vacant sanitoria lying around the country that you can rent for cheap. And this movie seemed quite cheap. What is it about Denis Leary? He so unsympathetic, such an overactor, such an emoter. He has the right to exist, but I've never seen him in anything where I enjoyed watching the guy act. And when he speaks as himself, as a guest on a talk show, he's even less sympathetic. Hope Davis was her usual bland self.But there are a few elements of the plot that I didn't get, and I didn't go back to figure out: (SPOILER)1. Is there a prior relation between Bill and Ann? Specifically, is Bill the father of Ann?2. Is Ann an unfrozen person, who once had some relation to Bill?3. What's with Ann's sister? Was she frozen, but now having troubles? Is she really Ann's sister, or her mother, via Bill?As you can see, I missed something. I'm not good at sci-fi mysteries. So blame it on me.Jim McGaffin as the orderly was perfect.