Nature of the Beast
Nature of the Beast
R | 24 October 1995 (USA)
Nature of the Beast Trailers

Two men, both hiding a deadly secret, are on a murderous rampage through the desert.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Jason Daniel Baker It is apparent that uptight and straitlaced salesman Jack (Henriksen) has stolen a briefcase of mob money from a Las Vegas casino and is hurriedly on the run to California behind the wheel of his company car. Beneath the facade of his business-like grace is the dark secret.A feculent, verbose and irritating hitch-hiker by the name of Adrian (Roberts) stalks him and just won't leave him alone. It is far from luck of the draw that Adrian, a lurking spirit of decadent evil has found Jack on the long ride home and he is insistent they have a killer weekend together. The whole truth of crimes of the past haunts each of them in their summit of criminal minds.Adrian enjoys making Jack feel uncomfortable and finds it pretty easy to do given that Jack is nobody's fool and appears to suspect him of being a particularly gruesome serial killer from the Most Wanted List who is loose in the area murdering people in cold blood. Whats more is the raggedy man doesn't deny it or a penchant for brutality. But he knows what Jack did and threatens to call the cops on him if Jack continues to avoid him or tries to ignore him subjecting him to what turns out to be the sensation of bittersweet purgatory.This odd couple of lonely hearts on the road in what is a form of buddy movie are nevertheless nothing like Bob Hope and Bing Crosby as they are more like demonic aliens. The intensity of their interactions suggests a great deal more is at play. Of course the hard truth IS a great deal more at play and each moment they spend together brings the audience closer to the rude awakening that things are kind of what they seem to be but also kind of NOT what they seem to be.A grave confrontation awaits as, left without options, there is only one way out to reconciling the deep terror of their differences at the end of their voyage.Eric Roberts never ceased being an electrifying performer from the beginning of his cinematic career in the 1970s. But difficulties with drugs and occasional expressions of violence curbed some of the success the southern gentleman might otherwise have had in his career resulting in a dead end near the early 1990s. The quirkiness of his characterizations show a complete lack of fear when improvising.Lance Henriksen remains the intriguing character actor who consistently steals scenes in supporting roles and can often play the lead. Like Roberts his attitude and charisma assert themselves behind the warped ethos and phony persona his character exudes.
videorama-759-859391 Riding similar paths with The Hitcher, sort of, here's another of these b grade surprises. I assume, not made on a high budget, here's a thriller I enjoyed more than I thought I would. The location use is great, again using that American icon, the Pink Motel for some of it's early scenes. A movie surprise you keep comparing to The Hitcher, throughout, this is a flawless, solid psychological thriller, where you couldn't ask for more finer actors in the roles. The killer twist at the end, is not only surprising but shocking too. Heading back from Vegas, with a suitcase, in the wake of these grisly hatchet killings, the words Hatchet man left on them, as a trophy, wearied business man Henricksen is befriended before being constantly harassed by a younger, needle injecting hitch hiker, the mysterious Adrian (Roberts). the mysterious Roberts. Wanting so much to get rid of this guy, Henrickson, soon finds himself manipulated by him, and blackmailed, as to the sensitive contents of the suitcase. Roberts is so much fun to watch and really funny at times, and it's quite an interesting journey, where we meet some interesting characters, some who become the killer's next victims. It kind of slows near the end, while in Henricksen's cabin, with more injecting, but then a surprise revelation. The song "Loverboy" had me in the first time I heard it, as like the cops trying to track this maniac down, I like to track this song down. All in all NOTB, sits up there with The Hitcher in my opinion, of course I'd still opt for the latter. It's a cute nifty little thriller, that reminds us as humans, what grisly and despicably murderous acts were capable of, even if we create other times, and appear the norm.
Laurian Diaconescu This one sharp and solid thriller which ended up underrated for some reason. Movies which manage to create tension through solid dialogs and great performances are real gems these days. The story looks simple: Jack tries to avoid Adrian, a hitcher, after being warned by the police about a serial killer running loose. However, the two men meet again in a Cafe, and they become inseparable, since they know each other's secrets. One of them is the serial killer, while the other managed to stole a big amount of money from a Vegas Casion. This movie manages to keep you from yawning or fast-forwarding by using smart dialogs and brilliant twists. And just when you start thinking you can anticipate the ending, it hits you on the head really hard. The entire movie is based on the performances of Lance Henriksen and Eric Roberts, which prove once again that they are underrated for no reason. The chemistry between them is always there, but in a creepy way. The soundtrack fits the story perfectly, and the depiction is brilliant. If you haven't seen it, don't rent it, BUY it. You'll end up watching it at least three times and then again, at irregular intervals. Hopefully they will do justice to this movie one day, and really promote it, like they should have done from the day it came out. Conclusion: one of the smartest, memorable thrillers you'll ever see.
dbdumonteil What I have to say is merely a repetition of what the other users said before:the two leads literally save the movie from absolute mediocrity.They are so good,their performances are so intense that they are to be commended for transcending the limitations they are working under .The script writers ,in order to make sure the audience understands they have been watching a "deep" "meaningful" work call Jeremiah (and the Bible) to the rescue,but it's too little too late.This is the well known mix road movie/"there's a killer on the road" (as Jim Morrison used to sing),and even a child could guess who he is.But the film deserves a look ,weren't it only for the way two first-class actors can redeem abysmal scripts.