R | 17 November 2017 (USA)
Mudbound Trailers

In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
The_Film_Auditor Mudbound is a film that doesn't pull the punches in showing the reality of racism in the post-World War II south. The realism that is put into this film makes me feel many emotions including sadness, anger, and even guilt. It is hard for me to believe that people could be so cruel and inconsiderate to someone just because they had different color skin. Racism was not the only thing covered in this film. Other subjects included PTSD, family, and gender roles.The technical aspects of the film were also well done. The Cinematography was beautiful and I thought the acting from Mary J. Blige, Garret Hedlund, Jason Mitchell, and Rob Morgan was great. I would definitely recommend this.Side note: I don't think I have ever hated a character more than the grandfather!
Hot 888 Mama . . . bad things happened to a particular group of Americans, MUDBOUND reports. If MUDBOUND had played in all of the Confederate State movie theaters in the 1940s, perhaps it would have shown the grandparents of Today's KGB enablers the error of their ways. Such a more timely release of MUDBOUND may have warded off the Birmingham church bombing and Mississippi Burning, while eliminating the need for Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-Ins, Bus Boycotts, and Bridge Battles. Possibly mandatory MUDBOUND sensitivity training sessions would have made these 1900s Southern Racists too self-conscious and ashamed to reproduce, solving the USA's "Race Problem" once and for all. (As an added benefit, this would have allowed all of the folks speaking normal American dialects to spread out Down South, giving all of us more "elbow room.") Unfortunately, releasing MUDBOUND three generations too late could well do more harm than good. Just as a Presidential Commission concluded that the initial version of the TV miniseries ROOTS reached back centuries to ignite dangerous "blowback" in the late 1900s, perhaps a future White House post-mortem will conclude that MUDBOUND kicked over an even bigger hornet's nest.
mohamedmassoud-71470 MUDBOUND- 79% What a beautiful unique movie that expresses a much more realistic view of the awful time black people were treated indifferently. The movie has an impressive acting performance. It did have a slow start which makes the process even harder to digest as it came to an end. Story wise and execution: 30/35 Acting: 21.2/25 Camera work: 17.9/20 Sound: 9.8/20
Carlos André This was one of the most difficult grades that I ever gave on IMDb. It's really hard to rate the movie, and I'll try to say why here.Let's start from the top, I really love the overall message that the movie wants to pass, the prejudice, the bad things that humankind it's willing to do sometimes, but also, that there are good people out there, into the mud and the durst. Anyway, this is what I love about the movie, I love the way that it approaches the subject, you fell for all the color characters that are on screen, you want to step up, and fight for them, you fell rage for the KKK a-holes, and a lot of other feelings. In this subject (the message one) the movie is great, thrilling, and engaging. However...In my opinion the biggest flaw of the movie is his need to give everyone a voice (littery a voice, they have narration moments), and does not work. Look, I'm not a hater of narration on movies, I think that if they are used in the right way, they work, but here they overuse this style, and with half away of the runtime you're just tired to hear someone pop up and talking about their feeling every 5 minutes. And is also confusing at times, the pacing of the editing.The movie is also really boring at times, mainly when Jason Clarke's character is on screen, you just don't care about him, his family or anything like that. And this happens probably because they don't do anything special when they are on screen.On the other hand, the acting here is amazing, everyone is great on the roles especially Jonathan Banks (you truly hate the character), Garrett Hedlund and Rob Morgan. The score is very good also.In short, Mudbound is a movie that worth see it, approaches a tough subject, that we must not forget that happened, and change our mindset, in order to ensure that this behavior stops (because this continues to happen, in other forms, till this day). The movie fails on some editing, pacing and screenplay perspective, but, the overall message stills strong.
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