R | 27 April 2018 (USA)
Kings Trailers

A foster family in South Central a few weeks before the city erupts in violence following the verdict of the Rodney King trial in 1992.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
DrtyBlvd Others will tell you the story of the story; I'll just tell you that it had me within 20 minutes - from the love that shines from the very first morning children wake-up scene to the ending face of horror. I had no awareness of what I was watching - no pre conceptions - and yes, there is an element of 'European' to the story line - it doesn't connect all the dots for you, it doesn't try to guide you anywhere for anything - it just presents its' self to you and it is, in my opinion, left to you to make of it what-you-will - super-critically, that might have been done a little better, or smoother, perhaps overall - but it doesn't detract as the topic is fractured to start with. This is one of those films that *actually* causes a response in you - the constant background build-up of children stress and noise makes you realize you're holding your breath waiting for the moment to pass - if you can separate the experience from reality, you're a far more disconnected person than i - and that is part of the realisation that you're watching something interesting. The facet of the riots and the actual footage and trial coverage is well done and balanced - it's always on in the background of peoples rooms - saying the same thing, over and over; but it's not the reason for the film nor the focus; this is not a political shinty-stick norm really, an attempt at morale crusading - it's a slice of life at a particular time, and involving disparate characters that are all in the same chapter of the event - the ending was perfectly timed; where else could it go? Just on, and on, and on? - it has to stop somewhere, just not at the station that says 'Here is a nice and neat all tied-up with string and a bow ribbon ending' I like that, because it's true. Not a studio led must-have happy ending. I was captivated by Halle - Daniel Craig's character barely got away with its' self and could have had a touch more to it which would have helped with understandings and sympathies greatly; but it's OK without - it's the film that is the story here, not the lead characters.The three youngsters were brilliant and will, I am sure, go far, if they haven't already - both new to me - the dissident young lady and Halle's eldest child and self described "friend"; whose future was an under current from the get-go. Watch this with no expectations and judge it accordingly. If you choose to criticise (any) film for what it doesn't do, then you must self-question what it was you thought its objective was. This film is entertainment, and observation, from a certain vantage. It doesn't try to be anything more than it is - and the sum of its parts are worthy of a 7 without question.
Nathan Walter If the movie's plot line was meant to match the chaos of the Rodney King riots, then kudos, you played me.But the movie couldn't stay in one place. There were random kids introduced every seven minutes it seemed, the focus was always shifting (romance between Halle Berry's & Daniel Craig's characters; teenage black kid; teenage black girl; riots; shoplifting brother, etc.) It just jumped all around.The Rodney King story is far too important to be made like this in movie form.
av-09654 Not worthy of watching not good for anyone. Extremely cheaply made, cheap shots at causing more racism . What are you teaching young blacks? Tonhate everyone else instead of being a people who love the lord. You can't do both. This movie setting young people up for failure
Roz Mar Wynn In the credits this movie was dedicated to a young man, I would guess someone that lost their life in the riots and this was NOT a good memorial. This movie was all over the place. It appeared that Halle Berry was channeling the character from Monsters Ball??? I mean dazed and confused should not be the only emotion one can emote. If this was based on a real person, I wonder how they felt portrayed in such a manner? It was completely unbelievable that children would be in the care of such a person. The story line was all over the place. I think the film was to be a coming of age and experiencing first love in the midst of the chaos of the race riots? Just way too much going on simultaneously while not pausing to fully develop any of the ideas. I went into this film excited to see the experience of the riots (and the buildup) from a regular family's point of view, this was highly disappointing and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.