Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories
| 20 April 2018 (USA)
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Professor Phillip Goodman devotes his life to exposing phony psychics and fraudulent supernatural shenanigans. His skepticism soon gets put to the test when he receives news of three chilling and inexplicable cases -- disturbing visions in an abandoned asylum, a car accident deep in the woods and the spirit of an unborn child. Even scarier -- each of the macabre stories seems to have a sinister connection to the professor's own life.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Bereamic Awesome Movie
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
mkm-hermanjnr Ghost Stories manages to do something horror movies rarely seem to bother with these days: it makes the viewer think. Think about what's on the screen, why it's on the screen and what the meaning of it all is.This is a movie that contains three stories, all of which have very well constructed horror creeps and jumps abound. But, in a case of intentional irony, this is not really a movie about a bunch of creepy horror stories or even whether they're really happening or not.No. Instead it's a psychological journey inside the tortured mind of a rational, intelligent man struggling to deal with many horrors in his own past and present.A lot of very negative reviews here seem to centre on the ending. While the ending isn't a twist we haven't seen before, upon repeat viewings it gets better and better by virtue of so many things hidden in the film. It's a smart conclusion that not only pieces together everything, but it's also the only ending that would have worked given the strong emphasis on rationalism throughout the film.Watching a second time, you'll notice that even the protagonist's reaction to off hand comments by other characters provide insight into his personality, tumultuous past and sad, lonely present.The entire film contains clever clues to the ending throughout and, more importantly, the events that lead to the ending and why they occurred.Don't go into this expecting merely to be scared. Go into this seeing it as a character drama, watch each frame like a hawk and you will see all the excellent subtle details that the people trashing this movie completely missed.
elliotte2 The movie is a slow build, enticing the viewer on what will happen next. Acting, screenplay and pace all works well. And just as you are waiting for the payoff, the last 20 minutes goes completely downhill. It is okay to have a twist, but if the twist leaves you feeling empty, then it has lost it effect. I do not do spoilers, but read the other comments first(believe me, they are true) before watching this.Positive note: Martin Freeman can really steal a scene.
mrmurr9909 For starters, as a fan of the genre, I know that everyone enjoys their horror in different ways. Some are supernatural fans, some like slashers, etc. Persnally I am a fan of supernatural/demon/ghost stories as well as psychological thrillers. Rarely can a movie deliver both of these feels for me, and Ghost Stories does just that. This is reason #1 I loved the movie.Reason #2 is based on how the scares are delivered. The style of the movie being 3 seperate ghost tales offers great scares in a short amount of time. Many horror films drag on for hours delivering 4-5 scares in the entire film. This movie gives you a solid 4-5 within each tale all without feeling like the story relied on them to be entertaining.Reason #3 is due to the great performances. Some characters aren't on screen for long (again, due to the "short story" format. However, they bring a lot to their characters and offer genuine performances that are very believable.This movie had all the feels for me. Not ready to place it as a classic (maybe after I've views more times, discussed with peers, and reflected). However, I jumped, I laughed, I cried, I even genuinely got the chills on one scene. Really loved Ghost Stories and highly recommend.
thomasjay-52277 British horror 'Ghost stories' was a genuine surprise to see, not a massive horror fan personally those elements of the film grabbed me being extremely tense and unexpected often hard to watch we follow a denouncer of the abnormal on an investigation three seemingly exceptional cases of hauntings and creatures told convincingly by the supporting cast who's ordeals are extremely detailed. As the plot progresses and actions unfold and consequences are revealed the final twist truly came from nowhere and upon reflection is extremely well crafted. A fantastic debut feature