Mr. Popper's Penguins
Mr. Popper's Penguins
PG | 17 June 2011 (USA)
Mr. Popper's Penguins Trailers

Jim Carrey stars as Tom Popper, a successful businessman who’s clueless when it comes to the really important things in life...until he inherits six “adorable” penguins, each with its own unique personality. Soon Tom’s rambunctious roommates turn his swank New York apartment into a snowy winter wonderland — and the rest of his world upside-down.

Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Prismark10 Carrey is back in Liar Liar mode or is it Yes Man? Anyhow Popper is an ace real estate developer and he is out to close a deal with Miss Van Gundy (Angela Lansbury) to buy the Tavern on the Green which should make him a partner in the firm.Popper is too busy with work and too busy to be with his kids and his lack of attention of his domestic life led to his divorce. He inherits some penguins from his deceased dad and life becomes chaotic in his upscale apartment which he turns into a winter wonderland but he is being pursued by a zoo keeper who wants to take the penguins off him but Popper's kids engage with their dad for the first time.There is some fun with CGI penguins as they slide and shimmer but its a case of a Carrey film where we seen it all before with Carrey as the workaholic corporate executive once again. Kids will find the penguins fun and Carrey's face pulling endearingly enough but its a fair enough film but nothing more.
benfizzsafc Mr Popper's Penguins reviewI'll start this review with a bit of info about the movie. It was inspired by the classic, award winning book also named 'Mr Popper's Penguins,' which will make children laugh just as much as the film. Twentieth Century Fox made the movie, and placed Mark Waters as the director. Cast included the immature yet rather funny Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino and Angela Lansbury. Essentially, the storyline is about a successful New York City real-estate agent (Jim Carrey) who gets a shocking inheritance from his previously neglectful father who died. His present-a penguin. Later in the week, he receives 5 more penguins and just as he plans to give them to Central Park Zoo his son arrives and believes they're birthday present for him! To keep his children happy he  promises to keep the animals in his apartment, however he is supposed to be doing his work. Instead, he takes the duty of penguin caretaker as he develops a growing fondness and attachment to them. The movie is really sweet, but it may be to the point of cringing for some. The predictable 'all work, no play' businessman, who after a revelation realises 'less work, more play' is better for parenting. Still, the film is surprisingly entertaining and would have the kids giggling for days over the slapstick shenanigans, penguin choreography and Carrey's comedy. Who knows, it may become a family favourite because even for older viewers it's a guilty pleasure. RATING: 5.0/10Best parts: Snow football in Central Park Penguins being glued to Charlie Chaplin Adorable Pippi (Ophelia Lovibond) who always speaks in alliterations of the letter P, just as you think it gets old it becomes funny again-much like the movie
SnoopyStyle Mr. Popper (Jim Carrey) grew up with an absentee explorer father and becomes a cold hearted property buyer. He is divorced with two kids. One day, his long gone father sends him a penguin. He calls to return the penguin but communication problem causes 5 more penguins to be sent.It's a likable kids movie. There's nothing mean spirited here. On the other hand, there's nothing edgy or original. It's rather bland. Jim Carrey tones down this character which he has played many times before. He limits his over reaching gyrations but still has the physical pratfalls. In fact, everything seems toned down and a bit of a bore. The penguins are a marvel of CGI but they lack individualism and personality. Their artificialness is never far from the mind.
tombiddy87 This may be a film mainly aimed at kids but even so it is a mess. The outline plot is Tom Popper inherits a penguin which his Father leaves to him in his will and some how after attempting to get rid of the penguin ends up with five more. We all know what sort of film were expecting when you put Jim Carrey and a bunch of penguins together but the plot made no sense. It's becomes the norm for films portray Dads as always working and never spending enough time with their kids and that's exactly how Tom Popper(Jim Carrey) is portrayed in this film. It's called real life, People have to work. Another non sensical moment is when a animal expert comes to his flat to try and convince him to have the penguins because they need to leave in certain conditions and he is portrayed as the bad guy for thinking of the penguins best welfare.Sadly no individual performance seems to stand out but the script doesn't do it any favours. It needs to be kept in ming that this is mainly aimed at kids who will enjoy it but it is a shame it couldn't work on more then one level.