R | 28 April 1989 (USA)
Moontrap Trailers

The Space Shuttle returns to earth, but some of the equipment brought back on it begins to behave strangely. Scientists are unsure what is happening, and decide to take all necessary precautions.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
AaronCapenBanner Walter Koenig takes on a starring role as Col. Jason Grant, who, along with his co-pilot Ray Tanner(played by Bruce Campbell) is manning a routine space shuttle flight sometime in the 1990's when they encounter a derelict alien spaceship containing an ancient humanoid corpse and a self-contained cylinder that are brought back to Earth where they cause a deadly incident that convinces authorities to send Grant & Tanner back to the moon to investigate, where they encounter a sinister alien power determined to invade the Earth... Campy film has two appealing performances by Koenig and Campbell, but an unoriginal story that fizzles out by the simplistic climax. Not bad really, though the music score is unmemorable, and plot reminiscent of the film "Lifeforce".
trashgang Okay, was I tricked or fooled by the name Bruce Campbell and Walter Koenig. Both are well known names in the genre and they do give a good performance but the problem with this flick is the fact that is was made at the end of the eighties. A time horror and SF was note done.Admit it you geeks out there. Are there any good flicks, except a few (Hellraiser 1987), that have been made after the slasher heydays and just before the new school from Scream (1996) on? This here shows us again why people turned away from the genre. The effects used were laughable and suddenly robots were the next big thing. Hardware (1990) is a perfect example as is Steel and Lace (1991). Were as Hardware did had something to offer Moontrap doesn't really has anything to add. What I did like was the use of stock footage of the space shuttle but the effects used when the space shuttle is coming across another alien ship it becomes laughable. It started of rather good when they come across a disformed body and an egg but once the egg hatches it's really downhill. I wasn't interested at all in those robots and the story being weak itself made it hard to sit through. But if you do like flicks with bad effects then you lust pick this one up.I have seen the Blu Ray restored version and it looked rather good.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
oOgiandujaOo_and_Eddy_Merckx Here's some life advice you need, make yourself a nice bowl of chili and settle down to watch Moontrap. This is low budget, but all full of love, just like that good ole bowl of chili. They got Walter Koenig and Bruce Campbell with guns in space, wandering around the moon, following the thread of a mystery. I just love how someone worked out that Koenig and Campbell would make a perfect pair of chums for battling against incomprehensibility. The special effects are mostly done with some really great model work. The whole movie feels like an elongated dream, and is helped along by a superb industrial/synthesiser soundtrack.Quintessential tripe, as cockamamie as you like, but as lovable a movie as you can find. It's a truly a pure sci-fi movie that puts most of the big budget stuff to shame. It's really difficult to say why, but there's something about Bruce Campbell that makes him the ultimate hero, as deficient as his characters are, they just have spectacular attitudes. The mystery of this film lingers long, it reminds me that we're all struggling against the unknown and all we can do is put our best foot forward and keep our chins up.
Henk Rooijackers Although the Romans already stated "de gustibus non disputandum" (you cannot argue about taste), I liked this movie very much! It has the kind of atmosphere I am longing for in a SciFi movie! A lot of mysteries (we are fully kept in the dark about the origins of the moon base and the mysterious old spaceship, which the space shuttles encounters in orbit) and presented as such in a way, that my fantasy can jump with giant leaps during the entire movie! I even don't WANT to know where they came from!!! The "human slashing" is a bit overdone for my taste, but then depends on what you are looking for - I guess. The special effects could be better, but they don't disturb me at all: as a matter of fact they are indeed more accurate than in other comparable movies! At the time it really was timed perfectly: a lot of conspiracy theories were posted about Apollo astronauts hiding secrets from us (secret alien moon bases, UFOs, etc.), which made this film even more believable than normal.It really is the kind of movie, which deserves a sequel: maybe we can then get more insight into the origins of the unknown people - or even better: run into new mysteries. Of course Walter Koenig is now a bit too old, but a SERIOUS remake of Moontrap - followed by an equally SERIOUS sequel! - would make me very happy indeed!