Pink Cadillac
Pink Cadillac
PG-13 | 26 May 1989 (USA)
Pink Cadillac Trailers

A bounty hunter helps out the wife of a bail-jumper after her child is kidnapped by neo-Nazi types.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Micitype Pretty Good
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Mr-Fusion "Pink Cadillac" is a fairly dull action comedy (long on runtime, short on laughs), but it's worth a look-see for Clint Eastwood in a comedic role. He really goes all out in those goofy disguises and it's always something to see when he plays against type. Also, for the very cute Bernadette Peters and the curious bit parts (James Cromwell, Jim Carrey and Bryan Adams). But I don't see myself coming back to this; I don't remember making with any ha-has. If you want to see a movie star in the sick-of-bounty-hunting role, stick with "Midnight Run", no question. 5/10
TxMike Clint Eastwood is Tommy Nowak, making his living working for a bond company, tracking down and bringing back those who have jumped bail. The opening scenes establish his character by showing him in action in two different cases.Bernadette Peters has always been a favorite of mine. Here she plays a young mother Lou Ann. Her husband is mixed up with a gang of Caucasian supremacists who are also thieves. It turns out her husband and their friends have a big stash of counterfeit money and, when a raid happens she is the only one there, thus the one arrested. Out on bail, she slips away and Nowak is hired to track her down.This isn't a particularly good movie. The title comes from the car that Lou Ann's husband owns, and which Lou Ann and Nowak end up traveling in. There is a big gun fight near the end. But when it is over it all adds up to nothing much.
user-38 Q: What's hotter than a blond in a pink cadillac convertable? A: a blond in a pink cadillac convertable with a trunkful of money. So hot, in fact, she's got her hapless husband, his white supremist buddies and a bounty hunter on her trail.This a true screwball comedy, not just because of the absurd situations and unlikely romance, but for its warmth, humor and intelligence. Some of the laughs are pure slapstick, others pure wit, but through it all, the lovers sparkle. Burnadette Peters, probably the best screwball actress of her generation, is a delight as the smart, silly Lu Ann. Eastwood displays a surprisingly light touch as the bounty hunter who gets drawn into the hurricane she's inadvertantly released.If you're looking for the Great American Film, try Citizen Kane. If you want braindead humor, try Dumb and Dumber. But if you want a light, funny, sexy, smart flick, you might want to check out Pink Cadillac.
mm-39 My dad and I went to see this film at Garden City. We were disappointed, and I saw it recently. A bit better than the first time I saw it, but do I like it? No! There is nothing special in this forgetable film, but not awful like Pale Rider! This film could be a sleep aid! 4/10.