Monster a Go-Go!
Monster a Go-Go!
| 01 July 1965 (USA)
Monster a Go-Go! Trailers

American astronaut Frank Douglas mysteriously disappears from his spacecraft as it parachutes to Earth. He is apparently replaced by or turned into a large, radioactive, humanoid monster. A team of scientists and military men attempt to capture the monster.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Richard Chatten The reason why I've given this film a '2' rating - as boring as it is - is that some of the acting is reasonably competent, it uses occasionally interesting locations and there are moments that show the odd bit of visual imagination - such as the sequence leading up to the death of Dr.Logan. What plot there is seems lifted from the original 'Quatermass Experiment', and before the money ran out director Bill Rebane managed to negotiate the use of a military airbase and a helicopter and persuade the Chicago Fire Suppression and Rescue Division to take their personnel and equipment out on to the streets under Wacker Drive to stage the film's interminable conclusion.Andy Warhol made plenty of films far less coherent - and longer - than this without even trying; while the ending of Antonioni's 'Blowup' is just as frustrating and inconclusive. Had it made it into drive-ins under its original title of 'Terror at Halfday' it would have been quickly forgotten; but in Herschell Gordon Lewis's haste to release it his cynical inspiration of calling the mess on his hands 'Monster a-Go Go' gives it an aura of camp it wholly fails to live up to. It's simply too drab and mediocre to reach the true heights of inspired badness.Nevertheless, Rebane shot nearly 80,000 feet of film and Lewis's cut was put together very hastily; so if the original footage still survives and an editor of the calibre of Thelma Schoonmaker were brought in to look at the existing material maybe the possibility remains that the Director's Cut of 'Terror at Halfday' may yet restore the film's critical reputation.Maybe.
gavin6942 A space capsule crash-lands, and the astronaut aboard disappears. Is there a connection between the missing man and the monster roaming the area? No bones about it, this is a terrible movie. Were it to be remade (heaven forbid) this might actually be alright, because the plot is not awful for a monster movie. But the execution! Oh, man! Poor editing, awful sound (many times conversations are hardly audible or are reverberating), nasty lighting that washes everything out (which is made worse by poor prints, no doubt). Widely considered one of the worst films ever made, it has earned that honor.What makes it interesting, though, is that despite being a piece of garbage, it was actually made by two great independent filmmakers -- H. G. Lewis and Bill Rebane, the godfather of the Wisconsin film industry. Perhaps even more interesting is a man named Rick Paul who acts in a small role. After this, he apparently stayed out of movies for twenty years before resurfacing in "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" as a victim and the film's art director. Odd! (Though not that odd given the Chicago connection.) None of this makes up for it being a terrible movie, though. Watch it at your own risk.
montecellic Yes, it's a lousy movie. Yes, it's inept. Yes, it's boring. But there are two things I actually like about "Monster a Go-Go!" The first is the opening theme song. Forget the lyrics...this is the classic '60s garage band sound all the way. It gets things off to a lively start. Unfortunately, as soon as the script kicks in, things bog down. Way, way down.But if you're patient (or simply use the fast forward button), you'll find the movie's second asset around the half-way mark: a party where a gang of teeny-boppers dance the Twist. The story focuses on one of them...a bimbette who is dancing not with her boyfriend, but--behold! Scorchingly Hot Guy.Scorchingly Hot Guy is an excellent dancer, which he proves while gyrating with Bimbette. Meanwhile, Bimbette's boyfriend watches and gets jealous. Soon, he'll drag her away from Scorchingly Hot Guy.The scene ends and the movie plods along to its conclusion. We do not see Scorchingly Hot Guy again, although he is featured in the ending of MAGG's trailer, in footage that does not appear in the movie. For viewers with sharp eyes, this gives us an even bigger payoff than his appearance in the feature itself."Go, you monster, go!"
nuhc I watched the MST3K version of this movie, and I don't think I could have watched the original version. This was just too boring & confusing of a movie to watch without someone making fun of it. The audio was atrocious and it was hard to make out what the actors were saying, not to mention that some of the sound effects were way too loud for the action (which made not only Joel & the bots jump, but me as well). The one scene were the guy goes "brrring" before he answers the phone is priceless. I suspect they meant to overdub a ringing phone sound effect at that point but forgot to. The tiny space capsule was also quite laughable.The ending, though, is totally anticlimactic, pointless, and confusing. Two men in radiation suits are chasing the monster through the sewers when all of a sudden it disappears, and a telegram arrives saying that the missing astronaut was found safe & sound in the Atlantic Ocean. We're supposed to be left pondering whether or not the monster was the astronaut and how the monster disappeared the moment the astronaut was found. But it rather gives the impression that they didn't really have an ending for the movie and hurriedly wrote one.Overall, this is one of the worst movies of all time and deserves its spot in the bottom 100.