The Return of James Battle
The Return of James Battle
| 21 July 2004 (USA)
The Return of James Battle Trailers

James Bataille is in love. He attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress the girl, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon, as well as watch the love of his life take part in the town's annual talent show.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
BA_Harrison Atomik Circus is a crazy mix of comedy, musical, sci-fi and horror which, despite some great effects and a good deal of imagination, ultimately fails due to a poorly developed script and some bad pacing. The movie takes so long in introducing its offbeat characters that an hour passes before anything very interesting happens; by then, there isn't enough time left to develop a decent plot or even fit in a satisfying ending.Jason Flemyng play James Battle, a stuntman who is jailed when a disastrous motorcycle jump results in the destruction of the Sam Paradiso bar, owned by Bosco, influential citizen of Skotlett, a backwater town inhabited mostly by weirdos—but also by Concia (Vanessa Paradis), Bosco's daughter and girlfriend of James.Enter sleazy impresario Alan Chiasse (Benoit Poelvoorde) who pretends to be interested in promoting Concia's musical career, but who is really only interested in getting into her pants. As Alan is trying his best to seduce Concia, James is doing his utmost to reach his woman, having busted out of prison.When James finally arrives at Skotlett, he not only finds his girl being pawed at by sleaze-bag Alan, but he also discovers that the town is under attack from face sucking tentacled creatures from another dimension.The film only really gets going at this point, and it is here that we witness some great CGI monsters and lashings of gore, as the Lovecraftian beasts dismember and decapitate the helpless inhabitants of Skotlett. If the first 60 minutes had contained some of this crazy OTT action, I would have no hesitation in recommending Atomik Circus to fans of bizarre cinema; however, no amount of gore in the closing moments can make up for the tedious and disjointed first hour.And the ending is just downright bizarre....
loops666 Well ... seeing it you can think that there will be something, you're saying to yourself there has to be something ... There is no! let's put it another way. You probably felt on one of those fantastic TV movies one day, the Z series ones, when you are so desperate that you are even watching it! This movie is worst than those. It looks like they tried to make one of them, but they missed the point! If they can be good sometimes, it's because they're thinking seriously of themselves and this create this unique ambiance. Nothing like that in there.To put a long story short, save your time, read TV magazine, DO SOMETHING ELSE! but if you really have to, then keep the remote nearby.Yours truly ;)
tristan-57 Not the usual movie, it belongs to this kind of movie that you love or hate. I belong to the first category.Definitivly worth a try. Someones rightfully mentioned bad taste - been a long time i have not heard about that movie - and while the two movies are rather different, they both belongs to the comedy/horror genre.I found myself laughing a lot watching the movie, and being surprised every here and there by references i would have not expected to found (i'm not going to spoil but there are many). Benoit is just excellent as an abusing impresario and despite i found Vanessa acting not as good, she shines as a singer and the overall ambiance and story had hooked enough to come here to comment about it.While i think this movie deserve a notation around 7-8 i gave him a 10 to balance the love/hate effect that lead many to gave it a 1.
gilos This definitely stroke below my lowest move fan's expectations. Aliens strike a remote country village during a song contest. Vanessa Paradis is the village's only music talent and daughter of the bartender. Her convict boyfriend is in town after escaping from prison, so is Benoit Poelvoorde as a funky impresario on a business trip. Aliens strike and everybody dies in a pseudo-arty style, where gore meets spaghetti western. The girl and the convict land another dimension (sic) and the credits finally appear. Do yourself a favor and avoid this one. All you will miss are the few funny lines of B. Poelvoorde who once again demonstrates natural comedic talent - although not hugely different from past performances e.g. Podium, Le Vélo,...