R | 12 December 2009 (USA)
Micmacs Trailers

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
SnoopyStyle Bazil as a child loses his father to a landmine in Morocco. 30 years later, Bazil is a video store clerk and filmophile. He gets hit with a stray bullet and hospitalized. He loses his job to hot girl Lola and is now homeless. He befriends ex-con Slammer and his band of eccentric junk dealers. When Bazil finds the weapons manufacturers that caused his misery, the oddball family get together to take revenge.I just don't find Bazil that appealing or compelling. Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet creates another fanciful slice of France like Amélie. But Dany Boon is no Audrey Tautou. This is a visually inventive movie, but the characters aren't very interesting. They feel like a random selection of people from all the different colors and races selected by an advertising company. And I don't care about any of them.
strat_axe Micmacs is not a bad movie overall and one with an interesting and whimsical storyline. One thing however that I did not like about the movie was the obvious plot holes that it contained. There were certain places where the storyline simply jumped ahead with no explanation, leaving the reader to catch up on their own. The most notable example of this is near the beginning where we see Bazil as a little kid when his family receives news of his father's death. We then see him sent to a boarding school of some sort and the story suddenly changes to a man sitting in a video store watching a movie. It is only because of certain clues seen later that we suddenly realize that this is Bazil. Some films do this purposefully for effect, however this one only serves to confuse the audience rather than impress them.The director, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, was born in Roanne, Loire, France on September 3, 1953. Jeunet has directed a number of films, one of which, "Amelie", was nominated for several Academy Awards. He also received a European Film Award for Best Director due to this film.A major idea that is expressed in the film is that of a person finding a second life or a new reason for living. We see Bazil's life rejuvenated by his newfound group of friends and his newfound purpose of getting revenge on the arms manufacturers. This idea really hits home when we see that all of his friends are happily willing to assist him in his mission. When they tell him that anything he has to do, they will do together, we see that he has gained a new life that far surpasses the solitary and dreary one he led before. This idea is significant because it shows that people should always have a reason for living. If one life purpose fades away, another one will eventually arise to take its place.Another main idea is the story of an underdog triumphing over a superior force. The dominant storyline of Bazil's quest for revenge on the arms dealers reflects this idea at every turn as he and his team lure the companies closer and closer to destruction. They gain more of an advantage with each step of the plan until it all culminates in the end with the coerced confessions of the president of each company. Once these confessions are broadcast on YouTube, Bazil and his friends have obviously won. This idea is popular with audiences because people like it when they see those who are repressed overthrow their oppressors against all odds. It is appealing because not only does the good guy win, but that victory is all the more sweet because it is theoretically impossible. The movie uses special effects as any good action film should, which serve well to keep the audience's attention. It makes use of pyrotechnics such as the explosions which are set off with the sabotage of one of the arms manufacturing facilities. The music used at different points in the movie also stands out. It has a circus-like feel to it which adds to the comical air of the film, such as the music heard when Petit Pierre is playing with his inventions.Overall, the movie is okay at best, but far from the worst I have ever seen. Many may find it to be too trite and predictable however it does have its moments. I would readily suggest it to someone looking for a decent French action-comedy.
Raoul Duke So I watched the french movie from 2009 "Micmacs", directed by the very talented Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Jeunet has given us the cult classic delicatessen, the award winning Amelie, as well as several other great films. In looking over his biography I can't think of one of his films I did not like. He has a very unique style, like Burton or even Wes Anderson, in the sense that if you know his work at all you will know this is one of his films. Whether you knew this in advance or not. This was the case with me, I just heard it was good, but about 10 minutes in I just knew, it was a Jeunet, it had both his visual stamp and collection of odd characters. So is this movie good, I say "Oui"!, tre bien. This movie has a unique feel and look, it has an excellent plot, is wonderfully crafted, the characters are all unique and likable (except for the bad guys), and this movie tackles very relevant global issues, but does so without being heavy handed or obvious about it. It is in french with sub-titles. This is one of those movies that most people will never see, but could only benefit from being exposed to its humor, its artistry and, its message. if you like concise reviews of interesting films please read my other reviews at http://raouldukeatthemovies.blogspot.com/
ajs-10 This is a quirky French comedy (with subtitles) that, when it came out, attracted a few good reviews. On the strength of these I decided to watch it when it came up on TV recently. I have to say I wasn't totally blown away by it, but there are some nice touches and there are parts I actually found genuinely funny! But more of my thoughts later, here's a brief summary first (summary haters and those that don't wish to know anything about the plot please help the gang sort that junk while I write the next paragraph).When Bazil was young, his father was killed whilst clearing mines in North Africa. Amongst his effects returned to the family was a photo of the mine that killed him, and Bazil never forgot the logo embossed into the mine casing. Now grown up, he has a job at a video store. One evening a shoot-out occurs in the street outside and Bazil is accidentally hit in the head by a stray bullet. The surgeon decides it's too risky to remove the bullet and so Bazil leaves hospital only to find he is evicted from his apartment and his job has been given to someone else. He is given one of the bullet casings from the shootout, it has a different logo to the mine that killed his father but, again, Bazil commits it to memory. He now lives on the streets of Paris making a living busking. He is eventually taken in by a group of misfits who live in a junk yard. They make a living by recycling and selling things other people have thrown out. Lead by Tambouille, they include a contortionist, La Môme Caoutchouc, who Bazil has a bit of a thing for. Going about his job of collecting useful things to mend, Bazil comes across two buildings opposite each other. They bear the logos of the two companies that made the weapons that ruined his life. He decides to get revenge on the leaders of these two companies, Nicolas Thibault de Fenouillet and François Marconi. He ropes in his new found friends and this is where all the fun begins… I'll leave it there so as not to enrage the Spoiler Police any more than necessary.This is a very well made film with some really clever and inventive set pieces. It is visually very quirky, but in a nice way, and has a pretty decent soundtrack. Decent performances all round, particularly from; Dany Boon as Bazil, André Dussollier as Nicolas Thibault de Fenouillet, Nicolas Marié as François Marconi, Jean-Pierre Marielle as Placard, Yolande Moreau as Tambouille and Julie Ferrier as La Môme Caoutchouc.At the beginning I loved the quirky comedy, almost reminiscent of the great Jacques Tati (but not quite). Unfortunately it couldn't sustain its early promise and ended up falling pretty flat in the middle third. It seemed to pick up a bit towards the end, but by then, I'm afraid, it had lost a lot of its magic (for me). I somehow expected better from the director of the likes of Delicatessen (1991) and Amelie (2001), but sadly it didn't match up to its early promise. It's still quite an enjoyable film with some moments I found really funny and so I'll recommend it for one viewing, at least.My score: 6.2/10
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