Bobby Fischer Against the World
Bobby Fischer Against the World
PG | 06 June 2011 (USA)
Bobby Fischer Against the World Trailers

The first documentary feature to explore the tragic and bizarre life of the late chess master Bobby Fischer.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
grantss Great documentary on a tortured genius.The story of Bobby Fischer, arguably the greatest chess player who ever lived. Examines his growing up, his emergence as chess genius at a very young age, his ascendancy to being World Chess Champion (at the age of 29), he's decline, disappearance, re-emergence, becoming a fugitive from US justice and his later years. The highlight is the famous showdown against Boris Spassky for the World Championship, in Reykjavik in 1972. Demonstrates well his genius, neuroses and general personality.Also particularly interesting is that there are very good attempts to explain his personality problems and mental issues. Sadly, genius and insanity often go hand in hand...
esotobosch It is not easy to make a documentary about a peculiar man and not fall into stereotypes. There are two distinct parts: the prodigy child who comes to dominate the world, and its subsequent decline. In both, the direction is neutral, without making strong praises or exposing the darker side of Bobby. Just trying to do a portrait of a man from a distance, knowing that it is impossible to get too close. That is its main virtue. If they wanted to get closer to Fisher would have failed and we would have an hour and a half film full of details, but without an overview. The boy, his path to the top of the mountain and its subsequent decline. It's just the story of a man, and respecting that is exciting.
mitcherator777 Since this was meant to be a documentary about the life of Bobby Fischer I thought it was pretty interesting. I was introduced into the world of chess as a boy myself and haven't had a lot of time to improve my game being in college. I read Fischer's book on chess and learned how to play pretty well and beat some people that claimed they were good.The life of Bobby Fischer is nonetheless interesting yet sad because of the publicity he received in his life, in a way the thing he most cherished destroyed him, because once he reached the peak of his career, winning the world title, there wasn't really a peak above that. I thought it was pretty good though I'd recommend this movie to someone interested in chess at all will know the name Fischer.
MartinHafer Very, very few people would argue that the great chess champion Bobby Fischer was normal. He was clearly a mentally ill man (even people who are as close to his friends as you can find agree with this)--though exactly what illnesses he had is all a case of conjecture. In fact, this film would make great viewing by a psychology class as there are many possible diagnoses for the very brilliant and very flawed man. With strong evidence for having a severe personality disorder (such as Paranoid Personality Disorder), a mental disorder (Paranoid Schizophrenia) and even a possible developmental disorder (such as Asperger's), he is a complicated yet always interesting case study. The overlap and contradictory nature of the man make his case so compelling.The film "Bobby Fischer Against the World" is interesting because it does not try to diagnose the man in any way. Instead, it just lets people talk about him and his descent into isolation and madness. And, the more they tell you, the more obvious it becomes he was a very sad and practically impossible man to like. And, interestingly, some of the most vile and nasty things he said were actually downplayed to some extent in the film. This film is never boring, very well-constructed and exciting to watch. I can't see how anyone could watch this and not get sucked into the life and analysis of Fischer. Very well done.