Fading Gigolo
Fading Gigolo
R | 18 April 2014 (USA)
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Fioravante decides to become a professional Don Juan as a way of making money to help his cash-strapped friend, Murray. With Murray acting as his "manager", the duo quickly finds themselves caught up in the crosscurrents of love and money.

Micransix Crappy film
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Mike B Quirky stuff here!! If you like oddball, this movie could appeal to you.Well-written and great musical accompaniment. John Turtorro does a Woody Allen – and does it well! It's a great assortment of extreme characters – particularly the women, from Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara who play unrepressed hotties - to Vanessa Paradis who plays a repressed Hasidic Jewish woman. So there is a lot going on – and it definitely gets your attention. And it's never predictable! And really I don't quite know the point of the film – religion represses women could be one. Be prepared there are a lot of surprising antics!
wilson trivino Woody Allen style of story telling hits on themes of the frailties o the human condition and in Fading Gigolo hits some hot spots. Written by John Turturro, this one gives Woody Allen star billing. The need for physical and emotional contact is ageless. The role of risk in our daily is present but diminishes as we get older and less of risk takers. The frame of the story lies in Murray's (Woody Allen) world who after his bookstore fails, he discovers he is good in pin pointing the distress of women around him. What they need is physical affection and after one confesses the desire of a menege a trois, Murray turns to his helpful bookstore clerk Floaante (John Turturro). In the course of the arrange "treatment", Murray becomes a defacto pimp where they venture into setting up woman who is part of a conservative Jewish sect. Funny, witty, and sexy, this film shares that you can find love in all the wrong places.
ozjosh03 If the parts played by Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara featured instead, say, Kathy Bates and Imelda Staunton, then there might be some way of taking this film seriously. As it is, no way! We're expected to believe that Stone and Vergara would a) need to pay some guy to have a threesome with them, b) that Stone, playing a Dermatologist, would arrange such a tryst through an elderly client, c) that they'd settle on John Turturro as their ideal man, d) they'd pay him $1000 apiece. If it's not already obvious from that set-up, Fading Gigolo is pretty much a Turturro homage to Woody Allen. Beyond being set in a world where sexy women chase after nebbish guys, the humour, the tone, even the soundtrack is all typical Woody. So it's hardly surprising that Woody is there as the pimp, virtually performing an homage to himself. It's all beyond strange.
leonblackwood Review: I really enjoyed this movie! The storyline is great and I liked the whole, Woody Allen as a pimp, concept. It's very well written by John Turturro, who also directed the movie, and the cast was a great choice. I couldn't help laughing all the way through the film and it's hard not to admire Sofia Vergara's assets. Anyway, with that aside, the performances by the cast was believable and great to watch. When Vanessa Paradis gets emotional, you can't help but feel for her character who eventually comes out of her shell with the help of the gigolo's services. Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara also benefit from the gigolo's expertise, but he eventually loses a taste for his profession after falling for Paradis's character. It's the type of movie that I would recommend to people who like light entertainment and who have a warped sense of humour. Enjoyable! Round-Up: I liked Woody Allen in this movie. His style of acting really worked with Turturro's script, although he does babble in a couple of scenes. The black family that Allen lives with, was a great touch to the movie and the ending cracked me up. I think that you can tell that I enjoyed this movie but like most independent that don't get a big distribution, I doubt that it will get a massive audience. I always rate actors who can write and direct themselves so my respect goes to John Turturro who should be happy with the outcome.Budget: $30million Worldwide Gross: $13.3million (Terrible!)I recommend this movie to people who are into there romantic comedies about a gigolo whose pimped out by Woody Allen. 7/10